Integration tests for Bookkeeper


Workaround for running the tests with Mac Apple Silicon

The current version of the outdated maven plugin requires a workaround.

Install socat

brew install socat

Run a TCP -> Unix socket proxy for docker in a separate terminal

socat TCP-LISTEN:2375,bind=,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/var/run/docker.sock &

Set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable in the terminal where you run the tests

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375

Here's a shell script function to automate starting the proxy and setting DOCKER_HOST:

function docker_socket_proxy() {
  local port=2375
  socat /dev/null TCP4:$port,connect-timeout=2 &> /dev/null
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Starting socat tcp proxy on port $port for docker socket /var/run/docker.sock"
    socat TCP-LISTEN:$port,bind=,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/var/run/docker.sock &> /dev/null &
    echo "Stop the proxy with 'kill $!'"
  export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$port
  echo "Added DOCKER_HOST=$DOCKER_HOST to environment"

You can add the function to your shell profile (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.).

Support for connecting to docker network from Mac host

You will also need to install docker-mac-net-connect. It allows the tests to connect to the docker network from the Mac host.

brew install chipmk/tap/docker-mac-net-connect
sudo brew services start chipmk/tap/docker-mac-net-connect

Running the tests

Remember to start the unix socket proxy for docker as described in the previous section and set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable in the terminal where you run the tests.

Building the docker images together with the project source code

mvn -B -nsu clean install -Pdocker -DskipTests
docker images | grep apachebookkeeper

Running integration tests

# Run metadata driver tests
mvn -f metadata-drivers/pom.xml test -DintegrationTests -DredirectTestOutputToFile=false -DtestRetryCount=0

# Run all integration tests
mvn -f tests/pom.xml test -DintegrationTests -DredirectTestOutputToFile=false -DtestRetryCount=0

Running backward compatibility tests

# Test current server with old clients
mvn -DbackwardCompatTests -pl :backward-compat-current-server-old-clients test -DredirectTestOutputToFile=false -DtestRetryCount=0

# Test progressive upgrade
mvn -DbackwardCompatTests -pl :upgrade test -DredirectTestOutputToFile=false -DtestRetryCount=0

# Other backward compat tests
mvn -DbackwardCompatTests -pl :bc-non-fips,:hierarchical-ledger-manager,:hostname-bookieid,:old-cookie-new-cluster,:recovery-no-password,:upgrade-direct,:yahoo-custom-version test -DredirectTestOutputToFile=false -DtestRetryCount=0