tree: 8aa4366ab5bb7a50dcd275f50a2bab2cbc3fee30 [path history] [tgz]
  1. actions/
  2. lib/
  3. reactive/
  4. tests/
  5. actions.yaml
  6. config.yaml
  7. copyright
  8. icon.svg
  9. layer.yaml
  10. metadata.yaml


Apache Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop that supports data summarization, query, and analysis. Hive provides an SQL-like language called HiveQL that transparently converts queries to MapReduce for execution on large datasets stored in Hadoop's HDFS. Learn more at

This charm deploys version 1.2.1 of the Hive component from Apache Bigtop.


This charm requires Juju 2.0 or greater. If Juju is not yet set up, please follow the getting-started instructions prior to deploying this charm.

This charm is intended to be deployed via one of the bigtop hadoop bundles. For example:

juju deploy hadoop-processing

This will deploy an Apache Bigtop Hadoop cluster. More information about this deployment can be found in the bundle readme.

Now add Hive and relate it to the cluster via the hadoop-plugin:

juju deploy hive
juju add-relation hive plugin


This charm will start the Hive Metastore service using a local Apache Derby metastore database by default. This is suitable for unit or smoke testing Hive, but this configuration should not be used in production. Deploying an external database for the Hive metastore is recommended:

juju deploy mariadb
juju add-relation hive mariadb

HBase Integration

This charm supports interacting with HBase using Hive. Enable this by relating Hive to a deployment that includes HBase. For example:

juju deploy hadoop-hbase
juju add-relation hive hbase

See the hadoop-hbase bundle for more information about this HBase deployment.

Note: Applications that are duplicated in multiple bundles will be reused. This means when deploying both hadoop-processing and hadoop-hbase, Juju will reuse (and not duplicate) common applications like the NameNode, ResourceManager, Slaves, etc.

Network-Restricted Environments

Charms can be deployed in environments with limited network access. To deploy in this environment, configure a Juju model with appropriate proxy and/or mirror options. See Configuring Models for more information.



Apache Bigtop charms provide extended status reporting to indicate when they are ready:

juju status

This is particularly useful when combined with watch to track the on-going progress of the deployment:

watch -n 2 juju status

The message column will provide information about a given unit's state. This charm is ready for use once the status message indicates that it is ready.

Smoke Test

This charm provides a smoke-test action that can be used to verify the application is functioning as expected. Run the action as follows:

juju run-action hive/0 smoke-test

Watch the progress of the smoke test actions with:

watch -n 2 juju show-action-status

Eventually, the action should settle to status: completed. If it reports status: failed, the application is not working as expected. Get more information about a specific smoke test with:

juju show-action-output <action-id>


This charm provides a variety of actions and interfaces that can be used to interact with Hive.


Run a smoke test (as described in the Verifying section):

juju run-action hive/0 smoke-test
juju show-action-output <id>  # <-- id from above command

Restart all Hive services on a unit:

juju run-action hive/0 restart
juju show-action-output <id>  # <-- id from above command

Command Line Interface

$ juju ssh hive/0
$ hive
hive> create table foo(col1 int, col2 string);
Time taken: 0.381 seconds
hive> show tables;
Time taken: 0.202 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)
hive> exit;


As mentioned in the Deploying section, this charm supports integration with HBase. When HBase is deployed and related to Hive, use the Hive CLI to interact with HBase:

$ juju ssh hive/0
$ hive
hive> CREATE TABLE myhivetable(key STRING, mycol STRING)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping' = ':key,cf:mycol')
TBLPROPERTIES ('' = 'myhbasetable');
Time taken: 2.497 seconds
hive> DESCRIBE myhivetable;
key                 	string              	from deserializer
mycol               	string              	from deserializer
Time taken: 0.174 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)

Thrift Interface

The HiveServer2 service provides a thrift server that can be used by Hive clients. To access this interface from external clients (i.e. applications that are not part of the Juju deployment), find the Public address of the hive unit and expose the application:

juju status hive
juju expose hive

External clients will be able to access Hive using:



Charm configuration can be changed at runtime with juju config. This charm supports the following config parameters.


The default heap size for the the Hive shell JVM is 1024MB. Set a different value (in MB) with the following:

juju config hbase heap=4096


Restarting Hive

Restarting Hive is potentially disruptive when queries are running. Be aware that the following events will cause a restart of all Hive services:

  • Adding or removing an HBase relation
  • Changing charm configuration with juju config
  • Upgrading this charm

Hive Web Interface

The Hive Web Interface (HWI) has been removed upstream (HIVE-15622). This charm does not provide HWI. Use the command line or thrift interfaces for interacting with Hive.


Apache Bigtop tracks issues using JIRA (Apache account required). File an issue for this charm at:!default.jspa

Ensure Bigtop is selected as the project. Typically, charm issues are filed in the deployment component with the latest stable release selected as the affected version. Any uncertain fields may be left blank.

Contact Information
