layout: section title: “CoGroupByKey” permalink: /documentation/transforms/java/aggregation/cogroupbykey/ section_menu: section-menu/documentation.html


See more information in the [Beam Programming Guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#cogroupbykey).


Example: Say you have two different files with user data; one file has names and email addresses and the other file has names and phone numbers.

You can join those two data sets, using the username as a common key and the other data as the associated values. After the join, you have one data set that contains all of the information (email addresses and phone numbers) associated with each name.

PCollection<KV<UID, Integer>> pt1 = /* ... */;
PCollection<KV<UID, String>> pt2 = /* ... */;

final TupleTag<Integer> t1 = new TupleTag<>();
final TupleTag<String> t2 = new TupleTag<>();
PCollection<KV<UID, CoGBKResult>> result =
  KeyedPCollectionTuple.of(t1, pt1).and(t2, pt2)
result.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<K, CoGbkResult>, /* some result */>() {
  public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
    KV<K, CoGbkResult> e = c.element();
    CoGbkResult result = e.getValue();
    // Retrieve all integers associated with this key from pt1
    Iterable<Integer> allIntegers = result.getAll(t1);
    // Retrieve the string associated with this key from pt2.
    // Note: This will fail if multiple values had the same key in pt2.
    String string = e.getOnly(t2);

Related transforms

  • [GroupByKey]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/transforms/java/aggregation/groupbykey) takes one input collection.