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Beam Calcite SQL lexical structure

A Beam Calcite SQL statements are comprised of a series of tokens. Tokens include identifiers, quoted identifiers, literals, keywords, operators, and special characters. Tokens can be separated by whitespace (space, backspace, tab, newline) or comments.


Identifiers are names that are associated with columns, tables, and other database objects.

Identifiers must begin with a letter or an underscore. Subsequent characters can be letters, numbers, or underscores. Quoted identifiers are identifiers enclosed by backtick (`) characters and can contain any character, such as spaces or symbols. However, quoted identifiers cannot be empty. Reserved Keywords can only be used as identifiers if enclosed by backticks.

Syntax (defined here as a regular expression):




Invalid examples:


5Customers begins with a number, not a letter or underscore. _dataField! contains the special character “!” which is not a letter, number, or underscore. GROUP is a reserved keyword, and therefore cannot be used as an identifier without being enclosed by backtick characters.

Both identifiers and quoted identifiers are case insensitive, with some nuances. See Case Sensitivity for further details.

Quoted identifiers have the same escape sequences as string literals, defined below.


A literal represents a constant value of a built-in data type. Some, but not all, data types can be expressed as literals.

String Literals

Both string and bytes literals must be quoted with single (') quotation mark.

Quoted literals:

Integer Literals

Integer literals are either a sequence of decimal digits (0 through 9). Integers can be prefixed by “+” or “-” to represent positive and negative values, respectively.



An integer literal is interpreted as an BIGINT.

Floating Point Literals

Syntax options:


DIGITS represents one or more decimal numbers (0 through 9) and e represents the exponent marker (e or E).



Numeric literals that contain either a decimal point or an exponent marker are presumed to be type double.

Implicit coercion of floating point literals to float type is possible if the value is within the valid float range.

There is no literal representation of NaN or infinity.

Array Literals

Array literals are a comma-separated lists of elements enclosed in square brackets prefixed with the ARRAY keyword.


ARRAY[1, 2, 3]
ARRAY['x', 'y', 'xy']

Struct Literals


(elem[, elem...])

where elem is an element in the struct. elem must be a literal data type, not an expression or column name.

The output type is an anonymous struct type (structs are not named types) with anonymous fields with types matching the types of the input expressions.

Date Literals



Date literals contain the DATE keyword followed by a string literal that conforms to the canonical date format, enclosed in single quotation marks. Date literals support a range between the years 1 and 9999, inclusive. Dates outside of this range are invalid.

For example, the following date literal represents September 27, 2014:

DATE '2014-09-27'

String literals in canonical date format also implicitly coerce to DATE type when used where a DATE-type expression is expected. For example, in the query

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE date_col = "2014-09-27"

the string literal "2014-09-27" will be coerced to a date literal.

Time Literals



TIME literals contain the TIME keyword and a string literal that conforms to the canonical time format, enclosed in single quotation marks.

For example, the following time represents 12:30 p.m.:

TIME '12:30:00.45'

Timestamp literals



Timestamp literals contain the TIMESTAMP keyword and a string literal that conforms to the canonical timestamp format, enclosed in single quotation marks.

Timestamp literals support a range between the years 1 and 9999, inclusive. Timestamps outside of this range are invalid.

For example, the following timestamp represents 12:30 p.m. on September 27, 2014:

TIMESTAMP '2014-09-27 12:30:00.45'

Case Sensitivity

Beam SQL follows these rules for case sensitivity:

Reserved Keywords

Keywords are a group of tokens that have special meaning in the Beam SQL language, and have the following characteristics:

  • Keywords cannot be used as identifiers unless enclosed by backtick (`) characters.
  • Keywords are case insensitive.

Beam SQL has the following reserved keywords.

Terminating Semicolons

Statements can optionally use a terminating semicolon (;) in the context of a query string submitted through an Application Programming Interface (API). Some interactive tools require statements to have a terminating semicolon. In a request containing multiple statements, statements must be separated by semicolons, but the semicolon is optional for the final statement.


Comments are sequences of characters that are ignored by the parser. Beam SQL supports the following types of comments.

Single line comments

Single line comments are supported by prepending -- before the comment.


SELECT x FROM T; --x is a field and T is a table

Comment includes all characters from the ‘--’ sequence to the end of the line. You can optionally add a space after the ‘--’.

Multiline comments

Multiline comments are supported by enclosing the comment using /* <comment> */.


SELECT x FROM T /* x is a field and T is a table */
WHERE x = 3;

Invalid example:

SELECT x FROM T /* comment starts here
                /* comment ends on this line */
                this line is not considered a comment */
WHERE x = 3;

Comment includes all characters, including newlines, enclosed by the first occurrence of ‘/*’ and the first subsequent occurrence of ‘*/’. Nested comments are not supported. The second example contains a nested comment that renders the query invalid.

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