layout: section title: ‘Beam YouTube channel’ section_menu: section-menu/community.html permalink: /community/youtube-channel/

Beam YouTube channel

What is it and what are the goals?

The goal of the Beam YouTube channel is have a central repository with all the videos on or related to the Apache Beam project. This can range from very tech-focused talks, to more business- and use case-focused talks; talks delivered at meet ups, conferences or on a webcast.

People who have a recording related to Apache Beam can share this on the channel. The process is documented below.

The YouTube channel found here is owned by the Apache Beam PMC.

Process to add videos to the Apache Beam YouTube channel

When recording a session, make sure you have the following:

  • Get a verbal/written agreement of the people talking, allowing you to record and share the session.
  • Get a verbal/written agreement of the premises where you are filming to record and share the session.
  • Get a verbal/written agreement of the person recording the video that you can share the recording afterwards.
  • Check with local laws if any extra agreements need to be in place to allow to record and share the session.

When you want to add your recording to the channel, do the following:

  • Send an e-mail to []({{ site.baseurl }}/community/contact-us) mailing list with:
    • Subject: “[Youtube channel] Add video: your video title”.
    • The video or link to the video.
    • The above agreements.
    • The description that you want the video to be accompanied with on YouTube.
    • A brief explanation of the contents.

Once at least one committer or PMC members agrees and nobody objects within 1 business day, publish it and close the email thread.