layout: section title: “Contact Us” permalink: /community/contact-us/ section_menu: section-menu/community.html redirect_from:

  • /use/issue-tracking/
  • /use/mailing-lists/
  • /get-started/support/

Contact Us

There are many ways to reach the Beam user and developer communities - use whichever one seems best.

How to contact usWhen to use it
user@ mailing listUser support and questions (Subscribe[^1], Unsubscribe[^1], Archives)
dev@ mailing listDevelopment discussions (Subscribe[^1], Unsubscribe[^1], Archives)
commits@ mailing listFirehose of commits, bugs, pull requests, etc. (Subscribe[^1], Unsubscribe[^1], Archives)
builds@ mailing listFirehose of build notifications from Jenkins (Subscribe[^1], Unsubscribe[^1], Archives)
JIRA bug trackerReport bugs / discover known issues
StackOverflowAsk and answer user support questions
SlackChat with users and developers in the ASF Slack. Note: Please join the #beam channel after you created an account. Please do not ask Beam questions in #general.

If you have questions about how to use Apache Beam, we recommend you try out the user@ mailing list, and StackOverflow.

[^1]: To subscribe or unsubscribe, a blank email is fine.

If you wish to report a security vulnerability, please contact Apache Beam follows the typical Apache vulnerability handling process.