title: Upgrade layout: website-normal

Upgrading Brooklyn

  • Use of RPM and DEB is now recommended where possible, rather than the tar.gz. This entirely replaces the previous install.

  • CentOS 7.x is recommended over CentOS 6.x (note: the RPM will not work on CentOS 6.x)

Upgrade from Apache Brooklyn 0.12.0 onward

{::options parse_block_html=“true” /}

  1. Important! Backup persisted state and custom configuration, in case you need to rollback to a previous version.

    1. By default, persisted state is located at /var/lib/brooklyn. The persistenceDir and persistenceLocation are configured in the file /etc/brooklyn/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg. The persistence details will be logged in /var/log/brooklyn/brooklyn.info.log at startup time.

    2. Configuration files are in /etc/brooklyn.

  2. Upgrade Apache Brooklyn:

    1. Download the new RPM/DEB package

    2. Upgrade Apache Brooklyn:

      # CentOS / RHEL
      sudo yum upgrade apache-brooklyn-xxxx.noarch.rpm
      # Ubuntu / Debian
      sudo dpkg -i apache-brooklyn-xxxx.deb

      If there are conflicts in configuration files (located in /etc/brooklyn), the upgrade will behave differently based on the package you are using:

      • RPM: the upgrade will keep the previously installed one and save the new version, with the suffix .rpmsave. You will then need to check and manually resolve those.
      • DEB: the upgrade will ask you what to do.
  3. Start Apache Brooklyn:

    # CentOS 7 / RHEL
    sudo systemctl start brooklyn
    # CentOS 6 and older
    sudo initctl start brooklyn
    # Ubuntu / Debian
    start brooklyn

    Wait for Brooklyn to be running (i.e. its web-console is responsive)

  1. Stop Apache Brooklyn:

    ./bin/stop brooklyn

    If this does not stop it within a few seconds (as checked with sudo ps aux | grep karaf), then use sudo kill <JAVA_PID>

  2. Important! Backup persisted state and custom configuration.

    1. By default, persisted state is located at ~/.brooklyn/brooklyn-persisted-state. The persistenceDir and persistenceLocation are configured in the file ./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg. The persistence details will be logged in ./log/brooklyn.info.log at startup time.

    2. Configuration files are in ./etc/. Any changes to these configuration files will need to be re-applied after reinstalling Brooklyn.

  3. Install new version of Apache Brooklyn:

    1. Download the new tarball zip package.

    2. Install Brooklyn:

      tar -zxf apache-brooklyn-xxxx.tar.gz
      cd apache-brooklyn-xxxx
  4. Restore any changes to the configuration files (see step 2).

  5. Validate that the new release works, by starting in “HOT_BACKUP” mode.

    1. Before starting Brooklyn, reconfigure ./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg and set highAvailabilityMode=HOT_BACKUP. This way when Brooklyn is started, it will only read and validate the persisted state and will not write into it.

    2. Start Apache Brooklyn:

      ./bin/start brooklyn
    3. Check whether you have rebind ERROR messages in ./log/brooklyn.info.log, e.g. sudo grep -E "WARN|ERROR" /opt/brooklyn/log/brooklyn.debug.log. If you do not have such errors you can proceed.

    4. Stop Apache Brooklyn:

      ./bin/stop brooklyn
    5. Change the highAvailabilityMode to the default (AUTO) by commenting it out in ./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg.

  6. Start Apache Brooklyn:

    ./bin/start brooklyn

    Wait for Brooklyn to be running (i.e. its web-console is responsive).

  7. Update the catalog, using the br command:

    1. Download the br tool.

    2. Login with br: br login http://localhost:8081 <user> <password>.

    3. Update the catalog: br catalog add /opt/brooklyn/catalog/catalog.bom.

Upgrade from Apache Brooklyn 0.11.0 and below

  1. Stop Apache Brooklyn:

    # CentOS 7 / RHEL
    sudo systemctl stop brooklyn
    # CentOS6 and older
    sudo initctl stop brooklyn
    # Ubuntu / Debian
    stop brooklyn

    If this does not stop it within a few seconds (as checked with sudo ps aux | grep brooklyn), then use sudo kill <JAVA_PID>.

  2. Important! Backup persisted state and custom configuration.

    1. By default, persisted state is located at /opt/brooklyn/.brooklyn/.. The persistenceDir and persistenceLocation are configured in the file ./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg. The persistence details will be logged in ./log/brooklyn.info.log at startup time.

    2. Configuration files are in ./etc/. Any changes to these configuration files will need to be re-applied after reinstalling Brooklyn.

  3. Delete the existing Apache Brooklyn install:

    1. Remove Brooklyn package:

      # CentOS / RHEL
      sudo yum erase apache-brooklyn
      # Ubuntu / Debian
      sudo dpkg -r apache-brooklyn
    2. On CentOS 7 run sudo systemctl daemon-reload.

    3. Confirm that Brooklyn is definitely not running (see step 1 above).

    4. Delete the Brooklyn install directory: sudo rm -r /opt/brooklyn as well as the Brooklyn log directory: sudo rm -r /var/log/brooklyn/

  4. Make sure you have Java 8. By default CentOS images come with JRE6 which is incompatible version for Brooklyn. If CentOS is prior to 6.8 upgrade nss: yum -y upgrade nss

  5. Install new version of Apache Brooklyn:

    1. Download the new RPM/DEB package.

    2. Install Apache Brooklyn:

      # CentOS / RHEL
      sudo yum install apache-brooklyn-xxxx.noarch.rpm
      # Ubuntu / Debian
      sudo dpkg -i apache-brooklyn-xxxx.deb
  6. Restore the persisted state and configuration.

    1. Stop the Brooklyn service:

      # CentOS 7 / RHEL 
      sudo systemctl stop brooklyn
      # CentOS 6 and older
      sudo initctl stop brooklyn
      # Ubuntu / Debian
      stop brooklyn

      Confirm that Brooklyn is no longer running (see step 1).

    2. Restore the persisted state directory into /var/lib/brooklyn and any changes to the configuration files (see step 2). Ensure owner/permissions are correct for the persisted state directory, e.g.: sudo chown -r brooklyn:brooklyn /var/lib/brooklyn

  7. Validate that the new release works, by starting in “HOT_BACKUP” mode.

    1. Before starting Brooklyn, reconfigure /etc/brooklyn/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg and set highAvailabilityMode=HOT_BACKUP. This way when Brooklyn is started, it will only read and validate the persisted state and will not write into it.

    2. Start Apache Brooklyn:

      # CentOS 7 / RHEL
      sudo systemctl start brooklyn
      # CentOS 6 and older
      sudo initctl start brooklyn
      # Ubuntu / Debian
      start brooklyn
    3. Check whether you have rebind ERROR messages in the Brooklyn logs, e.g. sudo grep -E "Rebind|WARN|ERROR" /var/log/brooklyn/brooklyn.debug.log. If you do not have such errors you can proceed.

    4. Stop Brooklyn:

      # CentOS 7 / RHEL 
      sudo systemctl stop brooklyn
      # CentOS 6 and older
      sudo initctl stop brooklyn
      # Ubuntu / Debian
      stop brooklyn
    5. Change the highAvailabilityMode to the default (AUTO) by commenting it out in ./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg.

  8. Start Apache Brooklyn:

    # CentOS 7 / RHEL
    sudo systemctl start brooklyn
    # CentOS 6 and older
    sudo initctl start brooklyn
    # Ubuntu / Debian
    start brooklyn

    Wait for Brooklyn to be running (i.e. its web-console is responsive).

  9. Update the catalog, using the br command:

    1. Download the br tool (i.e. from the “CLI Download” link in the web-console).

    2. Login with br: br login http://localhost:8081 <user> <password>.

    3. Update the catalog: br catalog add /opt/brooklyn/catalog/catalog.bom.

Same instructions as above.


This section applies only with you are using the RPM/DEB packages. To perform a rollback, please follow these instructions:

{% highlight bash %}


yum downgrade apache-brooklyn.noarch

Ubuntu Debian

dpkg -i apache-brooklyn-xxxx.deb {% endhighlight %}

Note that to downgrade a DEB package is essentially installing a previous version therefore you need to download the version you want to downgrade to before hand.

How to stop your service

On systemd: {% highlight bash %} systemctl stop brooklyn {% endhighlight %}

On upstart: {% highlight bash %} stop brooklyn {% endhighlight %}

Web login credentials

  • User credentials should now be recorded in brooklyn.cfg.

  • Brooklyn will still read them from both brooklyn.cfg and ~/.brooklyn/brooklyn.properties.

  • Configure a username/password by modifying brooklyn.cfg. An example entry is:

{% highlight bash %} brooklyn.webconsole.security.users=admin brooklyn.webconsole.security.user.admin.password=password2 {% endhighlight %}


If you have persisted state you wish to rebind to, persistence is now configured in the following files:

For example, to use S3 for the persisted state, add the following to brooklyn.cfg:

{% highlight bash %} brooklyn.location.named.aws-s3-eu-west-1:aws-s3:eu-west-1 brooklyn.location.named.aws-s3-eu-west-1.identity= brooklyn.location.named.aws-s3-eu-west-1.credential= {% endhighlight %}

To continue the S3 example, for the persisted state, add the following to org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg:

{% highlight bash %} persistenceLocation=aws-s3-eu-west-1 persistenceDir= {% endhighlight %}

Apache Brooklyn should be stopped before this file is modified, and then restarted with the new configuration.

Note that you can not store the credentials (for e.g. aws-s3-eu-west-1) in the catalog because that catalog is stored in the persisted state. Apache Brooklyn needs to know it in order to read the persisted state at startup time.

If binding to existing persisted state, an additional command is required to update the existing catalog with the Brooklyn 0.12.0 versions. Assuming Brooklyn has been installed to /opt/brooklyn (as is done by the RPM and DEB):

{% highlight bash %} br catalog add /opt/brooklyn/catalog/catalog.bom {% endhighlight %}

All existing custom jars previously added to lib/plugins (e.g. for Java-based entities) need to be converted to OSGi bundles, and installed in Karaf. The use of the “brooklyn.libraries” section in catalog.bom files will continue to work.