blob: 907cffea048f2db9668d2016929145490f8dc831 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import angular from 'angular';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import brAutofocus from '../autofocus/autofocus';
import brYamlEditor from '../yaml-editor/yaml-editor';
import template from './quick-launch.html';
const MODULE_NAME = 'brooklyn.components.quick-launch';
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [brAutofocus, brYamlEditor])
.directive('brooklynQuickLaunch', quickLaunchDirective);
export default MODULE_NAME;
const BROOKLYN_CONFIG = 'brooklyn.config';
export function quickLaunchDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: template,
scope: {
app: '=',
locations: '=',
args: '=?', // default behaviour of code is: { noEditButton: false, noComposerButton: false, noCreateLocationLink: false, location: null }
callback: '=?',
controller: ['$scope', '$http', '$location', 'brSnackbar', 'brBrandInfo', controller]
function controller($scope, $http, $location, brSnackbar, brBrandInfo) {
$scope.deploying = false;
$scope.model = {
newConfigFormOpen: false,
// should never be null, so the placeholder in UI for will never be used;
// hence autofocus is disabled
name: ($ && ($ || $ || null,
$scope.args = $scope.args || {};
if ($scope.args.location) {
$scope.model.location = $scope.args.location;
} else {
if ($scope.locations) {
if ($scope.locations.length == 1) {
$scope.model.location = $scope.locations[0];
$scope.toggleNewConfigForm = toggleNewConfigForm;
$scope.addNewConfigKey = addNewConfigKey;
$scope.deleteConfigField = deleteConfigField;
$scope.deployApp = deployApp;
$scope.showEditor = showEditor;
$scope.openComposer = openComposer;
$scope.hideEditor = hideEditor;
$scope.clearError = clearError;
$scope.isRequired = isRequired;
$scope.$watch('app', () => {
$scope.editorYaml = $;
var parsedPlan = null;
try {
parsedPlan = yaml.safeLoad($scope.editorYaml);
} catch (e) { /* ignore, it's an unparseable template */ }
// enable wizard if it's parseble and doesn't specify a location
// (if it's not parseable, or it specifies a location, then the YAML view is displayed)
$scope.appHasWizard = parsedPlan!=null && !checkForLocationTags(parsedPlan);
$scope.yamlViewDisplayed = !$scope.appHasWizard;
$scope.entityToDeploy = {
type: $ + ($ ? ':' + $ : ''),
if ($ {
$scope.configMap = $, config) => {
result[] = config;
let configValue = configInPlan(parsedPlan,;
if (configValue !== '' || config.pinned || (isRequired(config) && (!config.defaultValue === undefined || config.defaultValue === ''))) {
if (!$scope.entityToDeploy.hasOwnProperty(BROOKLYN_CONFIG)) {
$scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = {};
if (configValue !== '') {
$scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG][] = configValue;
} else {
$scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG][] = config.defaultValue === "undefined" ? null : config.defaultValue;
return result;
}, {});
} else {
$scope.configMap = {};
$scope.$watch('editorYaml', () => {
$scope.$watch('entityToDeploy', () => {
}, true);
$scope.$watch('', () => {
$scope.$watch('model.location', () => {
function deployApp() {
$scope.deploying = true;
let appYaml;
if ($scope.yamlViewDisplayed) {
appYaml = angular.copy($scope.editorYaml);
} else {
appYaml = buildYaml();
method: 'POST',
url: '/v1/applications',
data: appYaml
}).then((response) => {
if ($scope.callback) {
$scope.callback.apply({}, [{state: 'SUCCESS', data:}]);
} else {
brSnackbar.create('Application Deployed');
$scope.deploying = false;
}, (response) => {
$scope.model.deployError =;
$scope.deploying = false;
function toggleNewConfigForm() {
$scope.model.newConfigFormOpen = !$scope.model.newConfigFormOpen;
if ($scope.model.newConfigFormOpen) {
delete $scope.model.newKey;
function deleteConfigField(key) {
delete $scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG][key];
if (Object.keys($scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG]).length === 0) {
delete $scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
function addNewConfigKey() {
if ($scope.model.newKey && $scope.model.newKey.length > 0) {
let newConfigValue = null;
if ($scope.configMap.hasOwnProperty($scope.model.newKey) &&
$scope.configMap[$scope.model.newKey].hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) {
newConfigValue = $scope.configMap[$scope.model.newKey].defaultValue;
if ($scope.configMap.hasOwnProperty($scope.model.newKey) &&
$scope.configMap[$scope.model.newKey].type === 'java.lang.Boolean' &&
newConfigValue === null) {
newConfigValue = false;
if (!$scope.entityToDeploy.hasOwnProperty(BROOKLYN_CONFIG)) {
$scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = {};
$scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG][$scope.model.newKey] = newConfigValue;
$scope.focus = $scope.model.newKey;
$scope.model.newConfigFormOpen = false;
function buildYaml() {
let newApp = {
name: $ || $,
location: $scope.model.location || '<REPLACE>',
services: [
return yaml.safeDump(newApp);
function buildComposerYaml(validate) {
if ($scope.yamlViewDisplayed) {
return angular.copy($scope.editorYaml);
} else {
let planText = $ || "{}";
let result = {};
// this is set if we're able to parse the plan's text definition, and then:
// - we've had to override a field from the plan's text definition, because a value is set _and_ different; or
// - the plan's text definition is indented or JSON rather than YAML (not outdented yaml)
// and in either case we use the result _object_ ...
// unless we didn't actually change anything, in which case this is ignored
let cannotUsePlanText = false;
if (validate) {
result = yaml.safeLoad(planText);
if (typeof result !== 'object') {
throw "The plan is not a YAML map, but of type "+(typeof result);
if (! {
throw "The plan does not have any services.";
for (const [k,v] of Object.entries(result) ) {
if (planText.indexOf(k)!=0 && planText.indexOf('\n'+k+':')<0) {
// plan is not outdented yaml, can't use its text mode
cannotUsePlanText = true;
let newApp = {};
let newName = $ || $;
if (newName && newName != { = newName;
if ( {
cannotUsePlanText = true;
let newLocation = $scope.model.location;
if (newLocation && newLocation != result.location) {
newApp.location = newLocation;
if (result.location) {
delete result.location;
cannotUsePlanText = true;
let newConfig = $scope.entityToDeploy[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
if (newConfig) {
if (result[BROOKLYN_CONFIG]) {
let oldConfig = result[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
let mergedConfig = angular.copy(oldConfig);
for (const [k,v] of Object.entries(newConfig) ) {
if (mergedConfig[k] != v) {
cannotUsePlanText = true;
mergedConfig[k] = v;
if (cannotUsePlanText) {
newApp[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = mergedConfig;
delete result[BROOKLYN_CONFIG];
} else {
newApp[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] = newConfig;
// prefer to use the actual yaml input, but if it's not possible
let tryMergeByConcatenate =
Object.keys(newApp).length ?
(yaml.safeDump(newApp, {skipInvalid: true}) + "\n" + ((validate && cannotUsePlanText) ? yaml.safeDump(result) : planText))
: planText;
if (validate) {
// don't think there's any way we'd wind up with invalid yaml but check to be sure
return tryMergeByConcatenate;
function showEditor() {
$scope.editorYaml = buildYaml();
$scope.yamlViewDisplayed = true;
function hideEditor() {
$scope.yamlViewDisplayed = false;
function openComposer() {
if (!brBrandInfo.blueprintComposerBaseUrl) {
console.warn("Composer unavailable in this build");
try {
window.location.href = brBrandInfo.blueprintComposerBaseUrl + '#!/graphical?'+
($ ? 'format='+encodeURIComponent($'&' : '')+
} catch (error) {
console.warn("Opening composer in YAML text editor mode because we cannot generate a model for this configuration:", error);
window.location.href = brBrandInfo.blueprintComposerBaseUrl + '#!/yaml?'+
($ ? 'format='+encodeURIComponent($'&' : '')+
"# This plan may have items which require attention so is being opened in YAML text editor mode.\n"+
"# The YAML was autogenerated by merging the plan with any values provided in UI, but issues were\n"+
"# detected that mean it might not be correct. Please check the blueprint below carefully.\n"+
function clearError() {
delete $scope.model.deployError;
function isRequired(config) {
return angular.isArray(config.contraints) && config.constraints.indexOf('required') > -1;
function configInPlan(parsedPlan, configName) {
return (((((parsedPlan || {})['services'] || {})[0] || {})[BROOKLYN_CONFIG] || {})[configName] || '');
function checkForLocationTags(parsedPlan) {
return reduceFunction(false, parsedPlan);
function reduceFunction(locationFound, entity) {
if (entity.hasOwnProperty('location') || entity.hasOwnProperty('location')) {
return true;
if (!locationFound && entity.hasOwnProperty('brooklyn.children')) {
entity['brooklyn.children'].reduce(reduceFunction, locationFound);
} else if (!locationFound && entity.hasOwnProperty('services')) {
entity['services'].reduce(reduceFunction, locationFound);
return locationFound;