Tag release 0.12.0 release candidate 3
Add LICENSE and NOTICE file back to the RPM and DEB packages
2 files changed
tree: 5ef4b21065839671f4ae20010b3d2257c56683f1
  1. .mvn/
  2. all/
  3. archetypes/
  4. deb-packaging/
  5. dist/
  6. docker/
  7. docker-itest/
  8. downstream-parent/
  9. karaf/
  10. release/
  11. rpm-packaging/
  12. scripts/
  13. shared-packaging/
  14. vagrant/
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  18. NOTICE
  19. pom.xml
  20. README.md


Distribution Sub-Project for Apache Brooklyn

This repo contains modules for creating the distributable binary combining the server, the ui, and other elements in other Brooklyn repos.