section: Localhost section_position: 11 section_type: inline


If passwordless ssh login to localhost and passwordless sudo is enabled on your machine, you should be able to deploy some blueprints with no special configuration, just by specifying location: localhost in YAML.

For example:

{% read snippets/ %}

If you use a passphrase or prefer a different key, these can be configured as follows:


Alternatively, you can create a specific localhost location through the location wizard tool available within the web console. This location will be saved as a catalog entry for easy reusability.

Passwordless Sudo

If you encounter issues or for more information, see SSH Keys Localhost Setup.

For some blueprints, passwordless sudo is required. (Try executing sudo whoami to see if it prompts for a password. To enable passwordless sudo for your account, a line must be added to the system /etc/sudoers file.
To edit the file, use the visudo command:

{% highlight bash %} sudo visudo {% endhighlight %}

Add this line at the bottom of the file, replacing username with your own user:

{% highlight bash %} username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL {% endhighlight %}

If executing the following command does not ask for your password, then sudo has been setup correctly:

{% highlight bash %} sudo whoami {% endhighlight %}