title: Custom Entities layout: website-normal toc: ../guide_toc.json categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]

So far we‘ve covered how to configure and compose entities. There’s a large library of blueprints available, but there are also times when you'll want to write your own.

For complex use cases, you can write JVM, but for many common situations, some of the highly-configurable blueprints make it easy to write in YAML, including bash and Chef.

Vanilla Software using bash

The following blueprint shows how a simple script can be embedded in the YAML (the | character is special YAML which makes it easier to insert multi-line text):

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

This starts a simple nc listener on port 4321 which will respond hello to the first session which connects to it. Test it by running telnet localhost 4321 or opening http://localhost:4321 in a browser.

Note that it only allows you connect once, and after that it fails. This is deliberate! We'll repair this later in this example. Until then however, in the Applications view you can click the server, go to the Effectors tab, and click restart to bring if back to life.

This is just a simple script, but it shows how any script can be easily embedded here, including a script to download and run other artifacts. Many artifacts are already packaged such that they can be downloaded and launched with a simple script, and VanillaSoftwareProcess can also be used for them.

Downloading Files

We can specify a download.url which downloads an artifact (and automatically unpacking TAR, TGZ, and ZIP archives) before running launch.command relative to where that file is installed (or unpacked), with the default launch.command being ./start.sh.

So if we create a file /tmp/netcat-server.tgz containing just start.sh in the root which contains the line echo hello | nc -l 4321, we can instead write our example as:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-file.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

Determining Successful Launch

The default method used to determine a successful launch of VanillaSoftwareProcess is to run a command over ssh to do a health check. The health check is done post-launch (repeating until it succeeds, before then reporting that the entity has started).

The default command used to carry out this health check will determine if the pid, written to $PID_FILE is running. This is why we included in the entity's launch script the line echo $! > $PID_FILE.

You'll observe this if you connect to one of the netcat services (e.g. via telnet localhost 4321): the nc process exits afterwards, causing Brooklyn to set the entity to an ON_FIRE state. (You can also test this with a killall nc).

There are other options for determining health: you can set checkRunning.command and stop.command instead, as documented on the javadoc and config keys of the {% include java_link.html class_name=“VanillaSoftwareProcess” package_path=“org/apache/brooklyn/entity/software/base” project_subpath=“software/base” %} class, and those scripts will be used instead of checking and stopping the process whose PID is in $PID_FILE. For example:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-more-commands.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

Periodic Health Check

After start-up is complete, the health check described above is also run periodically, defaulting to every 5 seconds (configured with the config key softwareProcess.serviceProcessIsRunningPollPeriod).

This ssh-based polling can be turned off by configuring sshMonitoring.enabled: false. However, if no alternative health-check is defined then failure of the process would never be detected by Brooklyn.

See Health Check Sensors for alternative ways of detecting failures.

Port Inferencing

If you're deploying to a cloud machine, a firewall might block the port 4321. We can tell Brooklyn to open this port explicitly by specifying inboundPorts: [ 4321 ]; however a more idiomatic way is to specify a config ending with .port, such as:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-port.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

The regex for ports to be opened can be configured using the config inboundPorts.configRegex (which has .*\.port as the default value).

Config keys of type org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.PortRange (aka port) have special behaviour: when configuring, you can use range notation 8000-8100 or 8000+ to tell Brooklyn to find one port matching; this is useful when ports might be in use. In addition, any such config key will be opened, irrespective of whether it matches the inboundPorts.configRegex. To prevent any inferencing of ports to open, you can set the config inboundPorts.autoInfer to false.

Furthermore, the port inferencing capability takes in account static ConfigKey fields that are defined on any Entity sub-class. So, ConfigKey fields that are based on PortRanges type will be also included as required open ports.

Note that in the example above, netcat.port must be specified in a brooklyn.config block. This block can be used to hold any config (including for example the launch.command), but for convenience Brooklyn allows config keys declared on the underlying type to be specified up one level, alongside the type. However config keys which are not declared on the type must be declared in the brooklyn.config block.

Passing custom variables

Blueprint scripts can be parametrised through environment variables, making them reusable in different use-cases. Define the variables in the env block and then reference them using the standard bash notation:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-env.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

Non-string objects in the env map will be serialized to JSON before passing them to the script.

Declaring New Config Keys

We can define config keys to be presented to the user using the brooklyn.parameters block:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-port-parameter.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

The example above will allow a user to specify a message to send back and the port where netcat will listen. The metadata on these parameters is available at runtime in the UI and through the API, and is used when populating a catalog.

The example also shows how these values can be passed as environment variables to the launch command. The $brooklyn:config(...) function returns the config value supplied or default. For the type port, an attribute sensor is also created to report the actual port used after port inference, and so the $brooklyn:attributeWhenReady(...) function is used. (If $brooklyn:config("netcat.port") had been used, 4321+ would be passed as NETCAT_PORT.)

This gives us quite a bit more power in writing our blueprint:

  • Multiple instances of the server can be launched simultaneously on the same host, as the 4321+ syntax enables Brooklyn to assign them different ports
  • If this type is added to the catalog, a user can configure the message and the port; we'll show this in the next section

Using the Catalog and Clustering

The Catalog component allows you to add blueprints which you can refer to in other blueprints. In that tab, click + then YAML, and enter the following:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-catalog.bom %} {% endhighlight %}

This is the same example as in the previous section, wrapped according to the catalog YAML requirements, with one new block added defining an enricher. An enricher creates a new sensor from other values; in this case it will create a main.uri sensor by populating a printf-style string "http://%s:%s" with the sensor values.

With this added to the catalog, we can reference the type netcat-example when we deploy an application. Return to the Home or Applications tab, click +, and submit this YAML blueprint:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-reference.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

This extends the previous blueprint which we registered in the catalog, meaning that we don‘t need to include it each time. Here, we’ve elected to supply our own message, but we'll use the default port. More importantly, we can package it for others to consume -- or take items others have built.

We can go further and use this to deploy a cluster, this time giving a custom port as well as a custom message:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-cluster.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

In either of the above examples, if you explore the tree in the Applications view and look at the Summary tab of any of the server instances, you‘ll now see the URL where netcat is running. But remember, netcat will stop after one run, so you’ll only be able to use each link once before you have to restart it. You can also run restart on the cluster, and if you haven't yet experimented with resize on the cluster you might want to do that.

Attaching Policies

Besides detecting this failure, Brooklyn policies can be added to the YAML to take appropriate action. A simple recovery here might be just to restart the process automatically:

{% highlight yaml %} {% read example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-restarter.yaml %} {% endhighlight %}

Autonomic management in Brooklyn often follows the principle that complex behaviours emerge from composing simple policies. The blueprint above uses one policy to trigger a failure sensor when the service is down, and another responds to such failures by restarting the service. This makes it easy to configure various aspects, such as to delay to see if the service itself recovers (which here we‘ve set to 15 seconds) or to bail out on multiple failures within a time window (which again we are not doing). Running with this blueprint, you’ll see that the service shows as on fire for 15s after a telnet localhost 4321, before the policy restarts it.

Sensors and Effectors


For an even more interesting way to test it, look at the blueprint defining a netcat server and client. This uses brooklyn.initializers (see in the YAML reference) to define an effector to sayHiNetcat on the Simple Pinger client, using env variables to inject the netcat-server location and parameters to pass in per-effector data:

    TARGET_HOSTNAME: $brooklyn:entity("netcat-server").attributeWhenReady("host.name")
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.ssh.SshCommandEffector
      name: sayHiNetcat
      description: Echo a small hello string to the netcat entity
      command: |
        echo $message | nc $TARGET_HOSTNAME 4321
          description: The string to pass to netcat
          defaultValue: hi netcat


This blueprint also uses initializers to define sensors on the netcat-server entity so that the $message we passed above gets logged and reported back:

  launch.command: |
    echo hello | nc -l 4321 >> server-input &
    echo $! > $PID_FILE
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.ssh.SshCommandSensor
      name: output.last
      period: 1s
      command: tail -1 server-input

More information on this and the sensors described below are in the YAML Reference.

Container Sensor

This blueprint uses initializers to define a ContainerSensor on a BasicStartable entity so that a random number is generated by executing a command on a container for this specific purpose, and destroyed afterwards.

{% highlight yaml %}

name: entity-with-container-sensor services:

  • type: ‘org.apache.brooklyn.entity.stock.BasicStartable:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT’ brooklyn.initializers:
    • type: org.apache.brooklyn.tasks.kubectl.ContainerSensor brooklyn.config: image: perl imagePullPolicy: never bashScript: | echo hello name: test-sensor period: 20s

{% endhighlight %}

ContainerSensor shared configuration details with ContainerEffector, so for more details about the ContainerSensor available configuration keys, see here.

Windows Command Sensor

Like the blueprint above, the following example also uses brooklyn.initializers to define sensors on the entity, this time however it is a Windows VM and uses WinRmCommandSensor.

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.software.base.VanillaWindowsProcess
    launch.command: echo launching
    checkRunning.command: echo running
  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.windows.WinRmCommandSensor
      name: ip.config
      period: 60s
      command: hostname

Health Check Sensors

As mentioned previously, the default health check is to execute the check-running command over ssh every 5 seconds. This can be very CPU intensive when there are many entities. An alternative is to disable the ssh-polling (by setting sshMonitoring.enabled: false) and to configure a different health-check.

See documentation on the Entity's error status for how Brooklyn models an entity's health.

In the snippet below, we‘ll define a new health-check sensor (via HTTP polling), and will automatically add this to the service.notUp.indicators. If that map is non-empty, then the entity’s service.isUp will be set automatically to false:

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.software.base.VanillaSoftwareProcess
    launch.command: |
    checkRunning.command: true
    sshMonitoring.enabled: false

    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.http.HttpRequestSensor
        name: http.healthy
        period: 5s
        suppressDuplicates: true
        jsonPath: "$"
          - "http://%s:8080/healthy"
          - $brooklyn:attributeWhenReady("host.name")

    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.UpdatingMap
        enricher.sourceSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("http.healthy")
        enricher.targetSensor: $brooklyn:sensor("service.notUp.indicators")
            type: "com.google.guava:com.google.common.base.Functions"
            factoryMethod.name: "forMap"
              - true: null
                false: "false"
              - "no value"

The HttpRequestSensor configures the entity to poll every 5 seconds on the given URI, taking the JSON result as the sensor value.

The UpdatingMap enricher uses that sensor to populate an entry in the service.notUp.indicators. It transforms the http.healthy sensor value using the given function: if the HTTP poll returned true, then it is mapped to null (so is removed from the service.noUp.indicators); if the poll returned false, then "false" is added to the indicators map; otherwise "no value" is added to the indicators map.


These examples do relatively simple things, but they illustrate many of the building blocks used in real-world blueprints, and how they can often be easily described and combined in Brooklyn YAML blueprints.