title: “BP-34: 128 bits support” issue: https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/603 state: “Under Discussion” design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cu54dNSV2ZrdWCi40LcyX8NxXGRCW0609T_ewmK9BWM release: “4.9.0”


BookKeeper coordinates with a metadata store to generate a cluster wide ledgerId. Currently this is a signed 64 bit number (effectively 63 bits). This method works great because we have a centralized metadata store for coordinating the id generation. However this method may not scale as the cluster size and number of ledgers grow.

Universally unique identifier - Wikipedia is a preferred way to generate decentralized globally unique IDs and it takes 128 bits. This method can scale well as it doesn't need a centralized coordination.

This BP proposes the changes for increasing ledger id from 63 bits to 128 bits.

128 bits

Since there is no native support for 128 bits in both Java and Protobuf, we have to break 128 bits into 2 64 bits numbers for representing the 128 bits id:

  • ledger-id-msb: the most significant 64 bits, bit 64 - 127
  • ledger-id-lsb: the least significant 64 bits, bit 0 - 63

For backward compatibility, the ledger-id-lsb is the current 64 bits ledger-id. The ledger-id-msb will be added as a new field in both API and protocol.

I am proposing calling ledger-id-msb as ledger-scope-id. So the current 64bits ledgerId and the newly introduced 64bits ledgerScopeId together will be forming the new 128 bits ledger id.

The default ledgerScopeId is 0. That means any ledgers created prior to this change are allocated under scope 0. Hence it maintains backward compatibility during upgrade.

The combination of ledgerScopeId and ledgerId forms the 128 bits ledger id. We can introduce a hex representation of this 128 bits ledger id - ledgerQualifiedName . This ledgerQualifiedName can be useful for CLI tooling, REST api and troubleshooting purpose. The API internally can convert ledgerQualifiedName to ledgerScopeId and ledgerId.

Public Interfaces

API Change

The API will be introducing ledgerScopeId across the interfaces. This field will be optional and default to 0.


Introduce a new method getScopeId for representing the scope id (the most significant 128 bits ledger id).

public interface Handle extends AutoCloseable {


   * Return the ledger scope id. The most significant 64 bits of 128 bits.
  long getScopeId();

   * Return the ledger id. The least significant 64 bits of 128 bits.
  long getId();


Create LedgerAdv

Introduce a new method withLedgerScopeId in CreateAdvBuilder for providing scopeId (the most significant 64 bits for 128 bits ledger id) on creating a ledger.

public interface CreateAdvBuilder extends OpBuilder<WriteHandle> {

   * Set the scope id for the newly created ledger.
   * If no explicit scopeId is passed, the new ledger
   * will be created under scope `0`.
  CreateAdvBuilder withLedgerScopeId(long scopeId);	

Open Ledger

Introduce a new method withLedgerScopeId in OpenBuilder for providing scopeId (the most significant 64 bits for 128 bits ledger id) on opening a ledger.

public interface OpenBuilder extends OpBuilder<ReadHandle> {
   * Set the scope id of the ledger to open.
  OpenBuilder withLedgerScopeId(long scopeId);
Delete Ledger

Introduce a new method withLedgerScopeId in DeleteBuilder for providing scopeId (the most significant 64 bits for 128 bits ledger id) on deleting a ledger.

public interface DeleteBuilder extends OpBuilder<Void> {
   * Set the scope id of the ledger to delete.
  DeleteBuilder withLedgerScopeId(long scopeId);


All BookKeeper CLI tools will be updated with additional option —ledger-scope-id. Optionally we can add option —ledger-qualified-name (the hex representation of 128 bits). Internally all the CLI tools will convert ledger qualified name to ledgerId and ledgerScopeId.


  1. All ledger related endpoints will be adding a new parameter ledger_scope_id.
  2. ListLedgerService only supports listing ledgers under a given ledger scope id. If ledger_scope_id is missing, it will be listing ledgers under scope 0.

Wire Protocol

There will be no plan for supporting 128 bits in v2 protocol, due to the limitation in v2 protocol. So any operations in v2 protocol with scope id not equal to 0 will be failed immediately with ILLEGAL_OP exceptions.

All the request and response messages will be adding an optional field optional int64 ledgerScopeId.

Entry Format

Currently all the entries written to bookies are encoded in a certain format, including metadata, digest code and payload. The entry format is not versioned.

In order to support adding another field ledgerScopeId in the metadata section, we are introducing version in the entry format.

Entry Format V1
Entry Format V1
--- header ---
Bytes (0 - 7)                   : Ledger ID
Bytes (8 - 15)                  : Entry ID
Bytes (16 - 23)                 : LastAddConfirmed
Bytes (24 - 31)                 : Length
--- digest ---
Bytes (32 - (32 + x - 1))       : Digest Code (e.g. CRC32)
--- payload ---
Bytes ((32 + x) - )             : Payload

x is the length of digest code.

Prior to introducing ledgerScopeId, ledgerId is assumed to be a positive value.

Entry Format V2
Entry Format V2
--- header ---
Bytes (0 - 7)                   : Metadata Flags
Bytes (8 - 15)                  : Ledger Scope ID
Bytes (16 - 23)                 : Ledger ID
Bytes (24 - 31)                 : Entry ID
Bytes (32 - 39)                 : LastAddConfirmed
Bytes (40 - 47)                 : Length
--- digest ---
Bytes (37 - (37 + x - 1))       : Digest Code (e.g. CRC32)
--- payload ---
Bytes ((37 + x) - )             : Payload

x is the length of digest code.

Metadata Flags
Metadata: 1 Bytes (Long)
0x 0 0

Bit 0 - 3: digest type (e.g. CRC32, CRC32C and such)
Bit 4 - 7: version, the most significant bit of this byte will be always set to 1.
it will be used for differentiating entry format v1 and v2.

We are setting the most significant bit to be 1. So the first byte in entry v2 will be a negative value, which can be used for differentiating entry format v1 and v2. The version will be encoded into the first byte. The version will be used for describing the entry format.

Decoding Entry

The pseudo code for decoding an entry will be described as followings:

ByteBuf entry = ...; int metadataFlags = entry.getByte(); if (metadataFlags <= 128) { // the entry is encoded in v1 format // decoding the entry in v1 format ... } else { // decoding the entry in v2 format }

Bookie Storage


A new method should be added in journal WriteCallback to handle ledgerScopeId.

public interface WriteCallback {

    void writeComplete(int rc,
                       long ledgerScopeId,
                       long ledgerId,
                       long entryId,
                       BookieSocketAddress addr,
                       Object ctx);

    default void writeComplete(int rc,
                               long ledgerId,
                               long entryId,
                               BookieSocketAddress addr,
                               Object ctx) {
        writeComplete(rc, 0L, ledgerId, entryId, addr, ctx);


The journal should be changed to be able to retrieve ledgerScopeId from the entry payload based on Entry Format.

Ledger Storage
  1. Methods in EntryLogger should be able to accept ledgerScopeId as a parameter.
  2. EntryLogger should be updated to retrieve ledgerScopeId from the entry payload based on Entry Format.

ledgerScopeId should be added as part of EntryKey.


Currently the ledger index files (64 bits) are stored into 2-level-hirechicy directories - <msb-32bits-hex>/<lsb-32bits-hex>/<ledger-id-hex>.idx.

If ledgerScopeId is 0, it will be using existing scheme for storing and retrieving ledger index files.

If ledgerScopeId is not 0, that means the ledgers are produced by new clients that support 128-bits, those ledgers will be stored in a 4-level-hirechicy directories - <msb-32bits-hex-ledger-scope-id>/<lsb-32bits-hex-ledger-scope-id>/<msb-32bits-hex-ledger-id>/<lsb-32bits-hex-ledger-id>.

All the file info caches should be updated to use <ledgerScopeId, ledgerId> as index keys.


The LRU pages map will be updated to use <ledgerScopeId, ledgerId> as index keys.


Currently DBLedgerStorage use <ledgerId, entryId> as the index key for indexing entry locations for each entry.

Similar as SortedLedgerStorage and InterleavedLedgerStorage, for ledgers whose ledgerScopeId is 0, they will be using existing scheme for storing their entry locations.

For ledgers whose ledgerScopeId is not 0, they will be stored in a new rocksdb, whose index key will be <ledgerScopeId, ledgerId, entryId>.

Metadata Store


All the interfaces should be updated with accepting ledgerScopeId.

The actual implementation should decide how to store metadata for <ledgerScopeId, ledgerId>.

ZooKeeper Ledger Manager

We need to introduce a LongLongHierchicalLedgerManager for storing metadata indexing by <ledgerScopeId, ledgerId>.

If ledgerScopeId is 0, then it will be falling back to LongHierachicalLedgerManager. So no behavior is changed.

If ledgerScopeId is not 0, those ledgers will be indexed in new hierarchy (possible under a different znode).

Ledger ID generation

When upgrading from 64bit to 128bits, we probably don't need any centralized mechanism for generating ledger id. It can be implemented using UUID generation.

Especially since we are supporting 128bits by introducing ledgerScopeId. That means application of bookkeeper can decide its own way for generating their scopeId. An application or even bookkeeper client can generate its ledgerId using UUID generation, then breaks the 128 bits UUID into two parts, one serves as ledgerScopeId and the other one serves as ledgerId.


Since Etcd has a better key/value presentation, we can basically just combine <ledgerScopeId, ledgerId> as the index key for storing ledger metadata in Etcd. Nothing is needed for special consideration.

Performance Concerns

There shouldn't be any performance difference when not using 128 bit ledger id (ledgerScopeId is omitted).

Performance concerns can be arised in following areas:

  • Wire Protocol: additional 9 bytes will be added per entry, one byte for version and 8 bytes for the msb of 128 bit ledger id
  • Journal: additional 9 bytes will be added per entry (same as wire protocol).
  • EntryLogger: additional 9 bytes will be added per entry (same as wire protocol)
  • Memtable: additional 8 bytes will be added per indexed entry.
  • FileInfo: there is no change to the index file format itself.
  • IndexPersistenceManager: Files will be organized in more directory hierarchy. It shouldn't be a big deal.
  • IndexInMemoryManager (LedgerCache): additional 8 bytes per index page.
  • DbLedgerStorage: additional 8 bytes per entry for entry location.
  • Metadata: on zookeeper, we need a 128 bit ledger manager, that means more znode hierarchy than 64 bit ledger manager. Etcd like key/value metadata store is probably more preferrable for 128 bit ledger manager.

However increasing ledger id from 64 bits to 128 bits can get rid of the only remaining central point, since we don't need to use zookeeper for ledger id generation. The id generation can become decentralized.

Proposed Changes

All the required changes are described above. In summary, the changes can happen in following 2 phases:

  1. Ensure all components have ledgerScopeId added (both wire protocol, storage and such). Assuming ledgerScopeId will be 0. The changes can happen independently and ensure they are backward compatible with old clients.
  2. Add ledgerScopeId into public API, so application can start using ledgerScopeId. After that, applications can use UUID to generate ledger id and break UUID into two parts, one is ledgerScopeId, while the other one is ledgerId.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

All the changes are backward compatible, since we are doing the changes by adding an optional field ledgerScopeId. Old clients can still operating in the mode of ledgerScopeId == 0. The new application can activate the feature by starting using ledgerScopeId in the new API.

Test Plan

  1. Add unit tests for individual components on introducing ledgerScopeId.
  2. Add backward compatibility tests for individual components.
  3. Add end-to-end integration tests for introducing ledgerScopeId.
  4. Add end-to-end backward compatibility tests.

Rejected Alternatives