{% read ../before-begin.include.md %}

Simple Web Server

Go to this particular example's directory:

{% highlight bash %} % cd simple-web-cluster {% endhighlight %}

The CLI needs to know where to find your compiled examples. You can set this up by exporting the BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH environment variable in the following way:

{% highlight bash %} % export BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH=$(pwd)/target/classes {% endhighlight %}

The project simple-web-cluster includes several deployment descriptors for rolling out a web application, under src/main/java.

The simplest of these, SingleWebServerExample, starts JBoss on a single machine with a “Hello World” war deployed, with a single line:

{% highlight java %} public class SingleWebServerExample extends AbstractApplication { private static final String WAR_PATH = “classpath://hello-world-webapp.war”;

public void init() {
            .configure("war", WAR_PATH)
            .configure("httpPort", 8080));

} {% endhighlight %}

You can run this as follows (on *nix or Mac, assuming ssh localhost requires no password or passphrase):

{% highlight bash %} % ${BROOKLYN_HOME}/bin/brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.SingleWebServerExample
--location localhost {% endhighlight %}

Then visit the webapp on port 8080, or the Brooklyn console on localhost:8081. Note that the installation may take some time, because the default deployment downloads the software from the official repos. You can monitor start-up activity for each entity in the Activity pane in the management console, and see more detail by tailing the log file (tail -f brooklyn.log).

With appropriate setup (as described here) this can also be deployed to your favourite cloud, let‘s pretend it’s Amazon Ireland, as follows:

{% highlight bash %} % ${BROOKLYN_HOME}/bin/brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.SingleWebServerExample
--location aws-ec2:eu-west-1 {% endhighlight %}

Elastic Three-Tier

Ready for something more interesting? Try this:

{% highlight bash %} % ${BROOKLYN_HOME}/bin/brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.WebClusterDatabaseExample
--location localhost {% endhighlight %}

This launches the class WebClusterDatabaseExample (also described in the walkthrough) which launches a pool of web-servers -- of size 1 initially, but manually configurable (if you stop the policy first, in the GUI, then use the resize effector) -- with an Nginx load-balancer set up in front of them, and backed by a MySQL database.

The essential code fragment looks like this:

{% highlight java %} public class WebClusterDatabaseExample extends AbstractApplication { public static final String WAR_PATH = “classpath://hello-world-sql-webapp.war”;

public static final String DB_SETUP_SQL_URL = "classpath://visitors-creation-script.sql";

public static final String DB_TABLE = "visitors";
public static final String DB_USERNAME = "brooklyn";
public static final String DB_PASSWORD = "br00k11n";

public void init() {
    MySqlNode mysql = addChild(EntitySpec.create(MySqlNode.class)
            .configure("creationScriptUrl", DB_SETUP_SQL_URL));
    ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster web = addChild(EntitySpec.create(ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.class)
            .configure("dynamiccluster.memberspec", EntitySpec.create(JBoss7Server.class)
                    .configure("httpPort", "8080+")
                    .configure("war", WAR_PATH)
                                    attributeWhenReady(mysql, MySqlNode.MYSQL_URL), DB_TABLE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD))));
                    sizeRange(1, 5).
                    metricRange(10, 100).

} {% endhighlight %}

You can, of course, try this with your favourite cloud, tweak the database start script, or drop in your favourite WAR.

A Few Other Things

The project includes variants of the examples shown here, including alternative syntax (the *Alt* files), and a web-only cluster (no database) in `WebClusterExample``.

The webapp that is used is included under examples/hello-world-webapp.

You may wish to check out the Global Web Fabric example next.

If you encounter any difficulties, please tell us and we'll do our best to help.