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Bigtop Docker Sandbox

A tool to build and run big data pseudo cluster using Docker.

How to run

Make sure you have Docker installed. We've tested this using Docker for Mac

Currently supported OS list:

  • centos-6
  • debian-8
  • ubuntu-16.04

Run Hadoop HDFS

docker run -d -p 50070:50070 bigtop/sandbox:centos-6_hdfs

Run Spark on YARN

docker run -d -p 50070:50070 -p 8088:8088 -p 8080:8080 bigtop/sandbox:debian-8_hdfs_yarn_spark

Run Hadoop HDFS + HBase

docker run -d -p 50070:50070 -p 60010:60010 bigtop/sandbox:ubuntu-16.04_hdfs_hbase

How to build

Build a Hadoop HDFS sandbox image

./ -a bigtop -o centos-6 -c hdfs

Build a Hadoop HDFS, Hadoop YARN, and Spark on YARN sandbox image

./ -a bigtop -o debian-8 -c "hdfs, yarn, spark"

Build a Hadoop HDFS and HBase sandbox image

./ -a bigtop -o ubuntu-16.04 -c "hdfs, hbase"

Use --dryrun to skip the build and get Dockerfile and configuration

./ -a bigtop -o ubuntu-16.04 -c "hdfs, hbase" --dryrun

Change the repository of packages

  • Change the repository to Bigtop's nightly centos-6 repo
export REPO=
./ -a bigtop -o centos-6 -c "hdfs, yarn, spark"

Customize your Big Data Stack

  • Edit site.yaml.template.centos-6_hadoop to create your own prefered stack
cp site.yaml.template.centos-6_hadoop site.yaml.template.centos-6_hadoop_hive
vim site.yaml.template.centos-6_hadoop_hive
  • Build
./ -a bigtop -o centos-6 -f site.yaml.template.centos-6_hadoop_hive -t my_hive_stack

Known issues

Fail to start daemons using systemd

Since systemd requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN, currently any OS using systemd can not successfully started up daemons during image build time.

Daemons can be brought up only if --privileged specified using docker run command.