title: Apache BookKeeper 4.7.1 Release Notes

This is the eleventh release of Apache BookKeeper!

The 4.7.1 release is a bugfix release which fixes a bunch of issues reported from users of 4.7.0.

Apache BookKeeper users who are using 4.7.0 are encouraged to upgrade to 4.7.1. The technical details of this release are summarized below.


Dependencies Upgrade

Here is a list of dependencies changed in 4.7.1:

Reflective setAccessible(true) is disabled by default in Netty while using java9+. This might result in performance degradation. Consider reenabling Reflective setAccessible(true) by setting environment value io.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible to true. See netty/netty#7650 for more details.

Full list of changes