tree: b947010d7888a73ed3c3c22a70db47375d25e659 [path history] [tgz]
  1. external-modules/
  2. features/
  3. metadata-registry/
  4. module-api/
  5. module-registry/
  6. proxy/
  7. pom.xml

This folder contains projects which help working with and extending the UI:

  • module-api: pattern for UI projects to advertise themselves as UI modules
  • module-registry: track installed UI modules and serve them at /ui-module-registry
  • external-modules: enricher to allow entities to install new modules
  • metadata-registry: supply miscellaneous server-supplied data at /ui-metadata-registry
  • proxy: simple proxy server
  • feature: builds this as an OSGi feature

Note that UI modules themselves are in ../ui-modules.

UI Module Config

A Brooklyn UI module is a WAR being installed which includes a file ui-module/config.yaml defining at minimum:

  • a name (to be displayed in the UI)
  • a slug (used internally for reference; usually this is set to be ${project.artifactId} and substituted during the build)
  • an icon CSS class set, usually Font Awesome based (e.g. fa-home).

Optionally it can include:

  • a list of type tokens for arbitrary use (currently home-ui-module is used to indicate a module should show up on the home page, and library-ui-module to indicate it should be excluded from the menu)
  • actions (not used currently, see code to understand)
  • stopExisting (boolean, whether to stop lower-numbered bundles listening on the same context-path declared in web.xml, defaulting to true)
  • supersedes (a list of bundle-regex:version-regex of bundles that should be stopped when this UI module is installed; this is used for downstream projects that may override UI modules and wish to ensure their modules are used without relying on bundle install order (but often bundle install order is sufficient))

The Karaf command web:list is helpful in determining which module is actually active when there are conflicts for a given context path.