Descriptions of the changes in this PR:

Fix #xyz

Main Issue: #xyz

BP: #xyz


(Explain: why you‘re making that change, what is the problem you’re trying to solve)


(Describe: what changes you have made)

In order to uphold a high standard for quality for code contributions, Apache BookKeeper runs various precommit checks for pull requests. A pull request can only be merged when it passes precommit checks.

Be sure to do all the following to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily:

If this PR is a BookKeeper Proposal (BP):

  • [ ] Make sure the PR title is formatted like: <BP-#>: Description of bookkeeper proposal e.g. BP-1: 64 bits ledger is support
  • [ ] Attach the master issue link in the description of this PR.
  • [ ] Attach the google doc link if the BP is written in Google Doc.


  • [ ] Make sure the PR title is formatted like: <Issue #>: Description of pull request e.g. Issue 123: Description ...
  • [ ] Make sure tests pass via mvn clean apache-rat:check install spotbugs:check.
  • [ ] Replace <Issue #> in the title with the actual Issue number.