title: BookKeeper Testing Guide

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Apache BookKeeper is a well adopted software project with a strong commitment to testing. Consequently, it has many testing-related needs. It requires precommit tests to ensure code going to the repository meets a certain quality bar and it requires ongoing postcommit tests to make sure that more subtle changes which escape precommit are nonetheless caught. This document outlines how to write tests, which tests are appropriate where, and when tests are run, with some additional information about the testing systems at the bottom.

Testing Scenarios

With the tools at our disposal, we have a good set of utilities which we can use to verify BookKeeper correctness. To ensure an ongoing high quality of code, we use precommit and postcommit testing.


For precommit testing, BookKeeper uses Jenkins and Travis CI, hooked up to Github, to ensure that pull requests meet a certain quality bar. These precommits verify correctness via unit/integration tests.

Precommit tests are kicked off when a user makes a Pull Request against the apache/bookkeeper repository, and the Jenkins and Travis CI statuses are displayed at the bottom of the pull request page. Clicking on “Details” will open the status page in the selected tool; there, test status and output can be viewed.

For retriggering precommit testing for a given Pull Request, you can comment “retest this please” for jenkins jobs and close/reopen the Pull Request for travis jobs.


Running in postcommit removes as stringent of a time constraint, which gives us the ability to do some more comprehensive testing. Currently in postcommit, we run unit/integration tests against both master and the most recent release branch, publish website for any changes related to website and documentation, and deploy a snapshot of latest master to artifactory.

Postcommit test results can be found in Jenkins.


All the precommit and postcommit CI jobs are managed either by Jenkins or Travis CI.

For Jenkins jobs, they are all written and managed using Jenkin-DSL. The DSL scripts are maintained under .test-infra. Any jenkins changes should be made in these files and reviewed by the community.

For Travis CI jobs, they are defined in .travis.yml. Any travis CI changes should be made in this file and reviewed by the community.

Testing Jenkins DSL scripts

Changes to the Jenkins DSL scripts should be tested before submission to avoid having to send multiple PRs for a single change. There is a Jenkins testing seed job which can be used for testing DSL scripts.

To test a DSL script, create it in .test-infra/jenkins with a filename with the pattern jenkins_testing_job_<something>.groovy. Commit this to a branch, and push the branch to your own fork on github. Then kick off the testing seed job, specifying your fork and the branch as parameters. This will generate jobs under the bookkeeper-jenkins-testing folder in Jenkins.

Run your job a couple of times to makes sure it works and is stable. Once you're satisfied with the job, rename the file to the pattern job_<something>.groovy, and create a PR.

NOTE: Kicking off the testing seed job requires a jenkins account, which is only available to committer.
WARN: Don't put triggers in your testing job, as you could mess up outstanding PRs approvals. Add them later.