Enable reorder read sequence for bk client by default (#4139)

### Motivation

<!-- Explain here the context, and why you're making that change. What is the problem you're trying to solve. -->

If one ledger's ensemble is [bk0, bk1] and bk0 is down, the bookie client may send a read request to bk0 first then fail with the following errors, and resend the read request to bk1 in the end. 

2023-10-19T18:33:52,042 - ERROR - [BookKeeperClientWorker-OrderedExecutor-3-0:PerChannelBookieClient@563] - Cannot connect to as endpoint resolution failed (probably bookie is down) err org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookieAddressResolver$BookieIdNotResolvedException: Cannot resolve bookieId, bookie does not exist or it is not running
2023-10-19T18:33:52,042 - INFO  - [BookKeeperClientWorker-OrderedExecutor-3-0:DefaultBookieAddressResolver@77] - Cannot resolve, bookie is unknown org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException$BKBookieHandleNotAvailableException: Bookie handle is not available
2023-10-19T18:33:52,042 - INFO  - [BookKeeperClientWorker-OrderedExecutor-3-0:PendingReadOp$LedgerEntryRequest@223] - Error: Bookie handle is not available while reading L6 E40 from bookie:
One of the related issues is in the auto-recovery decommission and there is one PR in the BookKeeper repo: https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/pull/4113

However, the bookie client already knows the bk0 is down and we should send the read request to bk1 first. So we can reorder the read request based on the known bookie list. If one bookie is lost, it will reorder the lost bookie to the end of the read list.

### Modifications

<!-- Describe the modifications you've done. -->

Enable the `reorderReadSequence` by default for auto-recovery.
4 files changed
tree: 4c3ca4738ad38d706a6ec815871987ff75bebc35
  1. .github/
  2. .test-infra/
  3. bin/
  4. bookkeeper-benchmark/
  5. bookkeeper-common/
  6. bookkeeper-common-allocator/
  7. bookkeeper-dist/
  8. bookkeeper-http/
  9. bookkeeper-proto/
  10. bookkeeper-server/
  11. bookkeeper-slogger/
  12. buildtools/
  13. circe-checksum/
  14. conf/
  15. cpu-affinity/
  16. deploy/
  17. dev/
  18. docker/
  19. metadata-drivers/
  20. microbenchmarks/
  21. native-io/
  22. shaded/
  23. site3/
  24. src/
  25. stats/
  26. stream/
  27. tests/
  28. testtools/
  29. tools/
  30. .asf.yaml
  31. .dlc.json
  32. .gitignore
  35. NOTICE
  36. pom.xml
  37. README.md

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Apache BookKeeper

Apache BookKeeper is a scalable, fault-tolerant and low latency storage service optimized for append-only workloads.

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  • Offset/Cursor Store, e.g. Apache Pulsar.
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