layout: section title: “Beam Calcite SQL scalar functions” section_menu: section-menu/sdks.html permalink: /documentation/dsls/sql/calcite/scalar-functions/ redirect_from: /documentation/dsls/sql/scalar-functions/

Beam Calcite SQL scalar functions

This page documents the Apache Calcite functions supported by Beam Calcite SQL.

Comparison functions and operators

Operator syntaxDescription
value1 = value2Equals
value1 <> value2Not equal
value1 > value2Greater than
value1 >= value2Greater than or equal
value1 < value2Less than
value1 <= value2Less than or equal
value IS NULLWhether value is null
value IS NOT NULLWhether value is not null

Logical functions and operators

Operator syntaxDescription
boolean1 OR boolean2Whether boolean1 is TRUE or boolean2 is TRUE
boolean1 AND boolean2Whether boolean1 and boolean2 are both TRUE
NOT booleanWhether boolean is not TRUE; returns UNKNOWN if boolean is UNKNOWN

Arithmetic expressions

Operator syntaxDescription
numeric1 + numeric2Returns numeric1 plus numeric2
numeric1 - numeric2Returns numeric1 minus numeric2
numeric1 * numeric2Returns numeric1 multiplied by numeric2
numeric1 / numeric2Returns numeric1 divided by numeric2
MOD(numeric, numeric)Returns the remainder (modulus) of numeric1 divided by numeric2. The result is negative only if numeric1 is negative

Math functions

Operator syntaxDescription
ABS(numeric)Returns the absolute value of numeric
SQRT(numeric)Returns the square root of numeric
LN(numeric)Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of numeric
LOG10(numeric)Returns the base 10 logarithm of numeric
EXP(numeric)Returns e raised to the power of numeric
ACOS(numeric)Returns the arc cosine of numeric
ASIN(numeric)Returns the arc sine of numeric
ATAN(numeric)Returns the arc tangent of numeric
COT(numeric)Returns the cotangent of numeric
DEGREES(numeric)Converts numeric from radians to degrees
RADIANS(numeric)Converts numeric from degrees to radians
SIGN(numeric)Returns the signum of numeric
SIN(numeric)Returns the sine of numeric
TAN(numeric)Returns the tangent of numeric
ROUND(numeric1, numeric2)Rounds numeric1 to numeric2 places right to the decimal point

Date functions

Operator syntaxDescription
LOCALTIMEReturns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIME
LOCALTIME(precision)Returns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIME, with precision digits of precision
LOCALTIMESTAMPReturns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP
LOCALTIMESTAMP(precision)Returns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP, with precision digits of precision
CURRENT_TIMEReturns the current time in the session time zone, in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
CURRENT_DATEReturns the current date in the session time zone, in a value of datatype DATE
CURRENT_TIMESTAMPReturns the current date and time in the session time zone, in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
EXTRACT(timeUnit FROM datetime)Extracts and returns the value of a specified datetime field from a datetime value expression
FLOOR(datetime TO timeUnit)Rounds datetime down to timeUnit
CEIL(datetime TO timeUnit)Rounds datetime up to timeUnit
YEAR(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date). Returns an integer.
QUARTER(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM date). Returns an integer between 1 and 4.
MONTH(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date). Returns an integer between 1 and 12.
WEEK(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date). Returns an integer between 1 and 53.
DAYOFYEAR(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(DOY FROM date). Returns an integer between 1 and 366.
DAYOFMONTH(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(DAY FROM date). Returns an integer between 1 and 31.
DAYOFWEEK(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(DOW FROM date). Returns an integer between 1 and 7.
HOUR(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(HOUR FROM date). Returns an integer between 0 and 23.
MINUTE(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM date). Returns an integer between 0 and 59.
SECOND(date)Equivalent to EXTRACT(SECOND FROM date). Returns an integer between 0 and 59.

String functions

Operator syntaxDescription
string || stringConcatenates two character strings
CHAR_LENGTH(string)Returns the number of characters in a character string
UPPER(string)Returns a character string converted to upper case
LOWER(string)Returns a character string converted to lower case
POSITION(string1 IN string2)Returns the position of the first occurrence of string1 in string2
POSITION(string1 IN string2 FROM integer)Returns the position of the first occurrence of string1 in string2 starting at a given point (not standard SQL)
TRIM( { BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING } string1 FROM string2)Removes the longest string containing only the characters in string1 from the start/end/both ends of string1
OVERLAY(string1 PLACING string2 FROM integer [ FOR integer2 ])Replaces a substring of string1 with string2
SUBSTRING(string FROM integer)Returns a substring of a character string starting at a given point
SUBSTRING(string FROM integer FOR integer)Returns a substring of a character string starting at a given point with a given length
INITCAP(string)Returns string with the first letter of each word converter to upper case and the rest to lower case. Words are sequences of alphanumeric characters separated by non-alphanumeric characters.

Conditional functions

Operator syntaxDescription
CASE value
WHEN value1 [, value11 ]* THEN result1
[ WHEN valueN [, valueN1 ]* THEN resultN ]*
[ ELSE resultZ ]
Simple case
WHEN condition1 THEN result1
[ WHEN conditionN THEN resultN ]*
[ ELSE resultZ ]
Searched case
NULLIF(value, value)Returns NULL if the values are the same. For example, NULLIF(5, 5) returns NULL; NULLIF(5, 0) returns 5.
COALESCE(value, value [, value ]*)Provides a value if the first value is null. For example, COALESCE(NULL, 5) returns 5.