tree: 74443212cd79bf7ec952bd4c9ad83e8e6b64e76b [path history] [tgz]
  1. api_enable/
  2. cloud_functions/
  3. functions_buckets/
  4. setup/
  5. build.gradle.kts

The Tour of Beam deployment on GCP

This guide provides instructions on how to deploy the Tour of Beam environment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Firebase environment. Before starting the deployment, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:


  1. GCP project

  2. GCP User account (Note: You will find the instruction “How to create User account” for your new project)
    Ensure that the account has at least following privileges:

    • Cloud Datastore Owner
    • Create Service Accounts
    • Security Admin
    • Service Account User
    • Service Usage Admin
    • Storage Admin
    • Kubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer
    • Firebase Admin
    • Cloud Functions Admin
  3. Google Cloud Storage bucket for saving deployment state

  4. An OS with the following software installed:

  1. Existing Beam Playground environment

  2. Apache Beam Git repository cloned locally

Prepare deployment configuration:

  1. Navigate to Apache Beam cloned repository's beam/learning/tour-of-beam/terraform directory
cd beam/learning/tour-of-beam/terraform
  1. Configure authentication for the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). (Note: Authentication to the GCP Project required to run gcloud commands)
gcloud init

gcloud auth application-default login
  1. Configure authentication in the GCP Docker registry:
 gcloud auth configure-docker `chosen_region`
  1. And the authentication in GCP Google Kubernetes Engine: (Note: Authentication to docker and GKE required to fetch GRPC router ip:port info)
gcloud container clusters get-credentials --region `chosen_gke_zone` `gke_name` --project `project_id`
  1. Create datastore indexes:
gcloud datastore indexes create ../backend/internal/storage/index.yaml

Deploy the Tour of Beam Backend Infrastructure:

  1. Initialize terraform
terraform init -backend-config="bucket=`created_gcs_bucket`"
  1. Run terraform apply to create Tour-Of-Beam backend infrastructure
terraform plan -var "environment=prod" \
-var "region=us-west1" \
-var "project_id=$(gcloud config get-value project)" \
-var "datastore_namespace=playground-datastore-namespace" \
-var "pg_router_host=$(kubectl get svc -l app=backend-router-grpc -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}:{.items[0].spec.ports[0].port}')"
terraform apply -var "environment=prod" \
-var "region=us-west1" \
-var "project_id=$(gcloud config get-value project)" \
-var "datastore_namespace=playground-datastore-namespace" \
-var "pg_router_host=$(kubectl get svc -l app=backend-router-grpc -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}:{.items[0].spec.ports[0].port}')"


  • environment - Infrastructure environment name
  • region - GCP region for your infrastructure
  • datastore_namespace - Beam Playground Datastore's namespace

Deploy the Tour of Beam Frontend Infrastructure:

  1. Update config.dart configuration file under beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend/lib:

    8.1. Navigate to beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend/lib.

    8.2. Update config.dart file, replacing values in ${ } with your actual values.


  • ${cloudfunctions_region} - region where GCP Cloud Functions have been deployed
  • ${project_id} - GCP project where infrastructure being deployed
  • ${environment} - Infrastructure environment name
  • ${dns_name} - DNS record name reserved for Beam Playground environment
const _cloudFunctionsProjectRegion = '${cloudfunctions_region}';
const _cloudFunctionsProjectId = '${project_id}';
const cloudFunctionsBaseUrl = 'https://'

9. Create file .firebaserc under beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend

   9.1. Navigate to beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend.

   9.2. Create .firebaserc file with the following content.

- **${project_id}** - GCP project where infrastructure being deployed

{ “projects”: { “default”: “${project_id}” } }

10. Login into the Firebase CLI

To use an interactive mode (forwards to a browser webpage)

firebase login

To use non-interactive mode (generates link)

firebase login --no-localhost

11. Create Firebase Project

firebase projects:addfirebase

12. Create Firebase Web App and prepare Firebase configuration file

firebase apps:create WEB ${webapp_name} --project=$(gcloud config get-value project)

Once Firebase Web App has been created, there will be following output example:

Create your WEB app in project cloudbuild-383310: ✔ Creating your Web app

🎉🎉🎉 Your Firebase WEB App is ready! 🎉🎉🎉

App information:

  • Display name: WEBAPP_NAME

You can run this command to print out your new app's Google Services config: firebase apps:sdkconfig WEB WEBAPP_ID

Copy and paste into the terminal last line to get Web App configuration. Output example:

✔ Downloading configuration data of your Firebase WEB app // Copy and paste this into your JavaScript code to initialize the Firebase SDK. // You will also need to load the Firebase SDK. // See for more details.

firebase.initializeApp({ “projectId”: “cloudbuild-384304”, “appId”: “1:1111111111:web:111111111111”, “storageBucket”: “”, “locationId”: “us-west1”, “apiKey”: “someApiKey”, “authDomain”: “”, “messagingSenderId”: “111111111111” });

Copy the lines inside the curly braces and redact them. You will need to: 1) Remove "locationId" line. 2) Remove quotes (") from key of "key": "value" pair. 3) E.g. `projectId: "cloudbuild-384304"` 4) In overall, redacted and ready to be inserted data should be as follows:

projectId: “cloudbuild-384304”, appId: “1:1111111111:web:111111111111”, storageBucket: “”, apiKey: “someApiKey”, authDomain: “”, messagingSenderId: “111111111111”

Paste (replace) the redacted data inside the parentheses in beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend/lib/firebase_options.dart file.

static const FirebaseOptions web = FirebaseOptions(


13. Run flutter and firebase commands to deploy Tour of Beam frontend Navigate to beam/playground/frontend/playground_components and run flutter commands

Go to beam/playground/frontend/playground_components first

flutter pub get flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Navigate to beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend and run flutter commands

Go to beam/learning/tour-of-beam/frontend first

flutter pub get flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs flutter build web --profile --dart-define=Dart2jsOptimization=O0 firebase deploy --project=$(gcloud config get-value project)

# Validate the deployment of the Tour of Beam: 14. Open the Tour of Beam webpage in a web browser (Hosting URL will be provided in terminal output) to ensure that deployment has been successfully completed. Example:

✔ Deploy complete!

Project Console: Hosting URL: