
Using Vagrant with Brooklyn -SNAPSHOT builds

Install a community-managed version from Maven
  1. No action is required other than setting the BROOKLYN_VERSION: environment variable in servers.yaml to a -SNAPSHOT version. For example:

      BROOKLYN_VERSION: 0.12.0
  2. You may proceed to use the Vagrantfile as normal; vagrant up, vagrant destroy etc.

Install a locally built -dist.tar.gz
  1. Set the BROOKLYN_VERSION: environment variable in servers.yaml to your current -SNAPSHOT version. For example:

      BROOKLYN_VERSION: 0.12.0
  2. Set the INSTALL_FROM_LOCAL_DIST: environment variable in servers.yaml to true. For example:

  3. Copy your locally built apache-brooklyn-<version>.tar.gz archive to the same directory as the Vagrantfile (this directory is mounted in the Vagrant VM at /vagrant/).

    For example to copy a locally built 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT dist:

    cp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/brooklyn/apache-brooklyn/0.12.0-SNAPSHOT/apache-brooklyn-0.12.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz .
  4. You may proceed to use the Vagrantfile as normal; vagrant up, vagrant destroy etc.