layout: section title: “Beam SQL extensions: SET and RESET Statement” section_menu: section-menu/sdks.html permalink: /documentation/dsls/sql/extensions/set/ redirect_from: /documentation/dsls/sql/set/

Beam SQL extensions: SET and RESET Pipeline Options

Beam SQL's SET and RESET statements allow the user to [configure Pipeline Options]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#configuring-pipeline-options) via the SQL shell. These are the same Pipeline Options passed to other Beam applications on the command line in the --<option>=<value> format.


SET option = value

The SET command sets a Pipeline Option.

  • option: The case sensitive name of the Pipeline Option, specified as an [Identifier]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/dsls/sql/calcite/lexical/#identifiers).
  • value: The case sensitive value of the Pipeline Option, specified as an [Identifier]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/dsls/sql/calcite/lexical/#identifiers). For flag options that have no value on the command line, use true.
RESET option

The RESET command resets a Pipeline Option to its default value.

  • option: The case sensitive name of the Pipeline Option, specified as an [Identifier]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/dsls/sql/calcite/lexical#identifiers).

Common Options

  • SET project = `my_gcp_project` : Sets the default GCP project tomy_gcp_project.
  • SET runner = DataflowRunner: Sets the pipeline to run on Dataflow.