layout: post title: “Media recap of the Apache Beam graduation” date: 2017-02-01 00:00:01 -0800 excerpt_separator: categories: blog authors:

  • davor

One year ago today Apache Beam was accepted into incubation at the Apache Software Foundation. The community's work over the past year culminated, just over three weeks ago, with an [announcement]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2017/01/10/beam-graduates.html) that Apache Beam has successfully graduated as a new Top-Level Project at the foundation. Graduation sparked an additional interest in the project, from corporate endorsements, news articles, interviews, to the volume of traffic to our website and mailing lists.

Corporate endorsements include Google, PayPal, Talend, data Artisans, and others. You can read more in the following blog posts:

News coverage started with the Apache Software Foundation’s press release in Nasdaq GlobeNewswire, and followed by coverage in many independent outlets. Some of those in English include:

Graduation and media coverage helped push Beam website traffic to record levels. The website traffic, measured in unique sessions per hour, peaked at more than 15 times above the previous week’s numbers. In a steady state, the traffic is several times larger than before graduation.

Hopefully these perspectives entice you to join us on this exciting ride, either as a user or a contributor, as we work towards our first release with API stability. If you’d like to try out Apache Beam today, check out the latest [0.4.0 release]({{ site.baseurl }}/get-started/downloads/). We welcome contribution and participation from anyone through our mailing lists, issue tracker, pull requests, and events.