title: CORS Configuration layout: website-normal

To enable / configure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). The following file must be added to org.apache.brooklyn.rest.filter.cors.cfg

{% highlight properties %}

Enables experimental support for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) filtering in Apache Brooklyn REST API.


@see CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter#setAllowOrigins(List)

Coma separated values list of allowed origins. Access-Control-Allow-Origin header will be returned to client if Origin header in request is matching exactly a value among the list allowed origins.

If empty or not specified then all origins are allowed. No wildcard allowed origins are supported.

cors.allow.origins=http://host-one.example.com:8080, http://host-two.example.com, https://host-three.example.com

@see CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter#setAllowHeaders(List)

Coma separated values list of allowed headers for preflight checks.


@see CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter#setAllowCredentials(boolean)

The value for the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. If false, no header is added.

If true, the header is added with the value ‘true’. False by default.


@see CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter#setExposeHeaders(List)

CSV list of non-simple headers to be exposed via Access-Control-Expose-Headers.


@see CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter#setMaxAge(Integer)

The value for Access-Control-Max-Age. If -1 then No Access-Control-Max-Age header will be send.


@see CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter#setPreflightErrorStatus(Integer)

Preflight error response status, default is 200.


Do not apply CORS if response is going to be with UNAUTHORIZED status.

#cors.block.if.unauthorized=false {% endhighlight %}

NOTE: You must restart Brooklyn for these changes to be applied

Further information on client side usage