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BigTop VM provisioner


The Vagrantfile definition creates a bigtop virtual hadoop cluster for you, by pulling from existing publishing bigtop repositories. This cluster can be used:

  • to test bigtop smoke tests
  • to test bigtop puppet recipes

Eventually, we may also add ability to build AND provision bigtop in a vagrant recipe, which would essentially give full validation of the BigTop stack.


  1. Install Vagrant(DO NOT install 1.8.5 because of a critical bug)

  2. Install vagrant-hostmanager plugin to manage /etc/hosts

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  1. (Optional) Install vagrant-cachier plugin to cache packages at local
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
  1. To provision a one node Apache Hadoop cluster on top of vagrant boxes
vagrant up
  1. You can specify number of nodes you'd like to provision by modifying num_instances in vagrantconfig.yaml
num_instances: 5
  1. Test on local built packages is available by:

first, build up local yum repo

cd bigtop; ./gradlew alluxio-yum

and then enable local yum in vagrantconfig.yaml

enable_local_repo: true

finally, spin up the cluster

vagrant up

Override Vagrant configurations

You can override vagrant configurations from environment variables:

$ export REPO=
$ vagrant up


$ MEMORY_SIZE=8000 vagrant up

Configure Apache Hadoop ecosystem components

  • Choose the ecosystem you want to be deployed by modifying components in vagrantconfig.yaml
components: "hadoop, hbase, yarn,..."

By default, Apache Hadoop and YARN will be installed. See bigtop-deploy/puppet/hieradata/site.yaml for more details.

Sandbox VM generation

Vagrant is a useful tool for times when you would like to capture the state of the VM and publish it as a sandbox for others to use. We provide a wrapper script for this that works with VirtualBox. Here's how to run it:

./ [temp work dir] [version]

If you don't specify the temp work dir the current directory is going to be used, the version by default is 1.0.

Once the script is done running you will have and vagrant-bigtop-v.ova VM images available to you under the temp work dir.