title: Deploying BookKeeper on DC/OS subtitle: Get up and running easily on an Apache Mesos cluster logo: img/dcos-logo.png

DC/OS (the DataCenter Operating System) is a distributed operating system used for deploying and managing applications and systems on Apache Mesos. DC/OS is an open-source tool created and maintained by Mesosphere.

BookKeeper is available as a DC/OS package from the Mesosphere DC/OS Universe.


In order to run BookKeeper on DC/OS, you will need:

  • DC/OS version 1.8 or higher
  • A DC/OS cluster with at least three nodes
  • The DC/OS CLI tool installed

Each node in your DC/OS-managed Mesos cluster must have at least:

  • 1 CPU
  • 1 GB of memory
  • 10 GB of total persistent disk storage

Installing BookKeeper

$ dcos package install bookkeeper --yes

This command will:

  • Install the bookkeeper subcommand for the dcos CLI tool
  • Start a single {% pop bookie %} on the Mesos cluster with the default configuration

The bookie that is automatically started up uses the host mode of the network and by default exports the service at agent_ip:3181.

If you run dcos package install bookkeeper without setting the --yes flag, the install will run in interactive mode. For more information on the package install command, see the DC/OS docs.


To watch BookKeeper start up, click on the Services tab in the DC/OS user interface and you should see the bookkeeper package listed:

![DC/OS services]({{ site.baseurl }}img/dcos/services.png)


To see which tasks have started, click on the bookkeeper service and you'll see an interface that looks like this;

![DC/OS tasks]({{ site.baseurl }}img/dcos/tasks.png)

Scaling BookKeeper

Once the first {% pop bookie %} has started up, you can click on the Scale tab to scale up your BookKeeper ensemble by adding more bookies (or scale down the ensemble by removing bookies).

![DC/OS scale]({{ site.baseurl }}img/dcos/scale.png)

ZooKeeper Exhibitor

ZooKeeper contains the information for all bookies in the ensemble. When deployed on DC/OS, BookKeeper uses a ZooKeeper instance provided by DC/OS. You can access a visual UI for ZooKeeper using Exhibitor, which is available at http://master.dcos/exhibitor.

![ZooKeeper Exhibitor]({{ site.baseurl }}img/dcos/exhibitor.png)

You should see a listing of IP/host information for all bookies under the messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers/available node.

Client connections

To connect to bookies running on DC/OS using clients running within your Mesos cluster, you need to specify the ZooKeeper connection string for DC/OS's ZooKeeper cluster:


This is the only ZooKeeper host/port you need to include in your connection string. Here's an example using the Java client:

BookKeeper bkClient = new BookKeeper("master.mesos:2181");

If you're connecting using a client running outside your Mesos cluster, you need to supply the public-facing connection string for your DC/OS ZooKeeper cluster.

Configuring BookKeeper

By default, the bookkeeper package will start up a BookKeeper ensemble consisting of one {% pop bookie %} with one CPU, 1 GB of memory, and a 70 MB persistent volume.

You can supply a non-default configuration when installing the package using a JSON file. Here's an example command:

$ dcos package install bookkeeper \

You can then fetch the current configuration for BookKeeper at any time using the package describe command:

$ dcos package describe bookkeeper \

Available parameters

Not all configurable parameters for BookKeeper are available for BookKeeper on DC/OS. Only the parameters show in the table below are available.

nameStringThe name of the DC/OS service.bookkeeper
cpusIntegerThe number of CPU shares to allocate to each {% pop bookie %}. The minimum is 1.1
instancesIntegerThe number of {% pop bookies %} top run. The minimum is 1.1
memNumberThe memory, in MB, to allocate to each BookKeeper task1024.0 (1 GB)
volume_sizeNumberThe persistent volume size, in MB70
zk_clientStringThe connection string for the ZooKeeper client instancemaster.mesos:2181
service_portIntegerThe BookKeeper export service port, using PORT0 in Marathon3181

Example JSON configuration

Here's an example JSON configuration object for BookKeeper on DC/OS:

  "instances": 5,
  "cpus": 3,
  "mem": 2048.0,
  "volume_size": 250

If that configuration were stored in a file called bk-config.json, you could apply that configuration upon installating the BookKeeper package using this command:

$ dcos package install bookkeeper \

Uninstalling BookKeeper

You can shut down and uninstall the bookkeeper from DC/OS at any time using the package uninstall command:

$ dcos package uninstall bookkeeper
Uninstalled package [bookkeeper] version [4.9.1]
Thank you for using bookkeeper.