blob: 9edd821da86376db7869366b2a4e1cb4041b2a05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import angular from 'angular';
import brIconGenerator from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/icon-generator/icon-generator';
import brooklynCatalogApi from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/providers/catalog-api.provider';
import brooklynTypeItem from '../../components/type-item/index';
import brUtils from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/utils/general';
import template from './catalog.template.html';
import {analyzeDescription} from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/md-helper';
import {HIDE_INTERSTITIAL_SPINNER_EVENT} from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/interstitial-spinner/interstitial-spinner';
const MODULE_NAME = 'catalog.state';
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [brIconGenerator, brooklynCatalogApi, brooklynTypeItem, brUtils])
.config(['$stateProvider', catalogStateConfig])
.filter('bundleName', ['$sce', bundleNameFilter])
.filter('bundleDescription', ['$sce', bundleDescriptionFilter])
.filter('bundleHighlights', ['$sce', bundleHighlightsFilter])
.filter('bundleTypeFilter', ['$sce', bundleTypeFilter]);
export default MODULE_NAME;
export const catalogState = {
name: 'catalog',
url: '/',
template: template,
controller: ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'catalogApi', 'brUtilsGeneral', catalogController],
controllerAs: 'ctrl'
export function catalogStateConfig($stateProvider) {
export function catalogController($scope, $rootScope, catalogApi, brUtilsGeneral) {
const orderBysBundles = [{
id: 'name',
label: 'Name'
}, {
id: '-version',
label: 'Version'
}, {
id: '-types',
label: 'Most types'
}, {
id: 'types',
label: 'Least types'
const orderBysTypes = [{
id: 'displayName',
label: 'Display name'
}, {
id: 'id',
label: 'Type name'
}, {
id: '-version',
label: 'Version'
}, {
id: 'supertypes',
label: 'Supertype'
}, {
id: 'containingBundle',
label: 'Bundle'
const savedOrderByKey = 'catalog-order-by';
const savedOrderBy = localStorage && localStorage.getItem(savedOrderByKey) !== null ?
: {
orderBy: 'bundles',
sortBy: 0
$scope.pagination = {
page: 1, // not used
itemsPerPage: 20 // used as an absolute limit
$scope.config = {
orderBy: savedOrderBy.orderBy === 'bundles' ? orderBysBundles : orderBysTypes
$scope.state = {
view: savedOrderBy.orderBy,
versions: [],
orderBy: $scope.config.orderBy.length > savedOrderBy.sortBy ? $scope.config.orderBy[savedOrderBy.sortBy] : 0,
search: {}
$scope.$watch('state.view', (newView, oldView) => {
if (newView && oldView && !angular.equals(newView, oldView)) {
$scope.config.orderBy = newView === 'types' ? orderBysTypes : orderBysBundles;
$scope.state.orderBy = $scope.config.orderBy[0]
savedOrderBy.orderBy = newView;
savedOrderBy.sortBy = 0;
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(savedOrderByKey, JSON.stringify(savedOrderBy));
$scope.$watch('state.orderBy', (newOrderBy, oldOrderBy) => {
if(newOrderBy && oldOrderBy && !angular.equals(newOrderBy, oldOrderBy)) {
savedOrderBy.sortBy = $scope.config.orderBy.indexOf(newOrderBy);
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(savedOrderByKey, JSON.stringify(savedOrderBy));
$scope.clearSearchFilters = () => {
$ = {};
$scope.state.orderBy = orderBysBundles[0];
$scope.isNonEmpty = (o) => {
return brUtilsGeneral.isNonEmpty(o);
$scope.launchCatalogUploader = ()=> {
catalogApi.getBundles({params: {detail: true}}).then(data => {
function processBundles(bundles) {
$scope.bundles = bundles;
$scope.versions = bundles.reduce((versions, bundle) => {
if (!versions.hasOwnProperty(bundle.symbolicName)) {
versions[bundle.symbolicName] = [];
return versions;
}, {});
$scope.config.versions = Array.from(Object.values($scope.versions).reduce((set, versions) => {
versions.forEach(version => set.add(version));
return set;
}, new Set()));
$scope.types = bundles.reduce((types, bundle) => {
let typesInBundle = angular.copy(bundle.types).map(t => {
// record the bundle
t.bundle = {
symbolicName: bundle.symbolicName,
version: bundle.version,
// tidy up display so that things labelled [DEPRECATED] don't have that ugly name
// (since we highlight deprecated things, and particularly bad since [ appears first alphabetically!)
// [as in bundle.state.js]
if (t.deprecated && t.displayName.match(/^[^\w]*deprecated[^\w]*/i)) {
t.displayName = t.displayName.replace(/^[^\w]*deprecated[^\w]*/i, '');
return t;
return types.concat(typesInBundle);
}, []);
export function bundleNameFilter() {
return function(input) {
if (!input) {
// we could give better names to these unhelpful bundle names;
// but actually doing so currently is jarring as all the other bundle names
// are in symbolic name format and this is in display name format;
// if we had nice bundle display names it would make much more sense to do this:
// (reenable when we have display names for bundles)
// if (input.symbolicName && input.symbolicName.startsWith('brooklyn-catalog-bom')) {
// return 'Unnamed bundle';
// }
return input.symbolicName;
export function bundleDescriptionFilter() {
return function(input) {
if (!input) {
if (input.description) {
// bundles don't have description yet so this is moot, but when they do this will be nice - or better use the md-if-multiline widget from mdHelper
return analyzeDescription(input).oneline;
let alwaysGenerateDefaultDescription = true;
if (alwaysGenerateDefaultDescription || (input.symbolicName && input.symbolicName.startsWith('brooklyn-catalog-bom'))) {
// useful in anonymous case because the name gives no clue as to the title;
// useful in other cases too, even if redundant, but as a flag above in case we don't want to do that
if (angular.isArray(input.types) && input.types.length > 0) {
let displayedTypes = input.types.slice(0, input.types.length > 3 ? 2 : input.types.length);
let description = `Composed of ${ => type.displayName || type.symbolicName).join(', ')}`;
if (input.types.length > displayedTypes.length) {
description += ` and ${input.types.length - displayedTypes.length} more items`;
return description;
} else {
return "This is likely a support bundle."
export function bundleHighlightsFilter($sce) {
return function(input) {
let highlights = [];
if (input && input.types) {
let entities = input.types.filter(type => type.supertypes.includes('org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity')).length;
let policies = input.types.filter(type => type.supertypes.includes('org.apache.brooklyn.api.policy.Policy')).length;
let enrichers = input.types.filter(type => type.supertypes.includes('org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.Enricher')).length;
if (entities > 0) {
label: (entities==1 ? 'entity' : 'entities'),
count: entities
if (policies > 0) {
label: (policies==1 ? 'policy' : 'policies'),
count: policies
if (enrichers > 0) {
label: (enrichers==1 ? 'enricher' : 'enrichers'),
count: enrichers
return $sce.trustAsHtml( => {
return `<span class="highlight-count">${highlight.count}</span>&nbsp;<span class="highlight-label">${highlight.label}</span>`
export function bundleTypeFilter() {
return function(input, superType) {
return input && input.filter(type => type.supertypes.includes(superType));