blob: 56daf731d84c56a160331563b3f824846c8fe62e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import common_job_properties
// This is the Java Jenkins job which runs the set of precommit integration tests.
mavenJob('beam_Java_IntegrationTest') {
description('Runs Java Failsafe integration tests. Designed to be run as part of a pipeline.')
// Set standard properties for a job which is part of a pipeline.
common_job_properties.setPipelineJobProperties(delegate, 30, "Java Integration Tests")
// Set standard properties for a job which pulls artifacts from an upstream job.
common_job_properties.setPipelineDownstreamJobProperties(delegate, 'beam_Java_Build')
// Profiles to activate in order to ensure runners are available at test time.
profiles = [
// In the case of the precommit integration tests, we are currently only running the integration
// tests in the examples directory. By directly invoking failsafe with an execution name (which we
// do in order to avoid building artifacts again) we are required to enumerate each execution we
// want to run, something which is feasible in this case.
examples_integration_executions = [
// Arguments to provide Maven.
args = [
"-pl examples/java",
// This adds executions for each of the failsafe invocations listed above to the list of goals.
value -> args.add("failsafe:integration-test@${value}")
goals(args.join(' '))