blob: 99052e607008f3dd53b3e082782a63dc21d39732 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import angular from 'angular';
import ngSanitize from "angular-sanitize";
import template from './type.template.html';
import modalTemplate from './modal.template.html';
import brooklynTypeItem from '../../../components/type-item/index';
import {catalogState} from '../../catalog/catalog.state';
import brooklynCatalogApi from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/providers/catalog-api.provider';
import {locationApiProvider} from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/providers/location-api.provider';
import brooklynQuickLaunch from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/quick-launch/quick-launch';
import brTable from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/table/index';
import brUtils from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/utils/general';
import mdHelper from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/md-helper';
import {HIDE_INTERSTITIAL_SPINNER_EVENT} from 'brooklyn-ui-utils/interstitial-spinner/interstitial-spinner';
const MODULE_NAME = 'type.state';
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [ngSanitize, brooklynCatalogApi, brooklynQuickLaunch, brooklynTypeItem, brUtils, brTable, mdHelper])
.provider('locationApi', locationApiProvider)
.config(['$stateProvider', typeStateConfig]);
export default MODULE_NAME;
export const bundleState = {
name: 'bundle.type',
url: '/types/:typeId/:typeVersion',
template: template,
controller: ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$q', '$uibModal', 'brBrandInfo', 'brUtilsGeneral', 'brSnackbar', 'catalogApi', 'mdHelper', typeController],
controllerAs: 'ctrl'
export function typeStateConfig($stateProvider) {
export function typeController($scope, $state, $stateParams, $q, $uibModal, brBrandInfo, brUtilsGeneral, brSnackbar, catalogApi, mdHelper) {
$scope.state = {
default: 2,
limit: 2
$scope.toggleSupertypes = () => {
$scope.state.limit = $scope.state.limit === $scope.state.default ? $scope.type.supertypes.length : $scope.state.default;
$scope.isEditable = () => {
return $scope.type && $scope.type.containingBundle.startsWith('catalog-bom');
$scope.isDeployable = ()=> {
return $scope.type && $scope.type.supertypes.some(supertype => {
return ['org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Application', 'org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity'].includes(supertype);
$scope.isNonEmpty = (o) => {
return brUtilsGeneral.isNonEmpty(o);
$scope.composerUrl = brBrandInfo.blueprintComposerBaseUrl;
$scope.deploy = (event)=> {
let instance = ${
template: modalTemplate,
controller: ['$scope', '$location', 'entitySpec', 'locations', modalController],
size: 'lg',
backdrop: 'static',
windowClass: 'quick-launch-modal',
resolve: {
entitySpec: ()=> {
return $scope.type;
locations: ['locationApi', (locationApi)=> {
return locationApi.getLocations();
scope: $scope
// If modal resolve fails, it means that we cannot open the deployment modal => inform the user
instance.opened.catch((reason)=> {
brSnackbar.create('Cannot load deployment information for ' + item.symbolicName + ':' + item.version);
// `instance.result` is resolved when the modal is closed, it means that we have successfully deployed our app
instance.result.then((results)=> {
brSnackbar.create('Application deployed', {label: 'View', callback: ()=> {
window.location.href = brBrandInfo.getAppDeployedUrl(,;
function modalController($scope, $location, entitySpec, locations) {
$ = entitySpec;
$scope.locations = locations;
$scope.args = $;
catalogApi.getBundle($stateParams.bundleId, $stateParams.bundleVersion),
catalogApi.getBundleType($stateParams.bundleId, $stateParams.bundleVersion, $stateParams.typeId, $stateParams.typeVersion),
]).then(responses => {
$scope.bundle = responses[0];
$scope.type = responses[1];
$scope.versions = responses[2].map(typeVersion => {
return {
bundleSymbolicName: typeVersion.containingBundle.split(':')[0],
bundleVersion: typeVersion.containingBundle.split(':')[1],
typeVersion: typeVersion.version
$scope.typeDescription = mdHelper.analyze( ($scope.type || {}).description );
}).catch(error => {
brSnackbar.create(`Could not load type ${$stateParams.bundleId}:${$stateParams.bundleVersion}: ${error.status === 404 ? 'Not found' : error.message}`);
$scope.tables = {};
$scope.markdown = mdHelper.analyze;
['config', 'sensors', 'effectors'].forEach((t) => $scope.tables[t] = { columns: [] });
function addColumn(cols, base) {
Object.keys(cols).forEach( (k) => { $scope.tables[k].columns.push( Object.assign({}, base, cols[k]) ); } );
addColumn( {
config: { header: 'Config Key' },
sensors: { header: 'Sensor' },
effectors: { header: 'Effector' }
}, {
field: 'name',
template: '<samp>{{ }}</samp>',
width: 100,
colspan: 3,
} );
addColumn({ config: { field: 'label', colspan: 3, hidden: true } });
addColumn( {
config: {},
sensors: {},
effectors: { field: 'returnType' }
}, {
field: 'type',
template: '<span class="label-color column-for-type oneline label label-success">{{ item[column.field] }}</span>',
colspan: 3,
} );
addColumn( {
config: {},
sensors: {},
effectors: {}
}, {
field: 'description',
width: 150,
colspan: 6,
template: '<md-field raw-data="::item[column.field]"></md-field>',
tdClass: 'column-for-description',
} );
addColumn({ config: { field: 'defaultValue', colspan: 3,
template: '<samp>{{ item.defaultValue }}</samp>' } });
$scope.hasEntry = (list, v) => list.find( (entry) => entry.toUpperCase() == v.toUpperCase() );
addColumn({ config: { field: 'priority',
template: '<div style="display: flex; justify-content: flex-end;">{{ item.priority }}</div>',
width: 75, hidden: true,
} });
addColumn({ config: { field: 'pinned', width: 75, tdClass: 'center',
template: '<i class="fa fa-check" ng-if="item.pinned"/>' } });
addColumn({ config: { field: 'reconfigurable', width: 120, tdClass: 'center', hidden: true,
template: '<i class="fa fa-check" ng-if="item.reconfigurable"/>' } });
addColumn({ config: { field: 'required', width: 85, tdClass: 'center', orderBy: null,
template: '<i class="fa fa-check" ng-if="hasEntry(item.constraints, \'required\')"/>' } });
addColumn({ config: { field: 'constraints', width: 120, colspan: 2, hidden: true,
template: '<samp>{{ item.constraints }}</samp>' } });
addColumn({ effectors: { field: 'parameters', width: 100, colspan: 4,
templateUrl: 'catalog/type/effector/parameters.html' } });