blob: dae922001c8054728fe98cdf99a11750e2975178 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import angular from 'angular';
import onEnter from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/on-enter/index';
import autoGrow from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/autogrow/index';
import blurOnEnter from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/blur-on-enter/index';
import {EntityFamily, baseType} from '../util/model/entity.model';
import {Dsl} from '../util/model/dsl.model';
import {Issue, ISSUE_LEVEL} from '../util/model/issue.model';
import {RESERVED_KEYS, DSL_ENTITY_SPEC} from '../providers/blueprint-service.provider';
import brooklynDslEditor from '../dsl-editor/dsl-editor';
import brooklynDslViewer from '../dsl-viewer/dsl-viewer';
import template from './spec-editor.template.html';
import {graphicalState} from '../../views/main/graphical/graphical.state';
const MODULE_NAME = 'brooklyn.components.spec-editor';
const ANY_MEMBERSPEC_REGEX = /(^.*[m,M]ember[s,S]pec$)/;
const REPLACED_DSL_ENTITYSPEC = '___brooklyn:entitySpec';
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [onEnter, autoGrow, blurOnEnter, brooklynDslEditor, brooklynDslViewer])
.directive('specEditor', ['$rootScope', '$templateCache', '$injector', '$sanitize', '$filter', '$log', '$sce', '$timeout', '$document', '$state', '$compile', 'blueprintService', 'composerOverrides', specEditorDirective])
.filter('specEditorConfig', specEditorConfigFilter)
.filter('specEditorType', specEditorTypeFilter)
.run(['$templateCache', templateCache]);
const TEMPLATE_URL = 'blueprint-composer/component/spec-editor/spec-editor.template.html';
export default MODULE_NAME;
export const CONFIG_FILTERS = [
id: 'suggested',
label: 'Suggested',
icon: 'plus-circle',
hoverText: 'Show config keys that marked as pinned or priority',
filter: (item)=> {
return item.pinned && item.priority > -1;
id: 'required',
label: 'Required',
icon: 'times-circle',
hoverText: 'Show config keys that are required or have an issue',
filter: (item, model)=> {
return (item.constraints && item.constraints.required) ||
(model && model.issues && model.issues.some((issue)=>( === 'config' && issue.ref === );
id: 'inuse',
label: 'In Use',
icon: 'check-circle',
hoverText: 'Show config keys that are in use',
filter: (item, model)=> {
return model && model.config && model.config.has(;
id: 'all',
label: 'All',
icon: 'th-list',
hoverText: 'Show all config keys',
filter: (item)=> {
return item;
export function specEditorDirective($rootScope, $templateCache, $injector, $sanitize, $filter, $log, $sce, $timeout, $document, $state, $compile, blueprintService, composerOverrides) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
model: '='
controller: ['$scope', '$element', controller],
templateUrl: function (tElement, tAttrs) {
return tAttrs.templateUrl || TEMPLATE_URL;
link: link,
controllerAs: 'specEditor',
function controller($scope, $element) {
(composerOverrides.configureSpecEditorController || function () {
})(this, $scope, $element);
// does very little currently, but link adds to this
return this;
function link(scope, element, attrs, specEditor) {
scope.specEditor = specEditor;
scope.FAMILIES = EntityFamily;
scope.parameters = [];
scope.config = {};
specEditor.getParameter = getParameter;
specEditor.addParameter = addParameter;
specEditor.removeParameter = removeParameter;
let defaultState = {
parameters: {
add: {
value: '',
open: false
edit: {
value: '',
name: '',
open: false,
search: '',
focus: '',
filter: {
open: false,
open: false,
codeModeActive: {},
codeModeError: {},
config: {
add: {
value: '',
open: false
search: '',
focus: '',
filter: {
values: { suggested: true, required: true, inuse: true },
open: false,
// TODO would be nice to set null here, then have it go true if there is filtered config
// but the collapsible widget doesn't seem to respond to subsequent state changed
open: true,
dslViewerManualOverride: {},
codeModeActive: {},
codeModeForced: {},
codeModeError: {},
customConfigWidgetMetadata: {},
location: {
open: false
policy: {
search: '',
open: false
enricher: {
search: '',
open: false
// allow downstream to configure this controller and/or scope
(composerOverrides.configureSpecEditor || function () {
})(specEditor, scope, element, $state, $compile, $templateCache);
scope.filters = {
scope.isFilterDisabled = (filter) => !== 'all' && scope.state.config.filter.values['all'];
scope.onFilterClicked = (filter) => {
if (!scope.isFilterDisabled(filter)) scope.state.config.filter.values[] = !scope.state.config.filter.values[];
scope.state = sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem(scope.model._id)
? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(scope.model._id))
: defaultState;
scope.$watch('state', () => {
if (sessionStorage) {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(scope.model._id, JSON.stringify(scope.state));
} catch (ex) {
$log.error('Cannot save edit state: ' + ex.message);
}, true);
scope.$watch('state.config.filter.values', () => {
scope.state.config.add.list = getAddListConfig();
// Model
scope.$watch('model', (newVal, oldVal) => {
if (newVal && !newVal.equals(oldVal)) {
}, true);
scope.$watch('', () => {
scope.$watch('state.parameters', (newVal, oldVal) => {
}, true);
// Parameters
scope.$watch('parameters', (newVal, oldVal) => {
scope.model.clearIssues({group: 'parameters'});
}, true);
// Config
scope.$watch('config', (newVal, oldVal) => {
scope.model.clearIssues({group: 'config'});
blueprintService.refreshRelationships(scope.model).then(() => {
return blueprintService.refreshConfigConstraints(scope.model);
}).then(() => {
}, true);
scope.getObjectSize = (object) => {
return specEditor.defined(object) && object != null ? Object.keys(object).length : 0;
function findNext(element, clazz, stopClazz) {
let el = element, last = null;
while (last !== el) {
last = el;
if (el.children().length) {
el = angular.element(el.children()[0]);
} else {
while (el.length && ! {
el = el.parent();
el =;
if (el.hasClass(clazz)) {
return el;
if (stopClazz && el.hasClass(stopClazz)) break;
return null;
function findPrev(element, clazz, stopClazz) {
let el = element, last = null;
while (last !== el) {
last = el;
if (el.children().length) {
// this still does children first, not ideal but okay for how we use it
el = angular.element(el.children()[el.children().length - 1]);
} else {
while (el.length && !el[0].previousElementSibling) {
el = el.parent();
el = angular.element(el[0].previousElementSibling);
if (el.hasClass(clazz)) {
return el;
if (stopClazz && el.hasClass(stopClazz)) break;
return null;
function findAncestor(element, clazz, stopClazz) {
let el = element, last = null;
while (last !== el) {
last = el;
el = el.parent();
if (el.hasClass(clazz)) {
return el;
if (stopClazz && el.hasClass(stopClazz)) return null;
return null;
function focusIfPossible(event, next) {
if (next && next.length) {
if (event) event.preventDefault();
if (event) event.stopPropagation();
return true;
} else {
return false;
scope.nonempty = (o) => o && Object.keys(o).length;
scope.defined = specEditor.defined = (o) => (typeof o !== 'undefined');
specEditor.advanceOutToFormGroupInPanel = (element, event) => {
focusIfPossible(event, findAncestor(element, "form-group", "panel-body")) || element[0].blur();
specEditor.advanceControlInFormGroup = (element, event) => {
focusIfPossible(event, findNext(element, "form-control", "form-group")) ||
specEditor.advanceOutToFormGroupInPanel(element, event);
scope.onAddMapProperty = (configKey, key, ev) => {
if (key) {
if (!scope.config[configKey]) {
scope.config[configKey] = {};
if (!scope.config[configKey].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
scope.config[configKey][key] = '';
// defer so control exists, then focus on previous item (new control)
$timeout(() => {
let element = angular.element(;
let prev = findPrev(element, "form-control", "form-group");
focusIfPossible(null, prev) ||
specEditor.advanceOutToFormGroupInPanel(element, null);
}, 0);
} else {
// user entered a key that already exists;
// would be nice to select the item they requested but with just jqlite that's more pain than it's worth!
scope.cycleExpandMode = specEditor.cycleExpandMode = function (expandMode, ctx, item, focus) {
return expandMode === 'default' ? 'open' :
expandMode === 'open' ? 'closed' :
scope.onDeleteMapProperty = specEditor.onDeleteMapProperty = function (model, key) {
if (model && model.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete model[key];
scope.onAddListItem = specEditor.onAddListItem = (configKey, item, ev) => {
if (item) {
if (!scope.config[configKey]) {
scope.config[configKey] = [];
if (scope.config[configKey].indexOf(item) === -1) {
scope.onDeleteListItem = specEditor.onDeleteListItem = function (model, index) {
if (model && index < model.length) {
model.splice(index, 1);
scope.isConfigHidden = specEditor.isConfigHidden = (config) => {
let allConfig = scope.model.miscData.get('config');
if (allConfig.indexOf(config) === -1) {
return false;
return $filter('specEditorConfig')(allConfig, scope.state.config.filter.values).indexOf(config) === -1;
scope.onFocusOnConfig = specEditor.onFocusOnConfig = ($item) => { = '';
scope.state.config.add.value = ''; = false;
scope.state.config.focus = $;
if ($item.isHidden) {
scope.state.config.filter.values.all = true;
scope.onFocusOnParameter = specEditor.onFocusOnParameter = ($item) => { = '';
scope.state.parameters.add.value = ''; = false;
scope.state.parameters.focus = $;
scope.recordConfigFocus = specEditor.recordConfigFocus = ($item) => {
scope.state.config.focus = $;
scope.recordParameterFocus = specEditor.recordParameterFocus = ($item) => {
scope.state.parameters.focus = $;
scope.state.parameters.edit = {
item: $item,
newName: $,
constraints: $item.constraints ? JSON.stringify($item.constraints) : '',
json: JSON.stringify($item, null, " "),
scope.removeAdjunct = ($event, adjunct) => {
switch ( {
case EntityFamily.POLICY:
case EntityFamily.ENRICHER:
scope.removeModel = () => {
switch ( {
case EntityFamily.ENRICHER:
case EntityFamily.POLICY:
$rootScope.$broadcast('d3.remove', scope.model);
specEditor.getParameterIssues = () => {
return scope.model.issues
.filter((issue) => ( === 'parameters'))
.filter((spec) => (spec && spec.hasIssues()))
.reduce((acc, spec) => (acc.concat(spec.issues)), []));
scope.getConfigIssues = specEditor.getConfigIssues = () => {
return scope.model.issues
.filter((issue) => ( === 'config'))
.filter((spec) => (spec && spec.hasIssues()))
.reduce((acc, spec) => (acc.concat(spec.issues)), []));
scope.getPoliciesIssues = () => {
return scope.model.getPoliciesAsArray().reduce((acc, policy) => {
if (policy.hasIssues()) {
acc = acc.concat(policy.issues)
return acc;
}, []);
scope.getEnrichersIssues = () => {
return scope.model.getEnrichersAsArray().reduce((acc, enricher) => {
if (enricher.hasIssues()) {
acc = acc.concat(enricher.issues)
return acc;
}, []);
scope.getBadgeClass = (issues) => {
return issues.some(issue => issue.level === ISSUE_LEVEL.ERROR) ? 'badge-danger' : 'badge-warning';
specEditor.descriptionHtml = (text) => {
let out = [];
for (let item of text.split(/\n\n+/)) {
out.push('<div class="paragraph-spacing"></div>');
out.splice(0, 1);
return $sce.trustAsHtml(out.join("\n"));
function getConfigWidgetModeInternal(item, val) {
if (angular.element($document[0].activeElement).hasClass("form-control") && item.widgetMode) {
// don't switch mode in mid-edit, e.g. if you are manually typing $brooklyn:component("x").config("y")
// don't interrupt when the user has typed $brooklyn:component("x")!
return item.widgetMode;
if (specEditor.isDsl( {
return scope.state.config.dslViewerManualOverride && scope.state.config.dslViewerManualOverride[] ?
"dsl-manual" // causes default string editor
: "dsl-viewer";
if (!specEditor.defined(val)) val = scope.config[];
let type = baseType(item.type);
// if actual value's type does not match declared type,
// e.g. object is a map when declared type is object or string or something else,
// we could render e.g. w map editor as a convenience;
// but for now the logic is only based on the declared type
if (type === 'java.lang.Boolean') type = 'boolean';
else if (type === 'java.util.Map') type = 'map';
else if (type === 'java.util.Set' || type === 'java.util.List' || type === 'java.util.Collection') type = 'array';
if (specEditor.defined(val)) {
// override to use string editor if the editor doesn't support the value
// (probably this is an error, though type-coercion might make it not so)
if (type === 'boolean') {
if (typeof val !== type) return type + '-manual'; // causes default string editor
} else if (type === 'map') {
if (typeof val !== 'object') return type + '-manual'; // causes default string editor
} else if (type === 'array') {
if (!Array.isArray(val)) return type + '-manual'; // causes default string editor
if (scope.state.config.codeModeActive[]) {
// code mode forces manual editor
return type + '-manual';
return type;
scope.getConfigWidgetMode = (item, value) => {
// record the value as `item.widgetMode` so we can reference it subsequently, as well as returning it
if (item.type) {
return item.widgetMode = getConfigWidgetModeInternal(item, value);
// if type isn't set then infer
if (value instanceof Array) {
item.widgetMode = 'array';
} else if (value instanceof Object) {
item.widgetMode = 'map';
} else {
item.widgetMode = 'unknown';
return item.widgetMode;
specEditor.getParameterWidgetMode = (item) => {
let type = item.type || item.typeName;
if (type === 'java.lang.Boolean') type = 'boolean';
else if (type === 'java.util.Map') type = 'map';
else if (type === 'java.util.Set' || type === 'java.util.List' || type === 'java.util.Collection' || type.startsWith('List<')) type = 'array';
if (type.startsWith('AWS::')) type = 'unknown';
return type;
scope.isCodeModeAvailable = (item) => {
let val = scope.config[];
if (scope.state.config.codeModeActive[]) {
// simple check to update whether it is forced when active -- if it starts with { or [
scope.state.config.codeModeForced[] = (typeof val === 'string' && val.trim().match(/^[{\[]/));
// always available if user has set it active, and poor-man's forced check above should apply
return true;
// else don't force unless the parse confirms it
scope.state.config.codeModeForced[] = false;
// otherwise true if the text entered is json
if (!specEditor.defined(val)) return false;
if (typeof val == 'string') {
try {
// a YAML parse would be nicer, but JSON is simpler, and sufficient
// (esp as we export a JSON stringify; preferable would be to export the exact YAML from model,
// including comments, but again lower priority)
let parsed = JSON.parse(val);
// if parse returns a string or a complex object, then it looks like JSON was entered
// (e.g. "foo" or {a:1}); if not, eg user entered boolean or number (45 or true),
// then don't offer code mode; if it was complex, additionally force code mode
scope.state.config.codeModeForced[] = typeof parsed === 'object' || typeof parsed === 'array';
return (scope.state.config.codeModeForced[] || typeof parsed === 'string');
} catch (ex) {
// not valid text input for code mode
// if "codeModeForced" with poor-man's check was enabled we should disable that
scope.state.config.codeModeForced[] = false;
return false;
if (val instanceof Dsl) return false;
if (val instanceof Array || val instanceof Object) return true;
// other primitive
return false;
scope.codeModeClick = (item) => {
if (scope.state.config.codeModeForced[] && scope.state.config.codeModeActive[]) {
// if forced and active, don't allow clicks
let oldMode = !!(scope.state.config.codeModeActive[]);
// convert local config from json to non-json or vice-versa
let value = scope.config[];
if (!specEditor.defined(value)) {
value = null;
if (value != null) {
if (oldMode) {
// leaving code mode
try {
// if it's a parseable string, then parse it
if (typeof value === 'string' && value.length) {
value = JSON.parse(value);
if (value instanceof Array || value instanceof Object) {
// if result is not a primitive then don't allow user to leave code mode
// (if type is known as a map/list then likely we should allow leaving code mode,
// if we check and confirm that all entries are json primitives, but that can be left as a TODO;
// only would enter that state if user clicked to enter code for a map/list,
// and they can reset by switching to yaml)
$log.warn("JSON code is not a primitive; leaving as code mode:",, value);
// parsed value is a primitive, make that be the value shown
} else {
// if type is not a string, then show unchanged value
// (would only come here on weird changes)
value = null;
} catch (notJson) {
// if not parseable then leave alone
value = null;
} else {
// entering code mode
try {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (value.length) {
// if it parses, treat as a json object
} else {
// if empty, leave empty
} else {
// if not a string then treat as not parseable
throw 'not json';
} catch (notJson) {
// if not parseable or not a string, then convert to json
value = JSON.stringify(value);
if (value != null) {
scope.config[] = value;
scope.state.config.codeModeActive[] = !oldMode;
if (value != null) {
// local config changed, make sure model is updated too
scope.getJsonModeTitle = (itemName) => {
if (!scope.state.config.codeModeActive[itemName]) {
return "Treat this value as a JSON-encoded object [" + itemName + "]";
if (scope.state.config.codeModeForced[itemName]) {
return "This data is a complex object and can only be entered as JSON [" + itemName + "]";
} else {
return "Edit in simple mode, unwrapping JSON if possible [" + itemName + "]";
scope.parameterCodeModeClick = (item) => {
let oldMode = !!(item && scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive[]);
let value = null;
if (oldMode) {
// leaving code mode
value = scope.state.parameters.edit.json;
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
let i = scope.parameters.findIndex(p => ===;
scope.parameters[i] = value;
} catch (notJson) {
// if not parseable then leave alone
value = null;
} else {
// entering code mode
// leave code mode for other parameter if set
if (scope.state.parameters.edit.newName && scope.state.parameters.edit.newName! {
// convert local parameter from json to non-json or vice-versa
value = item;
if (value != null) {
try {
} catch (notJson) {
// if not parseable or not a string, then convert to json
// (as with other stringify, this loses any comments etc)
value = JSON.stringify(value, null, " ");
if (value != null) {
scope.state.parameters.edit.json = value;
scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive[] = !oldMode;
if (value != null) {
// local parameters changed, make sure model is updated too
/** returns 'enabled' or 'disabled' if a widget is defined, or null if no special widget is defined */
specEditor.getCustomConfigWidgetMode = (item) => {
var widgetMetadata = scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[];
if (!widgetMetadata) return null;
if (widgetMetadata["error"]) {
return "disabled";
return widgetMetadata["enabled"] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
specEditor.customConfigWidgetError = (item) => {
var widgetMetadata = scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[];
if (!widgetMetadata || !widgetMetadata["error"]) return null;
if (widgetMetadata.manualToggleAfterError && widgetMetadata.enabled) {
// show the error if manually enabled
return widgetMetadata["error"];
return null;
specEditor.customParameterErrors = (item) => {
if (scope.state.parameters && scope.state.parameters.edit && scope.state.parameters.edit.item === item && scope.state.parameters.edit.errors) {
return scope.state.parameters.edit.errors;
return [];
specEditor.toggleCustomConfigWidgetMode = (item, newval) => {
let widgetMetadata = scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[];
if (!widgetMetadata) {
$log.error('Custom widget mode should not be toggled when not available: ' +;
return null;
if (!specEditor.defined(newval)) {
if (widgetMetadata["error"] && !widgetMetadata.manualToggleAfterError) {
widgetMetadata.manualToggleAfterError = true;
newval = true;
} else {
newval = !widgetMetadata.enabled;
widgetMetadata.enabled = newval;
specEditor.getCustomConfigWidgetModeTitle = (item) => {
let widgetMetadata = scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[];
if (!widgetMetadata) {
// shouldn't be visible
return "(custom widget not available)";
return widgetMetadata.enabled ? "Use standard widget" : "Use custom widget";
specEditor.getCustomConfigWidgetTemplate = (item) => {
let widgetMetadata = scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[];
let widgetName = $sanitize(widgetMetadata.widget || '--no-widget--');
let templateName = 'custom-config-widget-' + widgetName;
if (!$templateCache.get(templateName)) {
let widgetDirective = widgetName.replace(/(-[a-z])/g, function ($1) {
return $1[1].toUpperCase();
}) + 'Directive';
if ($injector.has(widgetDirective)) {
$templateCache.put(templateName, '<' + widgetName + ' item="item" params="state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[]" config="config" model="model"/>');
} else {
$log.error('Missing directive ' + widgetDirective + ' for custom widget for ' + + '; falling back to default widget');
scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[].error = "Missing directive";
templateName = "error-" + templateName;
$templateCache.put(templateName, '<i>Widget ' + widgetName + ' missing</i>');
return templateName;
specEditor.isDsl = (key, index) => {
let val = scope.model.config.get(key);
if (specEditor.defined(val) && specEditor.defined(index) && index != null) val = val[index];
return specEditor.isDslVal(val);
specEditor.isDslVal = (val) => {
// don't treat constants as DSL (not helpful, and the DSL editor doesn't support it)
return (val instanceof Dsl) && val.kind && != 'constant';
specEditor.isDslWizardButtonAllowed = (key, index, nonModelValue) => {
let val = scope.model.config.get(key);
if (specEditor.defined(val) && specEditor.defined(index) && index != null) val = val[index];
if (!specEditor.defined(val) || val === null || val === '') val = nonModelValue;
if (!specEditor.defined(val) || val === null || val === '') return true;
if (specEditor.isDslVal(val)) {
return true;
// non-DSL values cannot be opened in DSL editor
return false;
function getAddListConfig() {
if (!angular.isArray(scope.model.miscData.get('config'))) {
return [];
let filteredConfig = $filter('specEditorConfig')(scope.model.miscData.get('config'), scope.state.config.filter.values, scope.model);
return scope.model.miscData.get('config').map((config) => {
config.isHidden = scope.model.miscData.get('config').indexOf(config) > -1 ? filteredConfig.indexOf(config) === -1 : false;
return config;
specEditor.getConfig = getConfig;
function getConfig(name) {
return scope.model.miscData.get('config').find(p => === name);
function loadCustomConfigWidgetMetadata(model) {
let customConfigWidgets = (scope.model.miscData.get('ui-composer-hints') || {})['config-widgets'] || [];
customConfigWidgets.forEach((wd) => {
let keys = wd.keys || [wd.key];
keys.forEach((k) => {
scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[k] = angular.extend({enabled: true}, scope.state.config.customConfigWidgetMetadata[k], wd);
* The configuration data for each item is stored in multiple places:
* scope.config
* A map of values used/set by editor, which can be strings, a map of strings, the JSON representation of the
* object if using code mode, etc. This should be suitable for ng-model to work with, so e.g. if using code
* mode we need to put JSON.stringify value in here, and note any change here immediately (on next digest)
* updates scope.model.config, which e.g. in code mode will JSON.parse
* scope.model.config
* A map of values used in internal model
* scope.model.miscData.get('config')
* A list of config keys with their metadata, including derived widgetMode
* scope.state.config.{codeModeActive,dslManualOverride}
* Maps of booleans where edit modes are set and remembered for configs
function loadLocalConfigFromModel() {
let modelConfig = scope.model.config;
let result = {};
for (let [key, value] of modelConfig) {
if (blueprintService.isReservedKey(key)) {
continue; // skip
result[key] = getLocalConfigValueFromModelValue(key, value);
scope.config = result;
function getLocalConfigValueFromModelValue(key, value) {
if (!specEditor.defined(value) || value == null) {
return value;
if (ANY_MEMBERSPEC_REGEX.test(key) && value.hasOwnProperty(DSL_ENTITY_SPEC)) {
let wrapper = {};
return wrapper;
if (value instanceof Dsl) {
return value.toString();
let definition = scope.model.miscData.get('config').find(config => === key);
if (!definition) {
definition = {};
scope.getConfigWidgetMode(definition, value)
} else {
if (!definition.widgetMode) scope.getConfigWidgetMode(definition);
// if json mode, then just stringify
if (scope.state.config.codeModeActive[key]) {
if (scope.state.config.codeModeError[key]) {
// errors don't get stringified because model value was not parsed
return value;
// if current local value gives same result then don't change it
// (don't interrupt user's flow, and respect their spacing, at least until
// they click away; ultimately we would like access to the parse tree,
// so we could take the text as entered exactly (maybe stripping initial whitespace),
// also supporting yaml and comments, but that is a bigger task!)
if (scope.config && typeof scope.config[key] === 'string') {
try {
if (JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(scope.config[key])) === JSON.stringify(value)) {
return scope.config[key];
} catch (ignoredError) {
$log.debug("Couldn't handle entered JSON", scope.config[key], ignoredError);
// otherwise pretty print it, so they get decent multiline on first load and
// if they click off the entity then back on to the entity and this field
// (we'd like to respect what they actually typed but that needs the parse tree, as above)
return JSON.stringify(value, null, " ");
// else treat as value, with array/map special
try {
if (definition.widgetMode === 'array') {
return => {
if (item instanceof Dsl) {
return item.toString();
} else if (item instanceof Array || item instanceof Object) {
throw 'not simple json in array';
} else {
return item;
} else if (definition.widgetMode === 'map') {
let object = {};
for (let keyObject in value) {
if (value[keyObject] instanceof Dsl) {
object[keyObject] = value[keyObject].toString();
} else if (value[keyObject] instanceof Array || value[keyObject] instanceof Object) {
throw 'not simple json in map';
} else {
object[keyObject] = value[keyObject];
return object;
} else if (!(value instanceof Dsl) && (value instanceof Object || value instanceof Array)) {
throw 'must use code editor';
} catch (hasComplexJson) {
// any map/array with complex json inside, or other value of complex json,
// will force the code editor
// (previously we did stringify on entries then tried to parse, but that was inconsistent)
scope.state.config.codeModeActive[key] = true;
// and the widget mode updated to be 'manual'
scope.getConfigWidgetMode(definition, value);
// and rerun this method so we get it prettified if appropriate
return getLocalConfigValueFromModelValue(key, value);
// if boolean, return as primitive type
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
return value;
// all other primitives treat as string (as they will get a string-based widget)
return "" + value;
function getModelValueFromString(val) {
if (!specEditor.defined(val) || val == null || typeof val !== 'string') {
// only strings will have primitive inference applied
// (and this is only invoked when not in code mode)
return val;
try {
let prim = JSON.parse(val);
if (prim instanceof Object || prim instanceof Array || typeof prim === 'string') {
throw 'not primitive';
if (val.match(/^[0-9]*\.([0-9]*0)?$/)) {
// if user enters "3.0" or "1." we should treat it as a string to prevent
// yaml editor from simplifying it to be "3" or "1".
throw 'decimal ending with dot or 0, eg version, treat as string';
// numbers and booleans are unquoted
return prim;
} catch (ex) {
return val;
function setModelFromLocalConfig() {
let localConfig = scope.config;
let result = {};
for (let keyRef in localConfig) {
if (angular.isUndefined(localConfig[keyRef]) || localConfig[keyRef] === null || localConfig[keyRef].length < 1) {
if (ANY_MEMBERSPEC_REGEX.test(keyRef) && localConfig[keyRef].hasOwnProperty(REPLACED_DSL_ENTITYSPEC)) {
result[keyRef] = {};
result[keyRef][DSL_ENTITY_SPEC] = localConfig[keyRef][REPLACED_DSL_ENTITYSPEC];
let definition = scope.model.miscData.get('config').find(config => === keyRef);
if (!definition) {
definition = {};
scope.getConfigWidgetMode(definition, localConfig[keyRef])
// if JSON mode then parse
scope.state.config.codeModeError[keyRef] = null;
if (scope.state.config.codeModeActive && scope.state.config.codeModeActive[keyRef]) {
try {
result[keyRef] = JSON.parse(localConfig[keyRef]);
} catch (ex) {
scope.state.config.codeModeError[keyRef] = "Invalid JSON";
result[keyRef] = localConfig[keyRef];
// else return as is, or introspect for array/map
if (definition.widgetMode === 'array') {
result[keyRef] = localConfig[keyRef].map(getModelValueFromString);
if (definition.widgetMode === 'map') {
result[keyRef] = {};
for (let keyObject in localConfig[keyRef]) {
result[keyRef][keyObject] = getModelValueFromString(localConfig[keyRef][keyObject]);
result[keyRef] = getModelValueFromString(localConfig[keyRef]);
specEditor.addConfigKey = addConfigKey;
function addConfigKey(name) {
if (name) {
let allConfig = scope.model.miscData.get('config');
blueprintService.addConfigKeyDefinition(allConfig, name);
scope.model.addConfig(name, '');
scope.state.config.add.value = ''; = false;
scope.state.config.filter.values[CONFIG_FILTERS[CONFIG_FILTERS.length - 1].id] = true;
scope.state.config.focus = name;
function refreshCustomValidation(model) {
model.config.forEach((value, key) => {
let config = model.miscData.get('config').find(config => === key);
// Ideally code below would escaped or use template/directive; sanitize just catches attacks.
// (These values are automatically sanitized in any case, so that's redundant.)
// If we need an integer, check if the value is a number
if (config.type === 'java.lang.Integer' && !angular.isNumber(value) && !(value instanceof Dsl)) {
model.addIssue(Issue.builder().group('config').ref(key).message('<code>' + $sanitize(value) + '</code> is not a number').build());
if (scope.state.config.codeModeError[key]) {
model.addIssue(Issue.builder().group('config').ref(key).message('<code>' + $sanitize(value) + '</code> is not valid JSON').build());
* The parameter data for each item is stored in multiple places, similar to configuration data:
* scope.parameters
* An array of values used/set by editor
* scope.model.parameters
* An array of values used in internal model
* scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive
* A map of booleans indicating whether to edit the parameter definition as JSON
function loadLocalParametersFromModel() {
let modelParams = scope.model.parameters;
let result = [];
for (let paramRef of modelParams) {
if (blueprintService.isReservedKey( {
continue; // skip
scope.parameters = result;
function getParameter(name) {
return scope.parameters.find(p => === name);
function checkNameChange(oldName, newName) {
if (!oldName) {
return true;
if (oldName && oldName!=newName) {
scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive[newName] = scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive[oldName];
scope.state.parameters.codeModeError[newName] = scope.state.parameters.codeModeError[oldName];
delete scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive[oldName];
delete scope.state.parameters.codeModeError[oldName];
return true;
return false;
function setModelFromLocalParameters() {
if (scope.state.parameters && scope.state.parameters.edit && scope.state.parameters.edit.item) {
let item = scope.state.parameters.edit.item;
scope.state.parameters.edit.errors = [];
if (scope.state.parameters.codeModeActive[]) {
try {
let parsed = JSON.parse(scope.state.parameters.edit.json);
if (JSON.stringify(item)==JSON.stringify(parsed)) {
// no change; don't change else we get a digest cycle
} else {
Object.keys(item).forEach((k) => delete item[k]);
Object.assign(item, parsed);
} catch (e) {
// $log.warn("ERROR parsing json", scope.state.parameters.edit.json, e);
scope.state.parameters.edit.errors.push({ message: "Invalid JSON for parameter" });
} else {
if (scope.state.parameters.edit.newName) {
if (checkNameChange(, scope.state.parameters.edit.newName)) { = scope.state.parameters.edit.newName;
} else {
scope.state.parameters.edit.errors.push({ message: "Name must not be blank" });
try {
item.constraints = JSON.parse(scope.state.parameters.edit.constraints);
} catch (e) {
// $log.warn("ERROR parsing constraints", scope.state.parameters.edit.constraints, e);
scope.state.parameters.edit.errors.push({ message: "Invalid constraint JSON" });
let localParams = scope.parameters;
let result = [];
for (let paramRef of localParams) {
if (angular.isUndefined(paramRef) || paramRef === null || paramRef.length < 1) {
function addParameter(name) {
let allParams = scope.model.miscData.get('parameters');
blueprintService.addParameterDefinition(allParams, name);
let param = allParams.find(p => === name);
scope.state.parameters.add.value = ''; = false;
scope.state.parameters.focus = name;
function removeParameter(name) {
if (scope.state.parameters.focus === name) {
scope.state.parameters.focus = '';
export function specEditorConfigFilter() {
return function (input, filtersMapById, model) {
let filters = [];
Object.keys(filtersMapById).forEach( (k) => { if (filtersMapById[k]) filters.push(k); } );
if (!filters.every(filterId => CONFIG_FILTERS.some(filter => === filterId))) {
return input;
if (!(input instanceof Array)) {
return input;
return input.filter((item)=> {
return filters.some(filterId => CONFIG_FILTERS.find(filter => === filterId).filter(item, model));
export function specEditorTypeFilter() {
return function (input, search) {
if (search.length < 1) {
return input;
return input.filter((item)=> {
return item.miscData.get('typeName').indexOf(search) > -1 || item.type.indexOf(search) > -1;
function templateCache($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put(TEMPLATE_URL, template);