
{% include feature-item.html title=“Brooklyn console” %}

Brooklyn runs with a GUI console giving easy access to the management hierarchy, sensors, and activities.

{% include feature-item-end.html img=“ops-console.png” %}

{% include feature-item.html title=“High availability” %}

Run standby nodes which can optionally automatically promote to master in the event of master failure. Hot standby nodes can provide additional read-only access to entity information. {% include feature-item-end.html %}

{% include feature-item.html title=“State persistence” %}

Blueprint, catalog, topology and sensor information can be automatically persisted to any file system or object store to stop Brooklyn and restart resuming where you left off. {% include feature-item-end.html %}

{% include feature-item.html title=“REST API” %}

{% include feature-item.html title=“Groovy console” %}

With the right permissions, Groovy scripts can be sent via the GUI or via REST, allowing open-heart surgery on your systems. (Use with care!) {% include feature-item-end.html %}

{% include feature-item.html title=“Versioning” %}

Blueprints in the catalog can be versioned on-the-fly. Running entities are attached to the version against which they were launched to preserve integrity, until manual version updates are performed. {% include feature-item-end.html %}

{% include feature-item.html title=“Deep task information” %} The console shows task flows in real-time, including the stdin and stdout for shell commands, making it simpler to debug those pesky failures. {% include feature-item-end.html %}