in quick launch, if any app is tagged catalog_quick_launch, then only apps with that tags will be shown. as before in all cases this only shows those apps marked as templates.
diff --git a/ui-modules/home/app/views/main/main.controller.js b/ui-modules/home/app/views/main/main.controller.js
index 1c7360b..e967953 100644
--- a/ui-modules/home/app/views/main/main.controller.js
+++ b/ui-modules/home/app/views/main/main.controller.js
@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@
         catalogApps: ['catalogApi', (catalogApi) => {
             return catalogApi.getTypes({params: {supertype: 'org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Application'}}).then(applications => {
+                // optionally tag things with 'catalog_quick_launch': if any apps are so tagged, 
+                // then only apps with such tags will be shown;
+                // in all cases only show those marked as templates
+                var appsWithTag = applications.filter(application => application.tags && application.tags.indexOf("catalog_quick_launch")>=0);
+                if (appsWithTag.length) {
+                    applications = appsWithTag;
+                }
                 return applications.filter(application => application.template);