
This lesson introduces the concept of windowed PCollection elements. A window is a view into a fixed beginning and fixed end to a set of data. In the beam model, windowing subdivides a PCollection according to the timestamps of its individual elements. An element can be a part of one or more windows.

A DoFn can request timestamp and windowing information about the element it is processing. All the previous lessons had this information available as well. This lesson makes use of these parameters. The simple dataset has five git commit messages and their timestamps from the Apache Beam public repository. Timestamps have been applied to this PCollection input according to the date and time of these messages.

Kata: This lesson challenges you to apply an hourly fixed window to a PCollection. You are then to apply a ParDo to that hourly fixed windowed PCollection to produce a PCollection of a Commit struct. The Commit struct is provided for you. You are encouraged to run the pipeline at cmd/main.go of this task to visualize the windowing and timestamps.

func doFn(iw beam.Window, et beam.EventTime, element X) Y {
    // do something with iw, et and element to return Y