Merge pull request #303 from geomacy/website

remove references to MD5/SHA1 from release process description
tree: 94d9ebcc6dc80c5ed40c1bdc604104fbbc997e87
  1. _build/
  2. _extra/
  3. _includes/
  4. _layouts/
  5. _licensing/
  6. _plugins/
  7. community/
  8. contributing/
  9. developers/
  10. documentation/
  11. download/
  12. learnmore/
  13. meta/
  14. style/
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. _config.yml
  18. Dockerfile
  19. favicon.ico
  20. Gemfile
  21. Gemfile.lock
  23. Jenkinsfile
  25. NOTICE

Brooklyn Website and Docs Source

Contributor Workflow

The contributor workflow is identical to that used by the main project, with pull requests and contributor licenses requried. Therefore you should familiarise yourself with the standard workflow for Apache Brooklyn:

The documents are written in kramdown a superset of Markdown which is processed into HTML using Jekyll. In addition to the standard set of options and notation available with these platforms, a number of custom plug-ins have been implemented specifically for the Brooklyn docs. These are detailed in the contributing to docs doc.

Workstation Setup

Manual installation

First, if you have not already done so, clone the brooklyn repository and subprojects and set up the remotes as described in Guide for committers.

The Brooklyn website uses Jekyll to process the site content into HTML. This in turn requires Ruby and gems as described in the Gemfile: install RVM to manage Ruby installations and sets of Ruby gems.

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --auto-dotfiles

Close your shell session and start a new one, to get the new environment that RVM has configured. Change directory to the location where this project is (where this file is located).

RVM should detect its configuration inside Gemfile and try to configure itself. Most likely it will report that the required version of Ruby is not installed, and it will show the command that you need to run to install the correct version. Follow the instructions it shows, typically something like rvm install ruby-2.1.2.

Once the correct version of Ruby is installed, change to your home directory and then change back (cd ~ ; cd -). This will cause RVM to re-load configuration from Gemfile with the correct version of Ruby.

Finally, run this command to install all the required Gems at the correct versions:

bundle install

Any time you need to reset your Ruby environment for jekyll to run correctly, go to this directory (or the _build subdir) and re-run the above command.

On some platforms there may be some fiddling required before jekyll runs without errors, but the ecosystem is fairly mature and most problems can be resolved with a bit of googling. Some issues we've encountered are:

  • on Mac, install xcode and its command-line tools

  • if ruby gets confused about versions, clean out your gems

  • if libxml2 fails, set bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries before the install (more details here)

  • on Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-minimal

  • if you run into problems with

    Could not load OpenSSL.
    You must recompile Ruby with OpenSSL support or change the sources in your Gemfile from 'https' to 'http'. Instructions for compiling with OpenSSL using RVM are
    available at
  • then try

    rvm reinstall 2.1.2 --with-opt-dir=/usr/local --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl
  • if you run into trouble with therubyracer and v8 then try (from link)

    $ gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8
    $ bundle install
    $ gem uninstall libv8
    $ brew install v8
    $ gem install therubyracer
    $ bundle install
    $ gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8
    $ bundle install

Using Docker

The project comes with a Dockerfile that contains everything you need to build. First, build the docker image

docker build -t brooklyn:docs-website .

Then run the build:

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/usr/workspace brooklyn:docs-website "./_build/ website-root"

Seeing the Website

Manual installation

To build and most of see the documentation, run this command in this folder:

jekyll serve

This will start up a local web server. The URL is printed by Jekyll when the server starts, e.g. http://localhost:4000/ . The server will continue to run until you press Ctrl+C. Modified files will be detected and regenerated (but that might take up to 1m). Add --no-watch argument to turn off regeneration, or use jekyll build instead to generate a site in _site without a server.

This does not generate API docs and certain other material; see the notes on _build/ below for that.

Using Docker

Run the following command

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/usr/workspace -p4000:4000 brooklyn:docs-website "./_build/ website-root --serve"

Project Structure

  • /style: contains JS, CSS, and image resources; on the live website, this folder is installed at the root and into archived versions of the guide.

  • /_build: contains build scripts and configuration files, and tests for some of the plugins

  • /_plugins: contains Jekyll plugins which supply tags and generation logic for the sites, including links and tables of contents

  • /_layouts: contains HTML templates used by pages

  • /_includes: contains miscellaneous content used by templates and pages

Jekyll automatically excludes any file or folder beginning with _ from direct processing, so these do not show up in the _site folder (except where they are embedded in other files).

A word on branches: The website lives in the website branch whereas the documentation lives in the master branch. The 2 are completely separated micro-site, with their own build tools and process.

Website Structure

The two micro-sites above are installed on the live website as follows:

  • /: contains the website
  • /v/<version>: contains specific versions of the guide, with the special folder /v/latest containing the recent preferred stable/milestone version

The site itself is hosted at with a CNAME record from

Content is published to the site by updating an Apache subversion repository, brooklyn-site-public at See below for more information.

Building the Website

For most users, the jekyll serve command described above is sufficient to test changes locally. The main reason to use the build scripts (and to read this section) is to push changes to the server (requires Apache Brooklyn commit rights), or to test generated content such as API docs.

The build is controlled by config files in _build/ and accessed through _build/ There are a number of different builds possible; to list these, run:

_build/ help

The normal build outputs to _site/. The three builds which are most relevant to updating the live site are:

  • website-root: to build the website only, in the root

If you which to serve the website locally, you can use the option --serve to start a web server, serving the content of _site/. A handy command for testing the live files, analogous to jekyll serve but with the correct file structure, and then checking links, is:

_build/ website-root --serve

And to run link-checks quickly (without validating external links), use:

htmlproof --href_ignore "https?://127.*" --alt_ignore ".*" --disable_external _site

Preparing for a Release

When doing a release and changing versions:

  • Before branching:
    • Change the brooklyn-stable-version variable in _config.yml
    • Update website/meta/ with a bit of info on this release
  • In the branch, with run (e.g. from N.SNAPSHOT to N)
  • Ensure the guide/start/ file is current
  • Build and publish website-root, guide-latest, and guide-version
  • In master, with run (e.g. to N+1-SNAPSHOT)
    • Clear old stuff in the guide/start/ file
    • Optionally build and public guide-version

Publishing the Website

The Apache website publication process is based around the Subversion repository; the generated HTML files must be checked in to Subversion, whereupon an automated process will publish the files to the live website. So, to push changes the live site, you will need to have the website directory checked out from the Apache subversion repository. We recommend setting this up as a sibling to your brooklyn git project directory:

# verify we're in the right location and the site does not already exist
ls _build/ || { echo "ERROR: you should be in the docs/ directory to run this command" ; exit 1 ; }
ls ../../brooklyn-site-public > /dev/null && { echo "ERROR: brooklyn-site-public dir already exists" ; exit 1 ; }
pushd `pwd -P`/../..

svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert co brooklyn-site-public

# verify it
cd brooklyn-site-public
ls style/img/apache-brooklyn-logo-244px-wide.png || { echo "ERROR: checkout is wrong" ; exit 1 ; }
export BROOKLYN_SITE_DIR=`pwd`
echo "SUCCESS: checked out site in $BROOKLYN_SITE_DIR"

With this checked out, the script can automatically copy generated files into the right subversion sub-directories with the --install option. (This assumes the relative structure described above; if you have a different structure, set BROOKLYN_SITE_DIR to point to the directory as above. Alternatively you can copy files manually, using the instructions in as a guide.)

A typical update consists of the following commands (or a subset), copied to ${BROOKLYN_SITE_DIR-../../brooklyn-site-public}:

# ensure svn repo is up-to-date (very painful otherwise)
cd ${BROOKLYN_SITE_DIR-../../brooklyn-site-public}
svn up
cd -

# main website, if desired, relative to / 
_build/ website-root --install

(If HTML-Proofer find failures, then fix the links etc. Unfortunately, the javadoc build gives a lot of warnings. Fixing those is not part of this activity).

You can then preview the public site of localhost:4000 with:


Next it is recommended to go to the SVN dir and review the changes using the usual svn commands -- status, diff, add, rm, etc. Note in particular that deleted files need special attention (there is no analogue of git add -A!). Look at deletions carefully, to try to avoid breaking links, but once you've done that these commands might be useful:

cd ${BROOKLYN_SITE_DIR-../../brooklyn-site-public}
svn add * --force
export DELETIONS=$( svn status | sed -e '/^!/!d' -e 's/^!//' )
if [ ! -z "${DELETIONS}" ] ; then svn rm ${DELETIONS} ; fi

Then check in the changes (probably picking a better message than shown here):

svn ci -m 'Update Brooklyn website'

The changes should become live within a few minutes.

SVN commits can be slow, particularly if you've regenerated javadoc. (The date is included in all javadoc files so the commands above will cause all javadoc to be updated.) Use _build/ guide-version --install --skip-javadoc to update master while re-using the previously installed javadoc. That command will fail if javadoc has not been generated for that version.

More Notes on the Code


We use some custom Jekyll plugins, in the _plugins dir:

  • include markdown files inside other files (see, for example, the * files which contain text which is used in multiple other files)
  • generate the site structure / menu objects