layout: post title: “The first release of Apache Beam!” date: 2016-06-15 00:00:01 -0700 excerpt_separator: categories: beam release authors:

  • davor

I’m happy to announce that Apache Beam has officially released its first version -- 0.1.0-incubating. This is an exciting milestone for the project, which joined the Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Incubator earlier this year.

This release publishes the first set of Apache Beam binaries and source code, making them readily available for our users. The initial release includes the SDK for Java, along with three runners: Apache Flink, Apache Spark and Google Cloud Dataflow, a fully-managed cloud service. The release is available both in the Maven Central Repository, as well as a download from the [project’s website]({{ site.baseurl }}/get-started/downloads/).

The goal of this release was process-oriented. In particular, the Beam community wanted to release existing functionality to our users, build and validate the release processes, and obtain validation from the Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Incubator.

I’d like to encourage everyone to try out this release. Please keep in mind that this is the first incubating release -- significant changes are to be expected. As we march toward stability, a rapid cadence of future releases is anticipated, perhaps one every 1-2 months.

As always, the Beam community welcomes feedback. Stabilization, usability and the developer experience will be our focus for the next several months. If you have any comments or discover any issues, I’d like to invite you to reach out to us via [user’s mailing list]({{ site.baseurl }}/get-started/support/) or the Apache JIRA issue tracker.