BigTop Weatherman

Library for generating weather on a zipcode-by-zipcode basis.

Building and Testing

This project is part of a multiproject Gradle build. Please see directions in the parent directory for build instructions.


BigTop Weatherman is primarily designed for consumption as a library but it also provides a CLI interface in the jar. The jar can be executed as follows:

$ java -jar build/libs/bigtop-weatherman-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar outputDir zipcode simulationLength startDate seed

For example, simulating the weather in South Bend, IN 46617:

$ java -jar build/libs/bigtop-weatherman-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar output/ 46617 365 2014-04-05 1234

will produce a file output/46617.txt containing simulated daily temperature, wind chill, wind speed, total precipitation, rainfall, and snowfall readings.