don't accept jackson conversion of string to Predicate, and don't expand primitives when converting

do still allow strings for DslPredicate; but since now we allow strings to convert via jackson more often,
we need to guard against places they go in to basic Predicates and short-circuit other conversion
(eg constraints like nonNull)

related, when given a long, we want to leave it as the long, not expand it to be ["Long", value], as that is
deliberately harder to convert and we rightly i think don't accept that
6 files changed
tree: 7165f64e23d16d0285f4b70fc00da9d7f1a2b2cd
  1. api/
  2. camp/
  3. core/
  4. karaf/
  5. launcher/
  6. launcher-common/
  7. locations/
  8. logging/
  9. parent/
  10. policy/
  11. rest/
  12. server-cli/
  13. software/
  14. test-framework/
  15. test-support/
  16. utils/
  17. .gitattributes
  18. .gitignore
  20. Dockerfile
  21. Jenkinsfile
  23. NOTICE
  24. pom.xml


Apache Brooklyn Server Sub-Project

This repo contains the core elements to run a Brooklyn server, from the API and utils through to the core implementation and the REST server.

Building the project

Two methods are available to build this project: within a docker container or directly with maven.

Using docker

The project comes with a Dockerfile that contains everything you need to build this project. First, build the docker image:

docker build -t brooklyn:server .

Then run the build:

docker run -i --rm --name brooklyn-server -v ${HOME}/.m2:/root/.m2 -v ${PWD}:/usr/build -w /usr/build brooklyn:server mvn clean install

Using maven

Simply run:

mvn clean install