type: languages title: “Differences from pandas”

Differences from pandas

The Apache Beam DataFrame API aims to be a drop-in replacement for pandas, but there are a few differences to be aware of. This page describes divergences between the Beam and pandas APIs and provides tips for working with the Beam DataFrame API.

Working with pandas sources

Beam operations are always associated with a pipeline. To read source data into a Beam DataFrame, you have to apply the source to a pipeline object. For example, to read input from a CSV file, you could use [read_csv](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.dataframe.io.html#apache_beam.dataframe.io.read_csv) as follows:

df = p | beam.dataframe.io.read_csv(...)

This is similar to pandas read_csv, but df is a deferred Beam DataFrame representing the contents of the file. The input filename can be any file pattern understood by [fileio.MatchFiles](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.io.fileio.html#apache_beam.io.fileio.MatchFiles).

For an example of using sources and sinks with the DataFrame API, see taxiride.py.

Classes of unsupported operations

The sections below describe classes of operations that are not supported, or not yet supported, by the Beam DataFrame API. Workarounds are suggested, where applicable.

Non-parallelizable operations

To support distributed processing, Beam invokes DataFrame operations on subsets of data in parallel. Some DataFrame operations can’t be parallelized, and these operations raise a [NonParallelOperation](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.dataframe.expressions.html#apache_beam.dataframe.expressions.NonParallelOperation) error by default.


If you want to use a non-parallelizable operation, you can guard it with a beam.dataframe.allow_non_parallel_operations block. For example:

from apache_beam import dataframe

with dataframe.allow_non_parallel_operations():
  quantiles = df.quantile()

Note that this collects the entire input dataset on a single node, so there’s a risk of running out of memory. You should only use this workaround if you’re sure that the input is small enough to process on a single worker.

Operations that produce non-deferred columns

Beam DataFrame operations are deferred, but the schemas of the resulting DataFrames are not, meaning that result columns must be computable without access to the data. Some DataFrame operations can’t support this usage, so they can’t be implemented. These operations raise a [WontImplementError](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.dataframe.frame_base.html#apache_beam.dataframe.frame_base.WontImplementError).

Currently there’s no workaround for this issue. But in the future, Beam Dataframe may support non-deferred column operations on categorical columns. This work is being tracked in BEAM-12169.

Operations that produce non-deferred values or plots

Because Beam operations are deferred, it’s infeasible to implement DataFrame APIs that produce non-deferred values or plots. If invoked, these operations raise a [WontImplementError](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.dataframe.frame_base.html#apache_beam.dataframe.frame_base.WontImplementError).


If you’re using [Interactive Beam](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_beam.html), you can use collect to bring a dataset into local memory and then perform these operations.

Order-sensitive operations

Beam PCollections are inherently unordered, so pandas operations that are sensitive to the ordering of rows are not supported. These operations raise a [WontImplementError](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.dataframe.frame_base.html#apache_beam.dataframe.frame_base.WontImplementError).

Order-sensitive operations may be supported in the future. To track progress on this issue, follow BEAM-12129. If you think we should prioritize this work you can also contact us to let us know.


If you’re using [Interactive Beam](https://beam.apache.org/releases/pydoc/{{< param release_latest >}}/apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_beam.html), you can use collect to bring a dataset into local memory and then perform these operations.

Alternatively, there may be ways to rewrite your code so that it’s not order sensitive. For example, pandas users often call the order-sensitive head operation to peek at data, but if you just want to view a subset of elements, you can also use sample, which doesn’t require you to collect the data first. Similarly, you could use nlargest instead of sort_values(...).head.

Operations that produce deferred scalars

Some DataFrame operations produce deferred scalars. In Beam, actual computation of the values is deferred, and so the values are not available for control flow. For example, you can compute a sum with Series.sum, but you can’t immediately branch on the result, because the result data is not immediately available. Series.is_unique is a similar example. Using a deferred scalar for branching logic or truth tests raises a TypeError.

Operations that aren’t implemented yet

The Beam DataFrame API implements many of the commonly used pandas DataFrame operations, and we’re actively working to support the remaining operations. But pandas has a large API, and there are still gaps (BEAM-9547). If you invoke an operation that hasn’t been implemented yet, it will raise a NotImplementedError. Please let us know if you encounter a missing operation that you think should be prioritized.

Using Interactive Beam to access the full pandas API

Interactive Beam is a module designed for use in interactive notebooks. The module, which by convention is imported as ib, provides an ib.collect function that brings a PCollection or deferred DataFrame into local memory as a pandas DataFrame. After using ib.collect to materialize a deferred DataFrame you will be able to perform any operation in the pandas API, not just those that are supported in Beam.

{{< button-colab url=“https://colab.research.google.com/github/apache/beam/blob/master/examples/notebooks/tour-of-beam/dataframes.ipynb” >}}

To get started with Beam in a notebook, see Try Apache Beam.