blob: 2f2c3f64492ed9af8be062ee38b227ff86d7a5ac [file] [log] [blame]
/* Fix the bootstrap parts so they show the content not the controls*/
display: none;
.tab-content > .tab-pane {
display: inline;
.fade {
opacity: 1;
#next, *[id$='_next']{
display: none;
.collapse {
display: block;
.section-breaker {
padding-bottom: 15px;
/* The styled bootstrap panels */
.panel-body, .panel-default{
background: none;
border: 0px solid #fff !important;
box-shadow: none;
padding: 0px;
.panel-default > .panel-heading{
background: none;
border: 0px solid #fff !important;
box-shadow: none;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
pre, pre code{
overflow: auto;
white-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS 3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
pre {
font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
padding-right: 25px;
padding-top: 75px;
float: right;
font-size: 20pt;
font-weight: bold;
.page .content h1{
display: inline-block;
width: 90%;
display: none;
display: inline !important;
display: none !important;