section: Clouds section_type: inline section_position: 1


For most cloud provisioning tasks, Brooklyn uses Apache jclouds. The identifiers for some of the most commonly used jclouds-supported clouds are (or see the full list):

  • jclouds:aws-ec2:<region>: Amazon EC2, where :<region> might be us-east-1 or eu-west-1 (or omitted)
  • jclouds:azurecompute-arm: Azure (ARM templates)
  • jclouds:google-compute-engine: Google Compute Engine
  • jclouds:openstack-nova:<endpoint>: OpenStack, where :<endpoint> is the access URL (required)
  • jclouds:cloudstack:<endpoint>: Apache CloudStack, where :<endpoint> is the access URL (required)

For any of these, of course, Brooklyn needs to be configured with an identity and a credential:

{% highlight yaml %} location: jclouds:aws-ec2: identity: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST credential: s3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3l {% endhighlight %}

The above YAML can be embedded directly in blueprints, either at the root or on individual services. If you prefer to keep the credentials separate, you can instead store them as a catalog entry or set them in in the jclouds.<provider> namespace:

{% highlight bash %} {% endhighlight %}

And in this case you can reference the location in YAML with location: jclouds:aws-ec2.

Alternatively, you can use the location wizard tool available within the web console to create any cloud location supported by Apache jclouds. This location will be saved as a catalog entry for easy reusability.

Brooklyn irons out many of the differences between clouds so that blueprints run similarly in a wide range of locations, including setting up access and configuring images and machine specs. The configuration options are described in more detail below.

In some cases, cloud providers have special features or unusual requirements. These are outlined in More Details for Specific Clouds.

OS Initial Login and Setup

Once a machine is provisioned, Brooklyn will normally attempt to log in via SSH and configure the machine sensibly.

The credentials for the initial OS log on are typically discovered from the cloud, but in some environments this is not possible. The keys loginUser and either loginUser.password or loginUser.privateKeyFile can be used to force Brooklyn to use specific credentials for the initial login to a cloud-provisioned machine.

(This custom login is particularly useful when using a custom image templates where the cloud-side account management logic is not enabled. For example, a vCloud (vCD) template can have guest customization that will change the root password. This setting tells Apache Brooklyn to only use the given password, rather than the initial randomly generated password that vCD returns. Without this property, there is a race for such templates: does Brooklyn manage to create the admin user before the guest customization changes the login and reboots, or is the password reset first (the latter means Brooklyn can never ssh to the VM). With this property, Brooklyn will always wait for guest customization to complete before it is able to ssh at all. In such cases, it is also recommended to use useJcloudsSshInit=false.)

Following a successful logon, Brooklyn performs the following steps to configure the machine:

  1. creates a new user with the same name as the user brooklyn is running as locally (this can be overridden with user, below).

  2. install the local user's ~/.ssh/ as an authorized_keys on the new machine, to make it easy for the operator to ssh in (override with privateKeyFile; or if there is no id_{r,d}sa{,.pub} an ad hoc keypair will be generated for the regular Brooklyn user; if there is a passphrase on the key, this must be supplied)

  3. give sudo access to the newly created user (override with grantUserSudo: false)

  4. disable direct root login to the machine

These steps can be skipped or customized as described below.

jclouds Config Keys

The following is a subset of the most commonly used configuration keys used to customize cloud provisioning. For more keys and more detail on the keys below, see {% include java_link.html class_name=“JcloudsLocationConfig” package_path=“org/apache/brooklyn/location/jclouds” project_subpath=“locations/jclouds” %}.

VM Creation
  • Most providers require exactly one of either region (e.g. us-east-1) or endpoint (the URL, usually for private cloud deployments)

  • Hardware requirements can be specified, including minRam, minCores, minDisk and os64Bit; or as a specific hardwareId

  • VM image constraints can be set using osFamily (e.g. Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, RHEL) and osVersionRegex, or specific VM images can be specified using imageId or imageNameRegex

  • Specific VM images can be specified using imageId or imageNameRegex

  • Specific Security Groups can be specified using securityGroups, as a list of strings (the existing security group names), or inboundPorts can be set, as a list of numeric ports (selected clouds only)

  • Where a key pair is registered with a target cloud for logging in to machines, Brooklyn can be configured to request this when provisioning VMs by setting keyPair (selected clouds only). Note that if this keyPair does not correspond your default ~/.ssh/id_rsa, you must typically also specify the corresponding loginUser.privateKeyFile as a file or URL accessible from Brooklyn.

  • A specific VM name (often the hostname) base to be used can be specified by setting groupId. By default, this name is constructed based on the entity which is creating it, including the ID of the app and of the entity. (As many cloud portals let you filter views, this can help find a specific entity or all machines for a given application.) For more sophisticated control over host naming, you can supply a custom {% include java_link.html class_name=“CloudMachineNamer” package_path=“org/apache/brooklyn/core/location/cloud/names” project_subpath=“core” %}, for example cloudMachineNamer: CustomMachineNamer. {% include java_link.html class_name=“CustomMachineNamer” package_path=“org/apache/brooklyn/core/location/cloud/names” project_subpath=“core” %} will use the entity's name or following a template you supply. On many clouds, a random suffix will be appended to help guarantee uniqueness; this can be removed by setting vmNameSaltLength: 0 (selected clouds only).

  • A DNS domain name where this host should be placed can be specified with domainName (in selected clouds only)

  • User metadata can be attached using the syntax userMetadata: { key: value, key2: "value 2" } (or userMetadata=key=value,key2="value 2" in a properties file)

  • By default, several pieces of user metadata are set to correlate VMs with Brooklyn entities, prefixed with brooklyn-. This user metadata can be omitted by setting includeBrooklynUserMetadata: false.

  • You can specify the number of attempts Brooklyn should make to create machines with machineCreateAttempts (jclouds only). This is useful as an efficient low-level fix for those occasions when cloud providers give machines that are dead on arrival. You can of course also resolve it at a higher level with a policy such as {% include java_link.html class_name=“ServiceRestarter” package_path=“org/apache/brooklyn/policy/ha” project_subpath=“policy” %}.

  • If you want to investigate failures, set destroyOnFailure: false to keep failed VM‘s around. (You’ll have to manually clean them up.) The default is true: if a VM fails to start, or is never ssh-able, then the VM will be terminated.

  • You can set useMachinePublicAddressAsPrivateAddress to true to overwrite the VMs private IP with its public IP. This is useful as it can be difficult to get VMs communicating via the private IPs they are assigned in some clouds. Using this config, blueprints which use private IPs can still be deployed to these clouds.

OS Setup
  • user and password can be used to configure the operating user created on cloud-provisioned machines

  • The loginUser config key (and subkeys) control the initial user to log in as, in cases where this cannot be discovered from the cloud provider

  • Private keys can be specified using privateKeyFile; these are not copied to provisioned machines, but are required if using a local public key or a pre-defined authorized_keys on the server. (For more information on SSH keys, see here.)

  • If there is a passphrase on the key file being used, you must supply it to Brooklyn for it to work, of course! privateKeyPassphrase does the trick (as in brooklyn.location.jclouds.privateKeyPassphrase, or other places where privateKeyFile is valid). If you don't like keys, you can just use a plain old password.

  • Public keys can be specified using publicKeyFile, although these can usually be omitted if they follow the common pattern of being the private key file with the suffix .pub appended. (It is useful in the case of loginUser.publicKeyFile, where you shouldn't need, or might not even have, the private key of the root user when you log in.)

  • Provide a list of URLs to public keys in extraSshPublicKeyUrls, or the data of one key in extraSshPublicKeyData, to have additional public keys added to the authorized_keys file for logging in. (This is supported in most but not all locations.)

  • Use dontCreateUser to have Brooklyn run as the initial loginUser (usually root), without creating any other user.

  • A post-provisioning setup.script can be specified to run an additional script, before making the Location available to entities. This may take the form of a URL of a script or a data URI. Note that if using a data URI it is usually a good idea to base64 this string to escape problem characters in more complex scripts. The base64 encoded script should then be prefixed with data:text/plain;base64, to denote this. For example if you wanted to disable a yum repository called reponame prior to using the machine, you could use the following command:

    sudo yum-config-manager --disable reponame

    Base64 encoding can be done with a with a tool such as this or a Linux command such as:

    echo "sudo yum-config-manager --disable reponame" | base64

    With the base64 prefix this would then look like this:

    setup.script: data:text/plain;base64,c3VkbyB5dW0tY29uZmlnLW1hbmFnZXIgLS1kaXNhYmxlIHJlcG9uYW1l

    The setup.script can also take FreeMarker variables in a setup.script.vars property. Variables are set in the format key1:value1,key2:value2 and used in the form ${key1}. So for the above example:

    setup.script.vars: repository:reponame


    setup.script: data:sudo yum-config-manager --disable ${repository}

    or encoded in base64:

    setup.script: data:text/plain;base64,c3VkbyB5dW0tY29uZmlnLW1hbmFnZXIgLS1kaXNhYmxlICR7cmVwb3NpdG9yeX0=

    This enables the name of the repository to be passed in to the script.

  • Use openIptables: true to automatically configure iptables, to open the TCP ports required by the software process. One can alternatively use stopIptables: true to entirely stop the iptables service.

  • Use Entity configuration flag effector.add.openInboundPorts: true to add an effector for opening ports in a cloud Security Group. The config is supported for all SoftwareProcessImpl implementations.

  • Use installDevUrandom: true to fall back to using /dev/urandom rather than /dev/random. This setting is useful for cloud VMs where there is not enough random entropy, which can cause /dev/random to be extremely slow (causing ssh to be extremely slow to respond).

  • Use useJcloudsSshInit: false to disable the use of the native jclouds support for initial commands executed on the VM (e.g. for creating new users, setting root passwords, etc.). Instead, Brooklyn's ssh support will be used. Timeouts and retries are more configurable within Brooklyn itself. Therefore this option is particularly recommended when the VM startup is unusual (for example, if guest customizations will cause reboots and/or will change login credentials).

  • Use noDeleteAfterExec: true to keep scripts on the server after execution. The contents of the scripts and the stdout/stderr of their execution are available in the Brooklyn web console, but sometimes it can also be useful to have them on the box. This setting prevents scripts executed on the VMs from being deleted on completion. Note that some scripts run periodically so this can eventually fill a disk; it should only be used for dev/test.

  • Use scripts.ignoreCerts: false to issue curl and other download commands on-box in such a way that they require valid certificates from the servers they connect to (e.g. without the -k argument to curl, or GPG check for package installers); this requires that images or setup configures instances so that they are able to validate any https sites used to download, and that all such sites have valid certificates.

  • Use sshToolClass: classname to configure Apache Brooklyn to use a particular SSH Tool installed into the system. The default is to use the SSHJ java library which is a good choice in most instances. Brooklyn also includes org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ssh.cli.SshCliTool which can be used to delegate to the OS ssh command instead. This can be useful if SSH activity is restricted in the environment where Brooklyn is running, such as a specific SSH client being mandated, or if FIPS support or specific cryptography is required which is not supported with the default sshj java library used by Brooklyn. Other custom tool classes can also be developed and installed.

  • When org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ssh.cli.SshCliTool is set to delegate the OS ssh command, then location can have a custom ssh and scp executable configured, via sshExecutable and scpExecutable properties:

        - id: my-location
          itemType: location
            type: byon
              sshToolClass: org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ssh.cli.SshCliTool
              sshExecutable: my-ssh # SSH executable, default is 'ssh' if not set.
              scpExecutable: my-scp # SCP executable, default is 'scp' if not set.
              # The rest is omitted for brevity

    With this, my-ssh can access to the following environment variables:

    • SSH_HOST - the host of the remote OS.
    • SSH_USER - the user of the remote OS.
    • SSH_PASSWORD - the user password to access remote OS.
    • SSH_COMMAND_BODY - the command to run on remote OS.
    • SSH_KEY_FILE - the identity key file to access remote OS.

    And my-scp can access to the following environment variables:

    • SCP_KEY_FILE - the identity key file to access remote OS.
    • SCP_PASSWORD - the user password to access remote OS.
    • SCP_FROM - the path of the local file to copy.
    • SCP_TO - the path of the remote file destination, which includes user and host of the remote OS.

    In addition to the environment variables, ssh and scp executables will be invoked with the following arguments:

    my-ssh -o BatchMode=yes [-i sshKeyFile] [-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no] [-P port] [-tt] user@host bash -c bashCommand
    my-scp [-B] [-i scpKeyFile] [-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no] [-P port] fromFile user@host:/path/to/toFile

    Custom scripts may process these command-line arguments or ignore them and use the environment variables or use a combination of the two. If a password is required, it must access that from the environment variables as passing it in the CLI is not good practice. It can be tricky to pass password directly (e.g. using expect scripts or askpass) and password-less mechanisms are normally recommended when using a CLI-based SSH.

Other low level parameters are available in specific contexts, as described in the JavaDoc for the relevant classes and in some cases in BrooklynConfigKeys.

Default values for the above properties can usually be set globally in or brooklyn.cfg by prefixing them with brooklyn.ssh.config.. For example brooklyn.ssh.config.scripts.ignoreCerts = false there will cause bash commands generated to download files to omit the argument specifying to ignore certificates (unless overridden to true at the machine level).

Custom Template Options

jclouds supports many additional options for configuring how a virtual machine is created and deployed, many of which are for cloud-specific features and enhancements. Brooklyn supports some of these, but if what you are looking for is not supported directly by Brooklyn, we instead offer a mechanism to set any parameter that is supported by the jclouds template options for your cloud.

Part of the process for creating a virtual machine is the creation of a jclouds TemplateOptions object. jclouds providers extends this with extra options for each cloud - so when using the AWS provider, the object will be of type AWSEC2TemplateOptions. By examining the source code, you can see all of the options available to you.

The templateOptions config key takes a map. The keys to the map are method names, and Brooklyn will find the method on the TemplateOptions instance; it then invokes the method with arguments taken from the map value. If a method takes a single parameter, then simply give the argument as the value of the key; if the method takes multiple parameters, the value of the key should be an array, containing the argument for each parameter.

For example, here is a complete blueprint that sets some AWS EC2 specific options:

{% read snippets/}

Here you can see that we set three template options:

  • subnetId is an example of a single parameter method. Brooklyn will effectively try to run the statement templateOptions.subnetId("subnet-041c88373");
  • mapNewVolumeToDeviceName is an example of a multiple parameter method, so the value of the key is an array. Brooklyn will effectively true to run the statement templateOptions.mapNewVolumeToDeviceName("/dev/sda1", 100, true);
  • securityGroupIds demonstrates an ambiguity between the two types; Brooklyn will first try to parse the value as a multiple parameter method, but there is no method that matches this parameter. In this case, Brooklyn will next try to parse the value as a single parameter method which takes a parameter of type List; such a method does exist so the operation will succeed.

If the method call cannot be matched to the template options available - for example if you are trying to set an AWS EC2 specific option but your location is an OpenStack cloud - then a warning is logged and the option is ignored.

Cloud Machine Naming

The name that Apache Brooklyn generates for your virtual machine will, by default, be based on your Apache Brooklyn server name and the IDs of the entities involved. This is the name you see in places such as the AWS console and will look something like:


If you have created a lot of virtual machines, this kind of naming may not be helpful. This can be changed using the following YAML in your location's brooklyn.config:

custom.machine.namer.machine: My-Custom-Name-${entity.displayName}

A FreeMarker format is used in custom.machine.namer.machine which can take values from places such as the launching entity or location.

The above example will create a name such as:


Allowing you to more easily identify your virtual machines.

More Details on Specific Clouds

Clouds vary in the format of the identity, credential, endpoint, and region. Some also have their own idiosyncracies. More details for configuring some common clouds is included below. You may also find these sources helpful:

  • The template file in the Getting Started guide contains numerous examples of configuring specific clouds, including the format of credentials and options for sometimes-fiddly private clouds.
  • The jclouds guides describes low-level configuration sometimes required for various clouds.