PLEASE update this file if you add new GitHub Action or change name/trigger phrase of a GitHub Action.

About GitHub Actions Runners and Self-hosted Runners

According to GitHub Docs, we can define a GitHub-hosted runner and a self-hosted runner as the following:

  • A GitHub-hosted runner is a new virtual machine (VM) hosted by GitHub with the runner application and other tools preinstalled, and is available with Ubuntu Linux, Windows, or macOS operating systems.
  • A self-hosted runner is a system that you deploy and manage to execute jobs from GitHub Actions on

Apache Beam GitHub Actions

Currently, we have both GitHub-hosted and self-hosted runners for running the GitHub Actions workflows, hosted on Google Cloud Platform(GCP) Virtual Machines and Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE). The majority of our workflows that run in Ubuntu and Windows run in self-hosted runners, except for those that runs on MacOS and the Monitor Self-Hosted Runners Status workflow that monitors our GCP self-hosted runners.

Getting Started with self-hosted runners

  • Refer to this README for the steps for creating your own self-hosted runners for testing your workflows.
  • Depending on your workflow's needs, it must specify the following runs-on tags to run in the specified operating system:
    • Ubuntu 20.04 self-hosted runner: [self-hosted, ubuntu-20.04]
    • Windows Server 2019 self-hosted runner: [self-hosted, windows-server-2019]
    • MacOS GitHub-hosted runner: macos-latest
  • Every workflow that tests the source code, needs to have the workflow trigger pull_request_target instead of pull_request.
  • The workflow must have set read permissions for all the available scopes and jobs: permissions: read-all. It must be set at the top of the jobs directive.
  • For those workflows that have the pull_request_target trigger, in the checkout step must be added a ref to ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v#
        ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
  • If your workflow runs successfully in a GitHub-hosted runner but not in the self-hosted runner, it might need a new installation step.
  - name: Setup Node
    uses: actions/setup-node@v3
      node-version: 16

GitHub Actions Example

name: GitHub Actions Example
    branches: ['master']
permissions: read-all
    runs-on: [self-hosted, ubuntu-20.04]
      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
      - run: echo "This job is now running on a ubuntu server hosted by Apache Beam!"
      - name: Setup Node
          uses: actions/setup-node@v3
            node-version: 16
          - name: Install npm dependencies
            run: npm ci
            working-directory: 'scripts/ci/your-path'
          - name: Run Node.js code
            run: npm run functionName
              VAR_1: my-var
            working-directory: 'scripts/ci/your-path'

IMPORTANT for Committers

  • A detailed review for changes in the workflows is needed due to important security concerns.
  • DO NOT Approve and Run changes in the workflows in the PR Conversation tab, under “Workflow(s) awaiting approval”.
  • For approving the updates in the workflows, you should go to the Repository Actions and filter All Workflows by action_required. The search will display the workflows that need to be reviewed before running. Please make sure reviewing the file that is referenced by the workflow.
  • Seed job will be emulated using the Approve and Run built-in feature of GitHub Actions, since the workflows will use the pull_request_target directive; no modifications would be allowed either for new or existent jobs unless a committer explicitly approves the job from GitHub Actions UI.

Issue Management

Phrases self-assign, close, or manage labels on an issue: | Phrase | Effect | |--------|--------| | .take-issue | Self-assign the issue | | .close-issue | Close the issue as completed | | .close-issue not_planned | Close the issue as not-planned | | .reopen-issue | Reopen a closed issue | | .add-labels | Add comma separated labels to the issue (e.g. add-labels l1, 'l2 with spaces') | | .remove-labels | Remove comma separated labels to the issue (e.g. remove-labels l1, 'l2 with spaces') | | .set-labels | Sets comma separated labels to the issue and removes any other labels (e.g. set-labels l1, 'l2 with spaces') |