blob: dde4243057dd91e13aabbb7fbc6ae0dee886154c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""A module for caching state reads/writes in Beam applications."""
# pytype: skip-file
# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs
import collections
import gc
import logging
import sys
import threading
import time
import types
import weakref
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
import objsize
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Do not measure shared types
# Do not measure lambdas as they typically share lots of state
# Do not measure weak references as they will be deleted and not counted
class WeightedValue(object):
"""Value type that stores corresponding weight.
:arg value The value to be stored.
:arg weight The associated weight of the value. If unspecified, the objects
size will be used.
def __init__(self, value, weight):
# type: (Any, int) -> None
self._value = value
if weight <= 0:
raise ValueError(
'Expected weight to be > 0 for %s but received %d' % (value, weight))
self._weight = weight
def weight(self):
# type: () -> int
return self._weight
def value(self):
# type: () -> Any
return self._value
class CacheAware(object):
"""Allows cache users to override what objects are measured."""
def __init__(self):
# type: () -> None
def get_referents_for_cache(self):
# type: () -> List[Any]
"""Returns the list of objects accounted during cache measurement."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _safe_isinstance(obj, type):
# type: (Any, Union[type, Tuple[type, ...]]) -> bool
Return whether an object is an instance of a class or of a subclass thereof.
See `isinstance()` for more information.
Returns false on `isinstance()` failure. For example applying `isinstance()`
on `weakref.proxy` objects attempts to dereference the proxy objects, which
may yield an exception. See for
additional details.
return isinstance(obj, type)
except Exception:
return False
def _size_func(obj):
# type: (Any) -> int
Returns the size of the object or a default size if an error occurred during
return sys.getsizeof(obj)
except Exception as e:
current_time = time.time()
# Limit outputting this log so we don't spam the logs on these
# occurrences.
if _size_func.last_log_time + 300 < current_time: # type: ignore
'Failed to size %s of type %s. Note that this may '
'impact cache sizing such that the cache is over '
'utilized which may lead to out of memory errors.',
_size_func.last_log_time = current_time # type: ignore
# Use an arbitrary default size that would account for some of the object
# overhead.
_size_func.last_log_time = 0 # type: ignore
def _get_referents_func(*objs):
# type: (List[Any]) -> List[Any]
"""Returns the list of objects accounted during cache measurement.
Users can inherit CacheAware to override which referents should be
used when measuring the deep size of the object. The default is to
use gc.get_referents(*objs).
rval = []
for obj in objs:
if _safe_isinstance(obj, CacheAware):
rval.extend(obj.get_referents_for_cache()) # type: ignore
return rval
def _filter_func(o):
# type: (Any) -> bool
Filter out specific types from being measured.
Note that we do want to measure the cost of weak references as they will only
stay in scope as long as other code references them and will effectively be
garbage collected as soon as there isn't a strong reference anymore.
Note that we cannot use the default filter function due to isinstance raising
an error on weakref.proxy types. See for additional details.
return not _safe_isinstance(o, _TYPES_TO_NOT_MEASURE)
def get_deep_size(*objs):
# type: (Any) -> int
"""Calculates the deep size of all the arguments in bytes."""
return objsize.get_deep_size(
class _LoadingValue(WeightedValue):
"""Allows concurrent users of the cache to wait for a value to be loaded."""
def __init__(self):
# type: () -> None
super().__init__(None, 1)
self._wait_event = threading.Event()
def load(self, key, loading_fn):
# type: (Any, Callable[[Any], Any]) -> None
self._value = loading_fn(key)
except Exception as err:
self._error = err
def value(self):
# type: () -> Any
err = getattr(self, "_error", None)
if err:
raise err
return self._value
class StateCache(object):
"""LRU cache for Beam state access, scoped by state key and cache_token.
Assumes a bag state implementation.
For a given key, caches a value and allows to
a) peek at the cache (peek),
returns the value for the provided key or None if it doesn't exist.
Will never block.
b) read from the cache (get),
returns the value for the provided key or loads it using the
supplied function. Multiple calls for the same key will block
until the value is loaded.
c) write to the cache (put),
store the provided value overwriting any previous result
d) invalidate a cached element (invalidate)
removes the value from the cache for the provided key
e) invalidate all cached elements (invalidate_all)
The operations on the cache are thread-safe for use by multiple workers.
:arg max_weight The maximum weight of entries to store in the cache in bytes.
def __init__(self, max_weight):
# type: (int) -> None'Creating state cache with size %s', max_weight)
self._max_weight = max_weight
self._current_weight = 0
self._cache = collections.OrderedDict(
) # type: collections.OrderedDict[Any, WeightedValue]
self._hit_count = 0
self._miss_count = 0
self._evict_count = 0
self._load_time_ns = 0
self._load_count = 0
self._lock = threading.RLock()
def peek(self, key):
# type: (Any) -> Any
assert self.is_cache_enabled()
with self._lock:
value = self._cache.get(key, None)
if value is None or _safe_isinstance(value, _LoadingValue):
self._miss_count += 1
return None
self._hit_count += 1
return value.value()
def get(self, key, loading_fn):
# type: (Any, Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Any
assert self.is_cache_enabled() and callable(loading_fn)
value = self._cache.get(key, None)
# Return the already cached value
if value is not None:
self._hit_count += 1
return value.value()
# Load the value since it isn't in the cache.
self._miss_count += 1
loading_value = _LoadingValue()
self._cache[key] = loading_value
self._current_weight += loading_value.weight()
# Ensure that we unlock the lock while loading to allow for parallel gets
start_time_ns = time.time_ns()
loading_value.load(key, loading_fn)
elapsed_time_ns = time.time_ns() - start_time_ns
value = loading_value.value()
except Exception as err:
# If loading failed then delete the value from the cache allowing for
# the next lookup to possibly succeed.
with self._lock:
self._load_count += 1
self._load_time_ns += elapsed_time_ns
# Don't remove values that have already been replaced with a different
# value by a put/invalidate that occurred concurrently with the load.
# The put/invalidate will have been responsible for updating the
# cache weight appropriately already.
old_value = self._cache.get(key, None)
if old_value is not loading_value:
raise err
self._current_weight -= loading_value.weight()
del self._cache[key]
raise err
# Replace the value in the cache with a weighted value now that the
# loading has completed successfully.
weight = get_deep_size(value)
if weight <= 0:
'Expected object size to be >= 0 for %s but received %d.',
weight = 8
value = WeightedValue(value, weight)
with self._lock:
self._load_count += 1
self._load_time_ns += elapsed_time_ns
# Don't replace values that have already been replaced with a different
# value by a put/invalidate that occurred concurrently with the load.
# The put/invalidate will have been responsible for updating the
# cache weight appropriately already.
old_value = self._cache.get(key, None)
if old_value is not loading_value:
return value.value()
self._current_weight -= loading_value.weight()
self._cache[key] = value
self._current_weight += value.weight()
while self._current_weight > self._max_weight:
(_, weighted_value) = self._cache.popitem(last=False)
self._current_weight -= weighted_value.weight()
self._evict_count += 1
return value.value()
def put(self, key, value):
# type: (Any, Any) -> None
assert self.is_cache_enabled()
if not _safe_isinstance(value, WeightedValue):
weight = get_deep_size(value)
if weight <= 0:
'Expected object size to be >= 0 for %s but received %d.',
value = WeightedValue(value, weight)
with self._lock:
old_value = self._cache.pop(key, None)
if old_value is not None:
self._current_weight -= old_value.weight()
self._cache[key] = value
self._current_weight += value.weight()
while self._current_weight > self._max_weight:
(_, weighted_value) = self._cache.popitem(last=False)
self._current_weight -= weighted_value.weight()
self._evict_count += 1
def invalidate(self, key):
# type: (Any) -> None
assert self.is_cache_enabled()
with self._lock:
weighted_value = self._cache.pop(key, None)
if weighted_value is not None:
self._current_weight -= weighted_value.weight()
def invalidate_all(self):
# type: () -> None
with self._lock:
self._current_weight = 0
def describe_stats(self):
# type: () -> str
with self._lock:
request_count = self._hit_count + self._miss_count
if request_count > 0:
hit_ratio = 100.0 * self._hit_count / request_count
hit_ratio = 100.0
return (
'used/max %d/%d MB, hit %.2f%%, lookups %d, '
'avg load time %.0f ns, loads %d, evictions %d') % (
self._current_weight >> 20,
self._max_weight >> 20,
self._load_time_ns /
self._load_count if self._load_count > 0 else 0,
def is_cache_enabled(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self._max_weight > 0
def size(self):
# type: () -> int
with self._lock:
return len(self._cache)