blob: 04791acb91910cb007131abfaef1d74fcf9c459f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
"underscore", "jquery", "brooklyn"
], function (_, $, BrooklynConfig) {
var ViewUtils = {
myDataTable:function($table, extra) {
$.fn.dataTableExt.sErrMode = 'throw';
var settings = {
"bDestroy": true,
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"bDeferRender": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sDom": "fp<'brook-db-top-toolbar'>tilp<'brook-db-bot-toolbar'>",
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "",
"sInfo": "Showing _START_ - _END_ of _TOTAL_ ",
"sInfoEmpty": "<i>No data</i> ",
"sEmptyTable": "<i>No matching records available</i>",
"sZeroRecords": "<i>No matching records found</i>",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "&lt;&lt;",
"sPrevious": "&lt;",
"sNext": "&gt;",
"sLast": "&gt;&gt;"
"sInfoFiltered": "(of _MAX_)",
"sLengthMenu": '( <select>' +
'<option value="10">10</option>' +
'<option value="25">25</option>' +
'<option value="50">50</option>' +
'<option value="-1">all</option>' +
'</select> / page )'
_.extend(settings, extra);
return $table.dataTable(settings);
myDataTableToolbarAddHtml: function($table,html) {
$('.brook-db-bot-toolbar', $table.parent().parent()).append(html)
$('.brook-db-top-toolbar', $table.parent().parent()).append(html)
addRefreshButton: function($table) {
'<i class="refresh table-toolbar-icon bootstrap-glyph icon-refresh handy smallpadside" rel="tooltip" title="Reload content immediately"></i>');
addFilterEmptyButton: function($table) {
'<i class="filterEmpty table-toolbar-icon bootstrap-glyph icon-eye-open handy bottom smallpadside" rel="tooltip" title="Show/hide empty records"></i>');
addAutoRefreshButton: function($table) {
'<i class="toggleAutoRefresh table-toolbar-icon bootstrap-glyph icon-pause handy smallpadside" rel="tooltip" title="Toggle auto-refresh"></i>');
/* fnConvertData takes the entries in collection (value, optionalKeyOrIndex) and returns a list
* whose first element is the ID (hidden first column of table)
* and other elements are the other columns in the table;
* alternatively it can return null if the entry should be excluded
* option refreshAllRows can be passed to force all rows to be re-rendered;
* useful if rendering data may have changed even if value has not
updateMyDataTable: function(table, collection, fnConvertData, options) {
if (table==null) return;
if (options==null) options = {}
var oldDisplayDataList = []
try {
oldDisplayDataList = table.dataTable().fnGetData();
} catch (e) {
// (used to) sometimes get error accessing column 1 of row 0, though table seems empty
// caused by previous attempt to refresh from a closed view
log("WARNING: could not fetch data; clearing")
var oldDisplayIndexMap = {}
var oldDisplayData = {}
for (var idx in oldDisplayDataList) {
var data = oldDisplayDataList[idx]
oldDisplayIndexMap[data[0]] = idx
oldDisplayData[data[0]] = data
var newDisplayData = {}
var updateDisplayData = []
ViewUtils.each(collection, function(data,index) {
var newRow = fnConvertData(data, index)
if (newRow!=null) {
var id = newRow[0]
var displayIndex = oldDisplayIndexMap[id];
if (displayIndex!=null) {
updateDisplayData[displayIndex] = newRow
delete oldDisplayIndexMap[id]
} else {
newDisplayData[id] = newRow
// first update (so indices don't change)
for (var prop in updateDisplayData) {
var rowProps = updateDisplayData[prop]
var oldProps = oldDisplayData[rowProps[0]]
for (idx in rowProps) {
var v = rowProps[idx]
if (options['refreshAllRows'] || !_.isEqual(v,oldProps[idx])) {
// update individual columns as values change
try {
table.fnUpdate( v, Number(prop), idx, false, false )
} catch (e) {
// often occurs if we haven't properly closed view, e.g. on entity switch
log("WARNING: cannot update row")
} else {
// log("NO CHANGE")
// then delete old ones
for (var prop in oldDisplayIndexMap) {
var index = oldDisplayIndexMap[prop]
table.fnDeleteRow( Number(index), null, false )
// and now add new ones
for (var prop in newDisplayData) {
try {
table.fnAddData( newDisplayData[prop], false )
} catch (e) {
// errors sometimes if we load async
log("WARNING: cannot add to row")
try {
// redraw, but keeping pagination
} catch (e) {
log("WARNING: could not redraw")
toggleFilterEmpty: function($table, column) {
var hideEmpties = $('.filterEmpty', $table.parent().parent()).toggleClass('icon-eye-open icon-eye-close').hasClass('icon-eye-close');
if (hideEmpties) {
$table.dataTable().fnFilter('.+', column, true);
} else {
$table.dataTable().fnFilter('.*', column, true);
toggleAutoRefresh: function(pane) {
var isEnabled = $('.toggleAutoRefresh', pane.$el).toggleClass('icon-pause icon-play').hasClass('icon-pause');
attachToggler: function($scope) {
var $togglers;
if ($scope === undefined) {
$togglers = $(".toggler-header");
} else {
$togglers = $(".toggler-header", $scope);
onTogglerClick: function(event) {
onTogglerClickElement: function(root) {
$(".toggler-icon", root).toggleClass("icon-chevron-left").toggleClass("icon-chevron-down");
var next =;
if (root.hasClass("user-hidden")) {
} else {
showTogglerClickElement: function(root) {
$(".toggler-icon", root).removeClass("icon-chevron-left").addClass("icon-chevron-down");'fast');
updateTextareaWithData: function($div, data, showIfEmpty, doSlideDown, minPx, maxPx) {
var $ta = $("textarea", $div);
var show = showIfEmpty;
if (data !== undefined) {
show = true;
} else {
if (show) {
this.setHeightAutomatically($ta, minPx, maxPx, false);
if (doSlideDown) { $div.slideDown(100); }
} else {
setHeightAutomatically: function($ta, minPx, maxPx, deferred) {
var height = $ta.prop("scrollHeight"), that = this;
if ($ta.css("padding-top")) height -= parseInt($ta.css("padding-top"), 10)
if ($ta.css("padding-bottom")) height -= parseInt($ta.css("padding-bottom"), 10)
// log("scroll height "+height+" - old real height "+$ta.css("height"))
if (height==0 && !deferred) {
_.defer(function() { that.setHeightAutomatically($ta, minPx, maxPx, true) })
} else {
height = Math.min(height, maxPx);
height = Math.max(height, minPx);
$ta.css("height", height);
return height;
each: function(collection, fn) {
if (_.isFunction(collection.each)) {
// some objects (such as backbone collections) are not iterable
// (either by "for x in" or "_.each") so call the "each" method explicitly on them
return collection.each(fn)
} else {
// try underscore
return _.each(collection, fn);
// makes tooltips appear as white-on-black-bubbles rather than boring black-on-yellow-boxes
// but NB if the html is updated the tooltip can remain visible until page refresh
processTooltips: function($el) {
fadeToIndicateInitialLoad: function($el) {
// in case the server response time is low, fade out while it refreshes
// (since we can't show updated details until we've retrieved app + entity details)
try {
$el.fadeTo(1000, 0.3)
// .queue(
// function() {
// // does nothing yet -- see comment in brooklyn.css on .view_not_available
// $el.append('<div class="view_not_available"></div>')
// });
// above works to insert the div, though we don't have styling on it
// but curiously it also causes the parent to go to opacity 0 !?!
} catch (e) {
// ignore - normal during tests
cancelFadeOnceLoaded: function($el) {
try {
// $el.children('.view_not_available').remove();
$el.stop(true, false).fadeTo(200, 1);
} catch (e) {
// ignore - normal during tests
// TODO the get and fetch methods below should possibly be on a BrooklynView prototype
// see also notes in router.js
// (perhaps as part of that introduce a callWithFixedDelay method which does the tracking,
// so we can cleanly unregister, and perhaps an onServerFailure method, and with that we
// could perhaps get rid of, or at least dramatically simplify, the get/fetch)
/* variant of $.get with automatic failure handling and recovery;
* options should be omitted except by getRepeatedlyWithDelay */
get: function(view, url, success, options) {
if (view.viewIsClosed) return ;
if (!options) options = {}
if (!options.count) options.count = 1
else options.count++;
// log("getting, count "+options.count+", delay "+period+": "+url)
var disabled = (options['enablement'] && !options['enablement']())
|| !BrooklynConfig.view.refresh
if (options.count > 1 && disabled) {
// not enabled, just requeue
if (options['period'])
setTimeout(function() { ViewUtils.get(view, url, success, options)}, options['period'])
/* inspects the status object returned from an ajax call in a view;
* if not valid, it fades the view and increases backoff delays and resubmits;
* if it is valid, it returns true so the caller can continue
* (restoring things such as the view, timer, etc, if they were disabled);
* takes some of the options as per fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay
* (though they are less well tested here)
* note that the status text object is rarely useful; normally the fail(handler) is invoked,
* as above (#get)
var checkAjaxStatusObject = function(status, view, options) {
if (view.viewIsClosed) return false;
if (status == "success" || status == "notmodified") {
// unfade and restore
if (view._loadingProblem) {
log("getting view data is back to normal - "+url)
view._loadingProblem = false;
var fadeTarget = view.$el;
if ("fadeTarget" in options) {
fadeTarget = options["fadeTarget"]
if (fadeTarget) ViewUtils.cancelFadeOnceLoaded(fadeTarget)
if (options['originalPeriod'])
options.period = options['originalPeriod'];
return true;
if (status == "error" || status == "timeout" || status == "parsererror") {
// fade and log problem
if (!view._loadingProblem) {
log("error getting view data from "+url+" - is the server reachable?")
view._loadingProblem = true;
// fade the view, on error
var fadeTarget = view.$el;
if ("fadeTarget" in options) {
fadeTarget = options["fadeTarget"]
if (fadeTarget) ViewUtils.fadeToIndicateInitialLoad(fadeTarget)
if (options['period']) {
if (!options['originalPeriod']) options.originalPeriod = options['period'];
var period = options['period'];
// attempt exponential backoff up to every 15m
period *= 2;
var max = (options['backoffMaxPeriod'] || 15*60*1000);
if (period > max) period = max;
options.period = period
setTimeout(function() { ViewUtils.get(view, url, success, options)}, period)
return false;
return true;
return $.get(url, function(data, status) {
if (!checkAjaxStatusObject(status, view, options)) {
if (success) success(data);
if (options['period'])
setTimeout(function() { ViewUtils.get(view, url, success, options)}, options['period'])
}).fail(function() {
checkAjaxStatusObject("error", view, options)
/** invokes a get against the given url repeatedly, with fading and backoff on failures,
* cf fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay, but here the user's callback function is invoked on success
getRepeatedlyWithDelay: function(view, url, success, options) {
if (!options) options = {}
if (!options['period']) options.period = 3000
ViewUtils.get(view, url, success, options)
/** As fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay(view, model, options), but without updating a view. */
fetchModelRepeatedlyWithDelay: function(model, options) {
this.fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay(undefined, model, options);
/* invokes fetch on the model, associated with the view.
* automatically closes when view closes,
* and fades display and exponentially-backs off on problems.
* options include:
* enablement (function returning t/f whether the invocation is enabled)
* period (millis, currently 3000 = 3s default);
* originalPeriod (millis, becomes the period if successful; primarily for internal use);
* backoffMaxPeriod (millis, max time to wait between retries, currently 15*60*1000 = 10m default);
* doitnow (if true, kicks off a run immediately, else only after the timer)
* fadeTarget (jquery element to fade; defaults to view.$el; null can be set to prevent fade);
* fetchOptions (additional options to pass to fetch; however success and error should not be present);
* success (function to invoke on success, before re-queueing);
* error (optional function to invoke on error, before requeueing);
fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay: function(view, model, options) {
if (view && view.viewIsClosed) return;
if (!options) options = {}
if (!options.count) options.count = 1
else options.count++;
var period = options['period'] || 3000
var originalPeriod = options['originalPeriod'] || period
// log("fetching, count "+options.count+", delay "+period+": "+model.url)
var fetcher = function() {
if (view && view.viewIsClosed) return;
var disabled = (options['enablement'] && !options['enablement']())
|| !BrooklynConfig.view.refresh
if (options.count > 1 && disabled) {
// not enabled, just requeue
ViewUtils.fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay(view, model, options);
var fetchOptions = options['fetchOptions'] ? _.clone(options['fetchOptions']) : {}
fetchOptions.success = function(modelR,response,optionsR) {
var fn = options['success']
if (fn) fn(modelR,response,optionsR);
if (view && view._loadingProblem) {
log("fetching view data is back to normal - "+model.url)
view._loadingProblem = false;
var fadeTarget = view.$el;
if ("fadeTarget" in options) {
fadeTarget = options["fadeTarget"]
if (fadeTarget) ViewUtils.cancelFadeOnceLoaded(fadeTarget)
options.period = originalPeriod;
ViewUtils.fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay(view, model, options);
fetchOptions.error = function(modelR,response,optionsR) {
var fn = options['error']
if (fn) fn(modelR,response,optionsR);
if (view && !view._loadingProblem) {
log("error fetching view data from "+model.url+" - is the server reachable?")
view._loadingProblem = true;
// fade the view, on error
if (view) {
var fadeTarget = view.$el;
if ("fadeTarget" in options) {
fadeTarget = options["fadeTarget"]
if (fadeTarget) ViewUtils.fadeToIndicateInitialLoad(fadeTarget)
// attempt exponential backoff up to every 15m
period *= 2;
var max = (options['backoffMaxPeriod'] || 15*60*1000);
if (period > max) period = max;
options = _.clone(options)
options.originalPeriod = originalPeriod;
options.period = period;
ViewUtils.fetchRepeatedlyWithDelay(view, model, options);
if (options['doitnow']) {
options.doitnow = false;
} else {
setTimeout(fetcher, period);
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0 use computeStatusIconInfo */
computeStatusIcon: function(serviceUp, lifecycleState) {
return this.computeStatusIconInfo(serviceUp, lifecycleState).url;
/** returns object with properties:
* String word;
* String url;
* boolean problem;
computeStatusIconInfo: function(serviceUp, lifecycleState) {
var result = {};
if (lifecycleState != null)
lifecycleState = lifecycleState.toLowerCase();
if (serviceUp===false || serviceUp=="false") serviceUp=false;
else if (serviceUp===true || serviceUp=="true") serviceUp=true;
else {
if (serviceUp!=null && serviceUp !== "" && serviceUp !== undefined && serviceUp.toLowerCase().indexOf("loading")<0) {
log("Unknown 'serviceUp' value:")
serviceUp = null;
var mode = null;
var imgext = "png";
var problem = false;
if (lifecycleState=="running") {
if (serviceUp==false) {
mode = "running-onfire";
problem = true;
} else {
mode = "running";
} else if (lifecycleState=="stopped" || lifecycleState=="created") {
if (serviceUp==true) {
mode = "stopped-onfire";
problem = true;
} else {
mode = "stopped";
} else if (lifecycleState=="starting") {
mode = "starting";
imgext = "gif"; //animated
} else if (lifecycleState=="stopping") {
mode = "stopping";
imgext = "gif"; //animated
} else if (lifecycleState=="on_fire" || /* just in case */ lifecycleState=="on-fire" || lifecycleState=="onfire") {
mode = "onfire";
problem = true;
if (mode==null) {
// no lifecycle state, rely on serviceUp
if (lifecycleState!=null && lifecycleState !== "" && lifecycleState !== undefined && lifecycleState.toLowerCase().indexOf("loading")<0) {
log("Unknown 'lifecycleState' value:")
if (serviceUp) mode = "running";
else if (serviceUp===false) mode = "stopped";
result.word = mode;
result.problem = problem;
if (mode==null) {
// no status info at all
result.url = null;
} else {
result.url = "./assets/img/"+"icon-status-"+mode+"."+imgext;
return result;
return ViewUtils;