blob: 60f7beb373a78b9573d9d044b770c65d98f0fa6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import angular from 'angular';
import {EntityFamily} from '../util/model/entity.model';
import template from './catalog-selector.template.html';
import footerTemplate from './catalog-selector-palette-footer.html';
import { distanceInWordsToNow } from 'date-fns';
const MIN_ROWS_PER_PAGE = 4;
name: { label: "Name", field: "displayName" },
lastUsed: { label: "Recent", field: "-lastUsed" },
bundle: { label: "Bundle", field: "containingBundle" },
id: { label: "ID", field: "symbolicName" },
compact: { name: "Compact", classes: "col-xs-2 item-compact", itemsPerRow: 6, rowHeightPx: 75, hideName: true },
normal: { name: "Normal", classes: "col-xs-3", itemsPerRow: 4 },
large: { name: "Large", classes: "col-xs-4", itemsPerRow: 3 },
list: { name: "List", classes: "col-xs-12 item-full-width", itemsPerRow: 1 },
// fields in either bundle or type record:
const FIELDS_TO_SEARCH = ['name', 'displayName', 'symbolicName', 'version', 'type', 'supertypes', 'containingBundle', 'description', 'displayTags', 'tags'];
export function catalogSelectorDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
family: '<',
onSelect: '&',
rowsPerPage: '<?', // if unset then fill
reservedKeys: '<?',
state: '<?',
mode: '@?', // for use by downstream projects to pass in special modes
template: template,
controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$timeout', '$q', '$uibModal', '$log', '$templateCache', 'paletteApi', 'paletteDragAndDropService', 'iconGenerator', 'composerOverrides', 'recentlyUsedService', controller],
link: link,
function link($scope, $element, attrs, controller) {
let main = angular.element($element[0].querySelector(".catalog-palette-main"));
// repaginate when load completes (and items are shown), or it is resized
[ () => $scope.isLoading, () => main[0].offsetHeight, () => $scope.state.viewMode.itemsPerRow ],
(values) => controller.$timeout( () => repaginate($scope, $element) ) );
// also repaginate on window resize
angular.element(window).bind('resize', () => repaginate($scope, $element));
function repaginate($scope, $element) {
let rowsPerPage = $scope.rowsPerPage;
if (!rowsPerPage) {
let main = angular.element($element[0].querySelector(".catalog-palette-main"));
if (!main || main[0].offsetHeight==0) {
// no main, or hidden, or items per page fixed
let header = angular.element(main[0].querySelector(".catalog-palette-header"));
let footer = angular.element(main[0].querySelector(".catalog-palette-footer"));
rowsPerPage = Math.max(MIN_ROWS_PER_PAGE, Math.floor( (main[0].offsetHeight - header[0].offsetHeight - footer[0].offsetHeight - 16) / ($scope.state.viewMode.rowHeightPx || 96)) );
$scope.$apply( () => $scope.pagination.itemsPerPage = rowsPerPage * $scope.state.viewMode.itemsPerRow );
export function catalogSelectorSearchFilter() {
return function (items, search) {
if (search) {
return items.filter(function (item) {
return search.toLowerCase().split(' ').reduce( (found, part) =>
found &&
.filter(field => item.hasOwnProperty(field) && item[field])
.reduce((match, field) => {
if (match) return true;
let text = item[field];
if (!text.toLowerCase) {
text = JSON.stringify(text).toLowerCase();
} else {
text = text.toLowerCase();
return match || text.indexOf(part) > -1;
}, false)
, true);
} else {
return items;
export function catalogSelectorFiltersFilter() {
// compute counts and apply active filters;
// this is called by the view after filtering based on search,
// so filters can adjust based on number of search results
return function (items, $scope) {
$scope.itemsBeforeActiveFilters = items;
$scope.skippingFilters = false;
let filters = $scope.filters.filter(f => f.enabled);
let filtersWithFn = filters.filter(f => f.filterFn);
if (!filters.length) {
$scope.itemsAfterActiveFilters = items;
return items;
filters.forEach(filter => { if (filter.filterInit) items = filter.filterInit(items); });
if (filtersWithFn.length) {
items = items.filter( item => filtersWithFn.some(filter => filter.filterFn(item)) );
if (!items || !items.length) {
// if search matches nothing then disable filters
items = $scope.itemsAfterActiveFilters = $scope.itemsBeforeActiveFilters;
$scope.skippingFilters = true;
} else {
if (filters.find(filter => filter.limitToOnePage)) {
items = items.splice(0, $scope.pagination.itemsPerPage);
$scope.itemsAfterActiveFilters = items;
return items;
function controller($scope, $element, $timeout, $q, $uibModal, $log, $templateCache, paletteApi, paletteDragAndDropService, iconGenerator, composerOverrides, recentlyUsedService) {
this.$timeout = $timeout;
$scope.viewModes = PALETTE_VIEW_MODES;
$scope.viewOrders = PALETTE_VIEW_ORDERS;
if (!$scope.state) $scope.state = {};
if (!$scope.state.viewMode) $scope.state.viewMode = PALETTE_VIEW_MODES.normal;
if (!$scope.state.currentOrder) $scope.state.currentOrder = [, '-version' ];
$scope.pagination = {
page: 1,
itemsPerPage: $scope.state.viewMode.itemsPerRow * ($scope.rowsPerPage || 1) // will fill out after load
$scope.getEntityNameForPalette = function(item, entityName) {
return (composerOverrides.getEntityNameForPalette ||
// above can be overridden with function of signature below to customize display name in palette
function(item, entityName, scope) { return entityName; }
)(item, entityName, $scope);
$scope.getPlaceHolder = function () {
return 'Search';
$scope.isLoading = true;
$scope.$watch('search', () => {
$scope.freeFormTile = {
symbolicName: $,
name: $,
displayName: $,
supertypes: ($ ? [ $ ] : []),
$scope.getItems = function (search) {
let defer = $q.resolve([]);
switch ($ {
case EntityFamily.ENTITY:
case EntityFamily.SPEC:
defer = paletteApi.getTypes({params: {supertype: 'entity', fragment: search}});
case EntityFamily.POLICY:
defer = paletteApi.getTypes({params: {supertype: 'policy', fragment: search}});
case EntityFamily.ENRICHER:
defer = paletteApi.getTypes({params: {supertype: 'enricher', fragment: search}});
case EntityFamily.LOCATION:
defer = paletteApi.getLocations();
return defer.then(data => {
data = $scope.filterPaletteItemsForMode(data, $scope);
data.forEach( recentlyUsedService.embellish );
return data;
}).catch(error => {
return [];
}).finally(() => {
$scope.isLoading = false;
function tryMarkUsed(item) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// session storage can get full; usually the culprit is icons not this,
// but we may wish to clear out old items to ensure we don't bleed here
$log.warn("Could not mark item as used: "+item, e);
$scope.onSelectItem = function (item) {
if (angular.isFunction($scope.onSelect)) {
$scope.onSelect({item: item});
$ = '';
$scope.onDragItem = function (item, event) {
let frame = document.createElement('div');
setTimeout(function() {
// can remove at end of this cycle, browser will have grabbed its drag image
}, 0);
/* have tried many other ways to get a nice drag image;
this seems to work best, adding an empty div which forces the size to be larger,
so when grabbing the image it grabs the drop-shadow.
things that _didn't_ work include:
- styling now then unstyling (normally this would work, in posts on the web, but it doesn't here; angular?)
- make a restyled cloned copy offscreen (this comes so close but remote img srcs aren't loaded
$scope.onDragEnd = function (item, event) {
$scope.sortBy = function (order) {
let newOrder = [].concat($scope.state.currentOrder);
newOrder = newOrder.filter( (o) => o !== order.field );
$scope.state.currentOrder = [order.field].concat(newOrder);
$scope.allowFreeForm = function () {
return [
].indexOf($ > -1;
$scope.isReserved = function () {
if (!$scope.reservedKeys || !angular.isArray($scope.reservedKeys)) {
return false;
return $scope.reservedKeys.indexOf($ > -1;
$scope.onImageError = (scope, el, attrs) => {
$log.warn("Icon for "+attrs.itemId+" at "+angular.element(el).attr("src")+" could not be loaded; generating icon");
angular.element(el).attr("src", iconGenerator(attrs.itemId));
// Init
$scope.items = [];
function getDisplayTags(tags) {
if (!tags || !tags.length || !tags.reduce) return tags;
return tags.reduce((result, tag) => {
if (!(/[=:\[\]()]/.exec(tag))) {
return result;
}, []);
$scope.getItems().then((items)=> {
// add displayTags, as any tag that doesn't contain = : or ( ) [ ]
// any tag that is an object will be eliminated as it is toStringed to make [ object object ]
items.forEach(item => {
if (item.tags) {
item.displayTags = getDisplayTags(item.tags);
$scope.items = items;
$scope.lastUsedText = (item) => {
let l = (Number)(item.lastUsed);
if (!l || isNaN(l) || l<=0) return "";
if (l < 100000) return 'Preselected for inclusion in "Recent" filter.';
return 'Last used: ' + distanceInWordsToNow(l, { includeSeconds: true, addSuffix: true });
$scope.showPaletteControls = false;
$scope.onFiltersShown = () => {
$timeout( () => {
// check do we need to show the multiline
let filters = angular.element($element[0].querySelector(".filters"));
$scope.$apply( () => $scope.filterSettings.filtersMultilineAvailable = filters[0].scrollHeight > filters[0].offsetHeight + 6 );
repaginate($scope, $element);
} );
$scope.togglePaletteControls = () => {
$scope.showPaletteControls = !$scope.showPaletteControls;
$timeout( () => repaginate($scope, $element) );
$scope.toggleShowAllFilters = () => {
$scope.filterSettings.showAllFilters = !$scope.filterSettings.showAllFilters;
$timeout( () => repaginate($scope, $element) );
$scope.filterSettings = {};
$scope.filters = [
{ label: 'Recent', icon: 'clock-o', title: "Recently used and standard favorites", limitToOnePage: true,
filterInit: items => {
$scope.recentItems = items.filter( i => i.lastUsed && i.lastUsed>0 );
$scope.recentItems.sort( (a,b) => b.lastUsed - a.lastUsed );
return $scope.recentItems;
}, enabled: false },
$scope.disableFilters = (showFilters) => {
$scope.filters.forEach( f => f.enabled = false );
if (showFilters !== false) {
$scope.showPaletteControls = true;
// this can be overridden for palette sections/modes which show a subset of the types returned by the server;
// this is applied when the data is received from the server.
// it is used by catalogSelectorFiltersFilter;
$scope.filterPaletteItemsForMode = (items) => items;
// downstream can override this to insert lines below the header
$scope.customSubHeadTemplateName = 'composer-palette-empty-sub-head';
$templateCache.put($scope.customSubHeadTemplateName, '');
$scope.customFooterTemplateName = 'composer-palette-default-footer';
$templateCache.put($scope.customFooterTemplateName, footerTemplate);
// allow downstream to configure this controller and/or scope
(composerOverrides.configurePaletteController || function() {})(this, $scope, $element);