blob: 60d869c591acaabf6d172a8a135fd5c0a6da2e2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.bigtop.itest.hadoop.odpi
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern
* Check all expected environment
* Tests are constructed dynamically, using external DSL to define
* - test name
* - test type
* - command to execute the test
* - expected pattern of the output
public class TestSpecsRuntime {
private String testName
private String type
private Map arguments
private static ENV = System.getenv()
public static Collection<Object[]> allTests() {
List<Object[]> specs = [];
config.specs.tests.each { test ->
specs.add([, test.value.type, test.value.arguments] as Object[])
return specs
public TestSpecsRuntime (String testName, String type, Map arguments) {
this.testName = testName
this.type = type
this.arguments = arguments
public static final String testsList =['test.resources.dir'] ?:
def final static config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new URL("file:${getTestConfigName()}"))
private static String getTestConfigName() {
return "$testsList/testRuntimeSpecConf.groovy";
private Map getEnvMap(String command) {
def envMap = [:]
Shell sh = new Shell()
def envvars = sh.exec(command).getOut()
if (sh.getRet() == 0) {
envvars.each {
def match = it =~ /(?<variable>[^=]+)='(?<value>[^']+)'$/
if ( match.matches() ) {
envMap['variable')] ='value')
return envMap
private String getEnv(String name, String cmd) {
String value = ENV[name]
if (value == null) {
value = getEnvMap(cmd)[name]
return value
public void testAll() {
switch (type) {
case 'shell':
Shell sh = new Shell()
def output = sh.exec(arguments['command']).getOut().join("\n")
int actualResult = sh.getRet()
int expectedResult = arguments['expectedResult'] ? arguments['expectedResult'] : 0 // use 0 as default success code
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: ${arguments['message']} - '${arguments['command']}' returned ${actualResult} instead of ${expectedResult}",
actualResult == expectedResult)
case 'envdir':
def var = arguments['variable']
def isPathRelative = arguments['relative']
def pathString = getEnv(var, arguments['envcmd'])
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: environment variable ${var} does not exist", pathString != null )
if ( arguments['pattern'] ) {
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: $pathString doesn't contain expected pattern",
pathString ==~ /${arguments['pattern']}/)
def pathFile = new File(pathString)
if ( isPathRelative ) {
Assert.assertFalse("${testName} fail: ${pathString} is not relative", pathFile.isAbsolute() )
} else {
if (!arguments['donotcheckexistance']) {
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: ${pathString} does not exist", pathFile.exists() )
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: ${pathString} is not directory", pathFile.isDirectory() )
case 'dirstruct':
def expectedFiles = []
new File("${testsList}", "${arguments['referenceList']}").eachLine { line ->
expectedFiles << ~line
def baseDirEnv = getEnv(arguments['baseDirEnv'], arguments['envcmd'])
Assert.assertNotNull("${baseDirEnv} has to be set for the test to continue",
def root = new File(baseDirEnv)
def actualFiles = []
def missingFiles = []
if ( ! root.exists() ) {
Assert.assertFail("${testName} fail: ${baseDirEnv} does not exist!");
root.eachFileRecurse(FileType.ANY) { file ->
def relPath = new File( root.toURI().relativize( file.toURI() ).toString() ).path
actualFiles << relPath
expectedFiles.each { wantFile ->
def ok = false
for (def x : actualFiles) {
if (actualFiles =~ wantFile) {
ok = true
if (!ok) {
missingFiles << wantFile
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: Directory structure for ${baseDirEnv} does not match reference. Missing files: ${missingFiles} ",
missingFiles.size() == 0)
case 'dircontent':
def expectedFiles = []
new File("${testsList}", "${arguments['referenceList']}").eachLine { line ->
expectedFiles << ~line
def baseDir = getEnv(arguments['baseDirEnv'], arguments['envcmd'])
def subDir = arguments['subDir']
if (!subDir && arguments['subDirEnv']) {
subDir = getEnv(arguments['subDirEnv'], arguments['envcmd'])
def dir = null
if (subDir) {
dir = new File(baseDir, subDir)
} else {
dir = new File(baseDir)
Assert.assertNotNull("Directory has to be set for the test to continue", dir)
def actualFiles = []
if (dir.exists()) {
dir.eachFile FileType.FILES, { file ->
def relPath = new File( dir.toURI().relativize( file.toURI() ).toString() ).path
actualFiles << relPath
def missingList = []
for (def wantFile : expectedFiles) {
def ok = false
for (def haveFile : actualFiles) {
if (haveFile =~ wantFile) {
ok = true
if (! ok) {
missingList << wantFile
def extraList = []
for (def haveFile : actualFiles) {
def ok = false
for (def wantFile : expectedFiles) {
if (haveFile =~ wantFile) {
ok = true
if (! ok) {
extraList << haveFile
def commonFiles = actualFiles.intersect(expectedFiles)
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: Directory content for ${dir.path} does not match reference. Missing files: ${missingList}. Extra files: ${extraList}",
missingList.size() == 0 && extraList.size() == 0)
case 'hadoop_tools':
def toolsPathStr = getEnv("HADOOP_TOOLS_PATH", "hadoop envvars")
Assert.assertNotNull("${testName} fail: HADOOP_TOOLS_PATH environment variable should be set", toolsPathStr)
def toolsPath = new File(toolsPathStr)
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: HADOOP_TOOLS_PATH must be an absolute path.", toolsPath.isAbsolute())
Shell sh = new Shell()
def classPath = sh.exec("hadoop classpath").getOut().join("\n")
Assert.assertTrue("${testName} fail: Failed to retrieve hadoop's classpath", sh.getRet()==0)
Assert.assertFalse("${testName} fail: The enire '${toolsPath}' path should not be included in the hadoop's classpath",
classPath.split(File.pathSeparator).any {
new File(it).getCanonicalPath() =~ /^${toolsPath}\/?\*/
case 'api_examination':
def basedir = getEnv(arguments['baseDirEnv'], arguments['envcmd'])
def libdir = getEnv(arguments['libDir'], arguments['envcmd'])
def dir = new File(basedir + "/" + libdir)
Assert.assertTrue("Expected " + dir.getPath() + " to be a directory", dir.isDirectory())
def pattern = Pattern.compile(arguments['jar'] + "-[0-9]+.*\\.jar")
def String[] jars = dir.list(new FilenameFilter() {
boolean accept(File d, String name) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(name)
return (matcher.matches() && !name.contains("test"))
Assert.assertEquals("Expected only one jar, but got " + jars.join(", "), 1, jars.length)
def jar = dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + jars[0]
def examinerJar =['bigtop.test.hive.hcat.job.jar']
def resourceFile =['test.resources.dir']+ "/" + arguments['resourceFile']
Shell sh = new Shell()
def results = sh.exec("hadoop jar " + examinerJar + " org.apache.bigtop.itest.hadoop.api.ApiExaminer -c " + resourceFile + " -j " + jar).getErr()
int rc = sh.getRet()
Assert.assertEquals("Expected command to succeed, but got return code " + rc, 0, rc)
if (results.size() > 0) {
System.out.println("Received report for jar " + arguments['jar'] + results.join("\n"))