store whether a bundle comes from the initial catalog, and don't persist those

change previous commit so that we don't exclude persisting of things from URL's,
but we do exclude persisting of things from the catalog by default.

we needed to persist things from URL's because we might manually install bundle A with libraries B,
and we need to persist a record that those libraries B are installed and persisted,
because if we remove A, we don't remove B, but if we haven't persisted a record of B, then B is removed after rebind.

we could record an XML record without storing the JAR, but that is more work;
and it makes more sense that things in the catalog we expect to be defined in the catalog;
if you want to keep those on a restart, they need to stay in the catalog (or have upgrade instructions in catalog),
or be installed manually prior to restarting, if you want to remove it from the catalog while it is in use,

installing manually causes things to be persisted even if they are already in the catalog.
12 files changed
tree: 3d9040c063b6caaca477ec71d76a30b26f9354eb
  1. api/
  2. camp/
  3. core/
  4. karaf/
  5. launcher/
  6. launcher-common/
  7. locations/
  8. logging/
  9. parent/
  10. policy/
  11. rest/
  12. server-cli/
  13. software/
  14. test-framework/
  15. test-support/
  16. utils/
  17. .gitattributes
  18. .gitignore
  20. Dockerfile
  21. Jenkinsfile
  23. NOTICE
  24. pom.xml


Apache Brooklyn Server Sub-Project

This repo contains the core elements to run a Brooklyn server, from the API and utils through to the core implementation and the REST server.

Building the project

Two methods are available to build this project: within a docker container or directly with maven.

Using docker

The project comes with a Dockerfile that contains everything you need to build this project. First, build the docker image:

docker build -t brooklyn:server .

Then run the build:

docker run -i --rm --name brooklyn-server -v ${HOME}/.m2:/root/.m2 -v ${PWD}:/usr/build -w /usr/build brooklyn:server mvn clean install

Using maven

Simply run:

mvn clean install