Migrate command `autorecovery`

Descriptions of the changes in this PR:

- Using `bkctl` run command `autorecovery`

### Motivation


Reviewers: Jia Zhai <zhaijia@apache.org>, Sijie Guo <sijie@apache.org>

This closes #2010 from zymap/command-autorecovery and squashes the following commits:

6fcd96904 [Yong Zhang] Fix validation
cd383f372 [Yong Zhang] Rename package
efb573221 [Yong Zhang] Rename command
89da2852e [Yong Zhang] Fix error in bookieshell
a037501ee [Yong Zhang] Rename args
4bb36b0b3 [Yong Zhang] Fix imports postion
e41a742d3 [Yong Zhang] Add unit test for command `autorecovery`
b0c91f704 [Yong Zhang] Rename file
cb06f66de [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `autorecovery`
ed008f278 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `whoisauditor`
5b8e0971a [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `Whatisinstanceid`
90c79444d [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `rebuild-db-ledger-locations-index`
848f8527f [Nicolas Michael] ISSUE #2053: Bugfix for Percentile Calculation in FastCodahale Timer Implementation
06f2b6f50 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `updateledgers`
7ad5849b1 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `regenerate-interleaved-storage-index-file`
d4dbb6bfb [Dongfa,Huang] Avoid useless verify if LedgerEntryRequest completed
5c150f283 [Enrico Olivelli] Release notes for 4.9.1
1246826ba [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `recover`
1d4cc71fd [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `localconsistencycheck`
67f83620e [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `readledger`
bfbd6b023 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `decommission`
d40b8b69f [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `readlog`
95d145a15 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `nukeexistingcluster`
e2b1dc7f3 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `listunderreplicated`
0988e12c7 [bd2019us] ISSUE #2023: change cached thread pool to fixed thread pool
6a6d7bbd9 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `initnewcluster`
c391fe58d [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `readlogmetadata`
120d67737 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `lostbookierecoverydelay`
bf66235e5 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `deleteledger`
751e55fa4 [Arvin] ISSUE #2020: close db properly to avoid open RocksDB failure at the second time
138a7ae85 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `metadataformat`
b043d1694 [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `listledgers`
4573285db [Ivan Kelly] Docker autobuild hook
e3d807a32 [Like] Fix IDE complain as there are multi choices for error code
9524a9f4a [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `readjournal`
6c3f33f55 [Yong Zhang] Fix when met unexpect entry id crashed
e35a108c7 [Like] Fix error message for unrecognized number-of-bookies
5902ee27b [Boyang Jerry Peng] fix potential NPE when releasing entry that is null
6aa73ce05 [Ivan Kelly] [RELEASE] Update website to include documentation for 4.8.2
1448d12aa [Yong Zhang] Migrate command `listfilesondisk`
4de598379 [Yong Zhang] Issue #1987: Migrate command `convert-to-interleaved-storage`
468743e7e [Matteo Merli] In DbLedgerStorage use default values when config key is present but empty
f26a4cae0 [Ivan Kelly] Release notes for v4.8.2
ec2636cd2 [Yong Zhang] Issue #1985: Migrate command `convert-to-db-storage`
8cc7239ac [Yong Zhang] Issue #1982: Migrate command `bookiesanity`
fa90f0185 [Yong Zhang] Issue #1980: Migrate command `ledger` from shell to bkctl
4 files changed
tree: bc7034cf47e0accf5453895ea355c4f4c4245743
  1. .github/
  2. .test-infra/
  3. .travis_scripts/
  4. bin/
  5. bookkeeper-benchmark/
  6. bookkeeper-common/
  7. bookkeeper-common-allocator/
  8. bookkeeper-dist/
  9. bookkeeper-http/
  10. bookkeeper-proto/
  11. bookkeeper-server/
  12. bookkeeper-stats/
  13. bookkeeper-stats-providers/
  14. buildtools/
  15. circe-checksum/
  16. conf/
  17. cpu-affinity/
  18. deploy/
  19. dev/
  20. docker/
  21. metadata-drivers/
  22. microbenchmarks/
  23. shaded/
  24. site/
  25. stats/
  26. stream/
  27. tests/
  28. tools/
  29. .gitignore
  30. .travis.yml
  32. NOTICE
  33. pom.xml
  34. README.md

Build Status Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central

Apache BookKeeper

Apache BookKeeper is a scalable, fault tolerant and low latency storage service optimized for append-only workloads.

It is suitable for being used in following scenarios:

  • WAL (Write-Ahead-Logging), e.g. HDFS NameNode.
  • Message Store, e.g. Apache Pulsar.
  • Offset/Cursor Store, e.g. Apache Pulsar.
  • Object/Blob Store, e.g. storing state machine snapshots.

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  • Concepts: Start with the basic concepts of Apache BookKeeper. This will help you to fully understand the other parts of the documentation.
  • Getting Started to setup BookKeeper to write logs.



You can also read Turning Ledgers into Logs to learn how to turn ledgers into continuous log streams. If you are looking for a high level log stream API, you can checkout DistributedLog.



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