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BigTop OpenStack VM Provisioner


This vagrant recipe is based on the vagrant recipe from vagrant-puppet-vm with added feature of vagrant-openstack-provider plugin. The plugin allows us to deploy a Hadoop cluster on an actual virtual environment as if we are deploying on local vagrant vms. It will spin up and provision the vm(s) for us.

The Vagrantfile creates a BigTop virtual Hadoop cluster on OpenStack by using BigTop puppet recipes and pulling from existing bigtop repositories

When the configuration is correctly set up in vagrantconfig.yaml, we should be able to deploy a cluster with on single command vagrant up

This can be use:

  • to deploy BigTop Hadoop cluster(s) on an OpenStack cloud environment
  • to run BigTop smoke tests on the cluster


  1. Set up environment

Install vagrant from official website

If you want to provision machines in parallel, install gnu-parallel

# for centos
yum install parallel
# for mac
brew install parallel
# for debian/ubuntu
apt-get install parallel
  1. Install vagrant-hostmanager plugin to better manage /etc/hosts
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  1. Install vagrant-openstack-provider
vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-provider
  1. Set up configuration

For now this is partically handled by openstack rc file and partically handled by vagrantconfig.yaml file

Download rc file from Openstack Horizon dashbord Access & Security and run


You will also need to specify flavor, image_id, keypair_name, and FQDN (fully qualified domain name of your openstack environment) in vagrantconfig.yaml to successfully spin up a vm

flavor: "name of your choice of flavor" # e.g. m1.small
image_id: "UUID of your choice of image" # e.g. 8fddf8aa-1809-414d-b478-f93b8415f5f4
keypair_name: "your key pair name on openstack" # e.g. cloud-key
FQDN: "the fully qualified domain name of the environment"
key_path: "location of your private key" #e.g. ~/.ssh/cloud-key.pem

There are other options in vagrantconfig.yaml that you can specify such as set number of vms in the cluster, and automatically run smoke tests

The run_in_parallel options should be set to true if want to provision machins in parallel. see below for how to.

num_instance: 1
run_smoke_tests: true
run_in_parallel: false

You can also determine what components are being installed and tested

components: [hadoop, yarn]
smoke_test_components: [mapredcue, pig]


For deployment in sequence

  1. set run_in_parallel option in vagrantconfig.yaml to false
  2. run
vagrant up --provider=openstack

For parallel provisioning:

  1. set run_in_parallel option in vagrantconfig.yaml to true
  2. run

Parallel provisioning

This script is based on Joe Miller's script please see NOTICE for more information

Script reads parameter num_instance, run_smoke_tests and smoke_test_components from vagrantconfig.yaml to determine how many machines to spin up and whether or not to run smoke tests and what components will be tested

This script will spin up vms on openstack sequentially first, and then do the provisioning in parallel. Each guest machine will have it's own log file. And will generate a log file for smoke tests if run_smoke_tests set to true

There are some sketchy places in the code...(cuz I suck in bash) such as:

  • still have unprintable ^M in log file. I haven't figure out how to get rid of them without destroying the format yet
  • use of sed: so OS X hates me, and it won't let me use sed -r so again I create another temporary file for the smoke tests log


  • the name of the vm in Vagrantfile has to match the name of the vim in, you can change them in line 66
for ((i=1; i<=$NUM_INSTANCE; i++)); do
    cat <<EOF
  • In Vagrantfile the run smoke test part is currently commented out, in order to run smoke test after all the machines are done provisioning. The smoke tests are currently being handled by


  • test installing all available components
    • spark2 is not working, looks like a puppet problem
  • test all the provided smoke tests
    • mahout smoke tests didn't run all the way throught
  • enable_local_repo
  • modify the code to make it more generic, I only tried this on Centos 6