tree: 16a5951f70bda76fd60e63c73eb6231681ffbd34 [path history] [tgz]
  1. diagrams/
  2. helper-functions/
  3. self-hosted-linux/
  4. self-hosted-windows/

GitHub Actions - Self-hosted Runners

The current GitHub Actions workflows are being tested on multiple operating systems, such as Ubuntu, Windows and MacOS. The way to migrate these runners from GitHub to GCP is by implementing self-hosted runners, so we implemented them in both Ubuntu and Windows environments, going with Google Kubernetes Engine and Google Cloud Compute VMs instances respectively.

On the other hand, we will rely on GitHub-hosted runners for MacOS builds until a straightforward implementation approach comes out.


Ubuntu Self-hosted runners are stored in Artifact Registry and implemented using Google Kubernetes Engine with the following specifications:



  • Number of nodes: 5
  • Cluster Autoscaler: ON
    • Minimum number of nodes: 5
    • Maximum number of nodes: 10


  • Machine Type: e2-custom-6-18432
  • Disk Size: 100 GB
  • CPU: 6 vCPUs
  • Memory : 18 GB


Container 1: gh-actions-runner
  • CPU: 2
  • Memory: 1028 Mi
  • Volumes
    • gcloud-key
    • docker-certs-client
  • Environment variables
    • Container variables
    • Kubernetes secret env variables
      • github-actions-secrets
      • gcloud-key
Container 2: dind
  • Image: docker:20.10.17-dind
  • Volumes
    • dind-storage
    • docker-certs-client
Pod Diagram



  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
    • 5-10 nodes (From Pool Cluster Autoscaler)
    • HorizontalPodAutoscaler
      • Min replicas: 10
      • Max replicas: 20
      • CPU utilization: 70%
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaling
    • updateMode: “Auto”


Windows Virtual machines have the following specifications

VM specifications

  • Instance Template: windows_github_actions_runner
  • Machine Type: n2-standard-2
  • Disk Size: 70 GB
  • Disk Image: disk-image-windows-runner
  • CPU: 2 vCPUs
  • Memory : 8 GB

Instance group settings

  • Region: us-west1 (multizone)
  • Scale-out metric: 70% of CPU Usage.
  • Cooldown period: 300s


At first glance we considered implementing Windows runners using K8s, however this was not optimal because of the following reasons:

  • VS Build tools are required for certain workflows, unfortunately official images that support this dependency are huge in size, reaching 20GB easily which is not an ideal case for k8S management.
  • Windows Subsystem For Linux(WSL) is a feature that allows to execute bash scripts inside Windows which removes tech debt by avoiding writing steps in powershell, but this feature is disabled with payload removed in Windows containers.

Self-Hosted Runners Architecture


GitHub Actions Workflow - Monitor Self-hosted Runners

In order to monitor the Self-hosted Runners status, we have implemented a separate GitHub Actions workflow using GitHub-hosted runners, this workflow periodically calls a Cloud Function that serves data regarding the number of active and offline runners. In case of failure this workflow will send an email alert to the dev distribution email

The Cloud Function uses the endpoints provided by the installed GitHub App to retrieve information about the runners.

Cronjob - Delete Unused Self-hosted Runners

Depending on the termination event, sometimes the removal script for offline runners is not triggered correctly from inside the VMs or K8s pod, because of that an additional pipeline was created in order to clean up the list of GitHub runners in the group.

This was implemented using a GCP Cloud Function [code] subscribed to a Pub/Sub topic, the topic is triggered through a Cloud Scheduler that is executed once per day, the function consumes a GitHub API to delete offline self-hosted runners from the organization retrieving the token with its service account to secrets manager.

Delete Offline Self-hosted Runners